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发布时间: 2020-12-18 05:08:56

1. 写一篇介绍台湾的短文,英语







Taiwan lies in the east of Asiafacing the pacific Ocean. North of it lies East China Sea and southwest of it lies the South Sea. The Taiwan Straits separates Taiwan from Fujian. Taiwan is the largest island in China. It has an area of about 36 000 square kilometers with a population of over 20 ,000,000. It is rich in natural resources.Bananas, rice, tea and so on are famous all over the world. Its scenery is so beautiful and its climate is so pleasant that travelers all over the world come for a visit.
Taiwan has been part of China since ancient times. Most people of the island came from Fujian and Guangdong. All the people on both sides of the straits have a strong wish to unite our motherland.

2. 介绍台湾的英语作文要求:气候,地理位置,特色菜品,著名景点.有意义的旅行物品

Taiwan province is an important part of China.(台湾省是中国国土重要的一部分) It lies in the south of China.(它位于中国的南部) The weather there is warm and wet.(那的天气是温暖而又湿润的)So many plants grow very well.(所以那的植物长得很好) The fruit there are really delicious,like bananas、oranges,and so on(那的水果例如香焦,橙子等真得很美味) Taiwan also has many beautiful places.(台湾还有许多美丽的地方) And, lots of people visit there. (很多人都去那儿参观)Taiwan is a rich place.(台湾是个富饶的地方) China is getting stronger and stronger. (中国正在越来越强大)All the people hope Taiwan can come back quickly.(所有的人都希望台湾能尽快回归) I’m sure Taiwan will come back in the future.(我确信在不久的将来台湾会回到祖国的怀抱)

3. 描写台湾景点的英语作文水平不要太高,字数在60左右

Hi ! Taiwan is my hometown, let me give you a brief explanation about Taiwan!
___Taiwan is made up of 64 islands and 21 other smaller islands. It lies in the southeast of Asia and sits astride the Tropic of Cancer.
Taiwan is known for its eminent mountain features that span from the north to the south of the island. Lush green mountains occupy up to the edge of the cerulean Pacific Ocean on the east coast, while the west coast features large coastal plains, which oblique downwardly to the Taiwan Strait.
.Taiwan's weather is distinct in both the north and south. While the south enjoys a tropical, oceanic climate, the north is semi-tropical at mountain altitudes, with a touch of snow. Summer is usually hot and humid and winter is normally short and mild.
The best times to visit Taiwan would be ring spring (April and May) and fall (October and November). The weather is mostly clear; the nights are cool and days are moderate. It is an ideal condition for traveling or hiking around.

4. 一篇介绍台湾的英语作文

There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is part of China. The Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government of China.
I know a lot of taiwan
The island proces abundant food crops, although in recent years agricultural proction has decreased e to rising costs and increased competition. Rice is the chief crop, followed by wheat, sugarcane, sweet potatoes, vegetables, fruits, and tea.
Taiwan's national government is based on the constitution of 1947 (amended in 1992, 1994, and 1997), which was drawn up to govern the whole of China; when the Nationalist government moved to Taiwan in 1949, most countries still recognized it as the government of all China, and it has continued to assert that claim, regarding Taiwan itself as only a province

Early History through World War II
Nowadays I realize the serious situation. Some people are attempting to split China. These actions are wrong and should be punished. I also believe. With the head of "one country two systems", as long as we strengthen exchange in the future there will be an agreement. On this matter of national reunification

The origins of Taiwan's Austronesian aborigines are a matter of debate. Some believe that these early inhabitants migrated from the Malay Archipelago, while others assert that they came from what is now SE China.

5. 写一篇关于台湾岛游记的英语作文,80词左右,

I went to Taiwan on vacation Summer comes , and the weather has become irritating. My big sister suggested going to Taiwan for a good relax. I thought about it for a while and agreed. Taiwan is really a good place, where palm trees are abundant. We went to a park where we enjoyed cool palm drinks. We also went to visit the monkey island. The monkeys were really cute to look at.
After we came back from the travel, we found that our bodies have become stronger and healthier than before. My sister told me that she planned to travel again next year.We really enjoyed this trip. We were very happy!


6. 关于台湾介绍60次左右的英语作文及中文翻译

一个半世纪前问世于欧洲的世博会,现已成为了 展示国家和社会成就的大舞台。21世纪的今天,有着千年古国称号的中 国现已成为了国际展览局的“成员”。这,必将在世博会的史页上留下浓墨重彩的一页。

7. 求一篇英语作文,介绍台湾的

Taiwan is located in Eastern Asia, with its islands bordering the East China Sea, Philippine Sea, South China Sea, and Taiwan Strait, north of the Philippines, off the southeastern coast of China. It has an area land of 35,980 sq km.
It has a subtropical climate with moderate temperatures in the north, where there is a winter season. In the southern areas, where temperatures are slightly higher, people can enjoy sunshine every day, and there is no winter season. The typhoon season is from June to October.
Its provincial capital city is Taipei. The other important and big cities are Gaoxiong and Jilong.
It has a total population of 22,191,087 people, including some ethnic groups. There are Han 98% and Gaoshan 0.3 million in Taiwan.

8. 求一篇关于介绍台湾的英语作文,包括景点,美食,地理位置,文化,

Taiwan is the biggest island in China with the acreage of
36000 square kilometers and a great population of over 20
million. Taiwan is also a resourceful place.
The island of Taiwan offers sunny beaches, richly forested mountains, sleepy countrysides.Temples and monuments of both Chinese and Japanese heritage mix withmhigh-rises in cities that keep going until dawn. Dazzling festivals,luxuriant hotsprings, delectable dining - they all lie in store.
Taiwan's diverse topography and culture, and its vibrant commercial environment, make it a choice destination for traveller and businevisitor alike.
Hi ! Taiwan is my hometown, let me give you a brief explanation about Taiwan!
___About TaiwanTaiwan is made up of 64 islands and 21 other smaller islands. It lies in the southeast of Asia and sits astride the Tropic of Cancer.
Taiwan is known for its eminent mountain features that span from the north to the south of the island. Lush green mountains occupy up to the edge of the cerulean Pacific Ocean on the east coast, while the west coast features large coastal plains, which oblique downwardly to the Taiwan Strait.
.Taiwan's weather is distinct in both the north and south. While the south enjoys a tropical, oceanic climate, the north is semi-tropical at mountain altitudes, with a touch of snow. Summer is usually hot and humid and winter is normally short and mild.
The best times to visit Taiwan would be ring spring (April and May) and fall (October and November). The weather is mostly clear; the nights are cool and days are moderate. It is an ideal condition for traveling or hiking around.

9. 介绍台湾风景的英语作文

Taiwan is located in Eastern Asia, with its islands bordering the East China Sea, Philippine Sea, South China Sea, and Taiwan Strait, north of the Philippines, off the southeastern coast of China. It has an area land of 35,980 sq km.
It has a subtropical climate with moderate temperatures in the north, where there is a winter season. In the southern areas, where temperatures are slightly higher, people can enjoy sunshine every day, and there is no winter season. The typhoon season is from June to October.
Its provincial capital city is Taipei. The other important and big cities are Gaoxiong and Jilong.
It has a total population of 22,191,087 people, including some ethnic groups. There are Han 98% and Gaoshan 0.3 million in Taiwan. The victory proces the fragrant burnt paddy rice tea to be renowned at home and abroad。The fine scenery, the pleasant weather, the world tourist keeps coming in a steady stream。Taiwan belonged to China since old times, on the island mostly the inhabitant comes from Fujian and the Guandong.翻译:台湾位于亚洲东部,其毗邻东部中国海,菲律宾海,南中国海岛,和台湾海峡,菲律宾以北,脱离了中国东南沿海。它有一个35980平方公里的土地。

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