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发布时间: 2021-03-01 01:11:31

⑴ 本人打算5月份去巴厘岛度蜜月,计划自由行希望去过巴厘岛的朋友能详细的给分旅行酒店和行程的攻略

第一天:香港机场~巴厘岛(航班参考:鹰航GA857 1545-2035)

早餐﹕自理 午餐﹕自理 晚餐﹕自理 住宿:国际五星酒店
温馨提示: 巴厘岛入境卡跟离境卡是连在一起的,入境的时候,海关人员会收下入境部分,将出境部分退还给您,请您妥善保 管好出境卡,于离境时交还海关,如有遗失,需由导游协助重新办理,并需支付相应小费。

第二天:兰湾-海龟岛(约2小时)~ 乌努瓦度情人崖~拉古娜喜来登酒店海景下午茶(约1小时)~ 五星酒店自助晚餐

早餐﹕酒店自助餐 午餐﹕168活虾火锅餐 晚餐﹕五星酒店自助餐 住宿:国际五星酒店
南湾位于巴厘岛最南端,是努萨杜瓦区潜水和水上活动的主要区域。可供游客大玩特玩的水上活动种类之多,可称世界之冠。包括全世界最新颖的“飞鱼”Fly Fish、“火箭”Rocket,和“拖曳伞”、“水上摩托车”、“香蕉船”、“独木舟”、“滑水”、“舢舨”和“帆船”等活动,可谓一应俱全。还可以乘船出海,观赏海景。

第三天:海神庙(约1小时)~库塔海滩+洋人街(约2小时)~ 168 活虾餐~蓝点悬崖海景下午茶(约1小时)~金巴兰海滩~水果SPA(2小时)

早餐﹕酒店自助餐 午餐﹕黑胡椒螃蟹餐 晚餐﹕金巴兰海滩龙虾海鲜烧烤套餐 住宿:独栋高端泳池别墅
水果SPAThe Semara Ratih A Rejuvenating Fruit Delight-120 minute
金巴兰海滩(Jimbaran Beach)是整个巴厘岛最令人感到亲切的一片海滩。原来这里还是一个小小的渔村,居住着岛上最为纯朴的村民。自从漂亮的饭店盖起来之后,一下子吸引了大批喜欢自然的欧洲人过来度假。难能可贵的是,这些商业行为并没有泯灭小渔村的原本风貌,村民们反而用他们特有的热情和朴实使得整个海滩极具亲和力。抵达后导游带领前往皇宫门口,请自行参观拍照。

第四天: 全天自由活动(不含车.不含餐.不含导游)
早餐﹕酒店自助餐 午餐﹕自理 晚餐﹕自理 住宿:独栋高端泳池别墅

第五天:巴厘岛~香港国际机场散团 (航班参考:鹰航GA856 1000-1445)
早餐﹕酒店自助餐 午餐﹕自理 晚餐﹕自理 住宿:温暖甜蜜的家

★巴厘岛 2晚 国际五星海边度假酒店
PAN PACIFIC (泛太平洋酒店) 网址:http://www.panpacific.com/en/Bali/Overview.html
NUSA DUA BEACH(努萨杜亚海滩酒店 ) 网址:http://www.nusaahotel.com/
AYODOY RESORT(阿优达 前希尔顿酒店) 网址:www.ayodyaresortbali.com
MELIA BALI (美丽雅巴厘酒店) 网址:wwww.meliabali.com/index.php
★巴厘岛 2晚独栋泳池别墅
CHATEAU DE BALI (法国城堡别墅) 网址:http://www.chateaudebali.com/chateau-comfort-stay.html#translate-zh-CN
DREAMLAND (梦幻别墅) 网址:www.dreamland-villa.com
OCEAN BLUE(蓝海别墅) 网址:http://www.oceanbluehotelbali.com/Bali Royal Suites Hotel

4.全程单房差(报名时咨询为准),如游客在印尼旅游离团活动,每天收取人民币500元/人 违约金 ;

温馨提示 祝您愉快
8.孕妇(不论怀孕几周)、高龄老人(65岁以上)不建议 参团,如客人坚持参团,请按照医嘱自行决定身体情况是否适合参团。并请签订免责声明后方可报名;

⑵ 巴厘岛有特产比较好的有什么可以带的手信

中部哲鲁(Celuk)是巴厘岛的产银大镇,这里有大大小小的工厂从事制银工作,全程手工制作并开放参观,只是银饰款式较为传统。如果想要买较为时尚精致的,可以到乌布的Studio Perak看看,这里的银饰也是手工制作,款式个性化并结合民族风和流行元素。乌布的Asterisk,Toko Bead和沙努的Sayang的银饰则具有日式风格,款式较为秀气。
乌布的Kou Cuisine卖手工果酱和盐,前者有芒果、百香果桔橙、草莓香蕉、苹果肉桂、葡萄蔓越莓、凤梨番石榴、奶油焦糖等口味,后者则分原味和加了药草的海盐,产品天然纯净,可试吃。
在巴厘岛的街头小店经常可以买到芳香、芳疗和沐浴、SPA用品,如精油、烛台、线香、薰香、香皂、浴盐……选择很多,有些还包装成套,方便送人。如果想买更为精致的产品,乌布有家日本人开的有机香皂店KOU Organic Soap,香阜包装成糖果状或是做成礼物袋,令人爱不释手。
珍嘎拉陶艺中心(Jenggala Keramik)生产的陶瓷质地细致、样式简单,不但在印度尼西亚当地有名,在国际上也很受欢迎。总店设在金巴兰,在沙努则有瑕疵品店Gudang Keramik,价格较便宜。
巴厘岛盛产椰子树,从椰子中提炼出来的椰子油,不但可以食用,也是天然的美容保养圣品,在各大超市或沙努的椰子工坊(Griya Kelapa)可以买到相关产品。
棕榈画这项来自顿甘纳(Tenganan)的古老工艺,是用尖刀在Lontar棕榈叶上细刻出图案,然后以熏黑的夏威夷豆涂抹上色,让图案渗进深棕色。常见的有以印度故事《罗摩衍那》 (Ramayana)为主题的棕榈画,你也可以要求定做,请师傅在上面写字或作画,制作成卡片送人。
巴厘岛咖啡有“黄金咖啡”的美誉,喝起来味道不酸不湿、较为甘苦,咖啡因低,适合中国人口味。Kopi Bali和金兔黄金咖啡(Golden Rabbit Coffee)是当地两大品牌,可至工厂或店面选购,前者在超市也有销售。

⑶ 巴厘岛酒店参观攻略

alila uluwatu对访客还是满客气的,因为他住宿区和公共区域分的很开,问题不大,内一般打车进去(容你要是逛酒店的话一般就是包车了),说是喝下午茶或用餐,都会放行的,一般uluwatu以东一线三大酒店 宝格丽 alila 悦榕庄 都不错而且风格不同,另外 anantara semara 也还可以,以上三家都去过了可以考虑去看看。另外巴厘岛的alila,其实个人感觉soori更好些,只是uluwatu办婚礼得多,酒店设计好些,比较有知名度。

⑷ 巴厘岛旅游

  1. 分数没关系

  2. 库塔往南去一些就是金巴兰,蓝梦岛一般是去nusaa的码头坐船过去,nusaa是金巴兰往东去大约10分钟左右的车程,是个国际连锁品牌的酒店区。

  3. 关于你的行程,其实我个人的修改建议是蛮多的:)

    Kuta 不用住也不用特意去,我除了第一次去巴厘岛的时候特意去看了一下,之后除非地接社请吃饭之类的在kuta区以外,就再也没去过了。 蓝梦岛 也是人家老板新开了蓝梦岛的beach club的时候盛情邀请下去看了一下,基本也是个不会自己再去的地方。 Lovina的话如果你很坚持的话,还是可以去一下的,虽然我也是只去了一次,但是那边的原生态还是很令我印象深刻的,只是不用住两晚,看完海豚天应该刚刚亮,休整后可以直接回南部或者ubud的。去lovina的路上只有网络库水神庙和singaraja值得停下来看一下,前一个水神庙的建筑经常在各种巴厘岛标志图片上能看到,后者是以前巴厘岛的首都,保有原始风貌和粗狂的石雕木雕。 Jimbaran 最好的景致是被Ayana和四季这两家霸占了,当然远超你预算了。 Ubud 地区应该多住几晚,因为巴厘岛之所以是全球第一海岛目的地全是因为像Ubud或者以北地区的这些小村镇的缘故,看过eat pray love就应该了解到。 另外晚上8点的航班不用特意最后住得离机场比较近的,ubud去机场也不会太久的:)

  4. 推荐酒店我要学习一下,这个价位的话主要是看房间整洁安全和地理位置了,让我稍稍研究下:)

⑸ 巴厘岛的英文介绍

Bali (bä'lē) , island and (with two offshore islets) province (1990 pop. 2,777,356), c.2,200 sq mi (5,700 sq km), E Indonesia, westernmost of the Lesser Sundas, just E of Java across the narrow Bali Strait. The capital is Denpasar. Although Bali is relatively small, it is densely populated and culturally and economically one of the most important islands of Indonesia. Largely mountainous, with active volcanoes, it rises to 10,308 ft (3,142 m) at Mt. Agung; there is a great fertile plain to the south. Fauna include tigers and deer. Bali is known for its giant waringin trees, sacred to the inhabitants.
The Balinese (a Malayan group closely related to the Javanese) are skillful farmers; rice, the chief crop, is grown with the aid of elaborate irrigation systems. Vegetables, fruits, coffee, and coconuts are also proced. Livestock is important; pigs and cattle are major export items. Instries include food processing, tourism, and handicrafts. The people are noted for their artistic skill (especially wood carving), and their high level of culture, which includes advanced forms of music, folk drama, dancing, and architecture. They are Hin in a nation that is overwhelmingly Muslim; their unique ritualistic culture, as well as the island's scenic beauty, has made Bali one of the great tourist attractions of East Asia. An international airport was opened in 1969. A state univ. is in Denpasar.

Bali was converted to Hinism in the 7th cent., and was under Javanese rule from the 10th to the late 15th cent. It was a refuge (1513–) for the Hins of Java fleeing the advance of Islam. The Dutch first landed in 1597 and the Dutch East India Company began its trade with the island in the early 17th cent. Dutch sovereignty was not firmly established until after a series of colonial wars (1846–49), and the entire island was not occupied until 1908, after the quelling of two rebellions. Klungklung, NE of Denpasar, was the capital of the native rulers from the 17th cent. until 1908. Bali was particularly hard hit ring the nationwide purge of Communists in 1965; more than 40,000 people were killed, and entire villages were destroyed. The island was part of a massive transmigration project in the late 1970s to relieve overcrowding. Bali's popularity as a Western tourist destination made it a target of several Islamic terror attacks in the early 21st cent.

Bali is an Indonesian island located at the westernmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands, lying between Java to the west and Lombok to the east. It is one of the country's 33 provinces with the provincial capital at Denpasar towards the south of the island. The island is home to the vast majority of Indonesia's small Hin minority. It is also the largest tourist destination in the country and is renowned for its highly developed arts, including dance, sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking and music.

Bali has been inhabited since early prehistoric times firstly by descendants of a prehistoric race who migrated through mainland Asia to the Indonesian archipelago, thought to have first settled in Bali around 3000 BC.[citation needed] Stone tools dating from this time have been found near the village of Cekik in the island's west.

The end of the prehistoric period in Indonesia was marked by the arrival of Hin people from India around 100 BC as determined by Brahmi inscriptions on potsherds. The name Balidwipa has been discovered from various inscriptions, including the Blanjong charter issued by Sri Kesari Warmadewa in 913 AD and mentioning Walidwipa. It was ring this time that the complex irrigation system subak was developed to grow rice. Some religious and cultural traditions still in existence today can be traced back to this period. The Hin Majapahit Empire (1293–1520 AD) on eastern Java founded a Balinese colony in 1343. When the empire declined, there was an exos of intellectuals, artists, priests and musicians from Java to Bali in the 15th century.

The First European contact with Bali is thought to have been when Dutch explorer Cornelis de Houtman arrived in 1597, though a Portuguese ship had foundered off the Bukit Peninsula as early as 1585.[citation needed] Dutch rule over Bali came later, was more aggressively fought for, and they were never ultimately able to establish themselves as they had in other parts of Indonesia such as Java and Maluku.

In the 1840s, a presence in Bali was established, first in the island's north, by playing various distrustful Balinese realms against each other. The Dutch mounted large naval and ground assaults first against the Sanur region and then Denpasar. The Balinese were hopelessly overwhelmed in number and armament, but rather than face the humiliation of surrender, they mounted a final defensive but suicidal assault, or puputan. Despite Dutch demands for surrender, an estimated 4,000 Balinese marched to their death against the invaders. Afterwards the Dutch governors were able to exercise little influence over the island, and local control over religion and culture generally remained intact.

Japan occupied Bali ring World War II ring which time a Balinese military officer, Gusti Ngurah Rai, formed a Balinese 'freedom army'. Following Japan's Pacific surrender in August 1945, the Dutch promptly returned to Indonesia, including Bali, immediately to reinstate their pre-war colonial administration. This was resisted by the Balinese rebels now using Japanese weapons.

On 20 November 1946, the Battle of Marga was fought in Tabanan in central Bali. Colonel I Gusti Ngurah Rai, 29 years old, finally rallied his forces in east Bali at Marga Rana, where they made a suicide attack on the heavily armed Dutch. The Balinese battalion was entirely wiped out, breaking the last thread of Balinese military resistance. In 1946 the Dutch constituted Bali as one of the 13 administrative districts of the newly-proclaimed Republic of East Indonesia, a rival state to the Republic of Indonesia which was proclaimed and headed by Sukarno and Hatta. Bali was included in the ‘’Republic of the United States of Indonesia’’ when the Netherlands recognised Indonesian independence on Dec. 29, 1949. In 1956 Bali officially renounced the Dutch union and legally became a province within the Republic of Indonesia.

The 1963 eruption of Mount Agung killed thousands, created economic havoc and forced many displaced Balinese to be transmigrated to other parts of Indonesia.

In 1965, after a failed coup d'etat in Jakarta against the national government of Indonesia, Bali, along with other regions of Indonesia most notably Java, was the scene of widespread killings of (often falsely-accused) members and sympathizers of the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) by right-wing General Soeharto-sponsored militias. Possibly more than 100,000 Balinese were killed although the exact numbers are unknown to date and the events remain legally unclosed.[citation needed] Many unmarked but well known mass graves of victims are located around the island[citation needed].

On October 12 2002, a car bomb attack in the tourist resort of Kuta killed 202 people, largely foreign tourists and injured a further 209. Further bombings occurred three years later in Kuta and nearby Jimbaran Bay.

Bali lies 3.2 km east of Java and approximately 8 degrees south of the equator. East to west, the island is approximately 153 km wide and 112 km north to south (95 by 69 miles, respectively), with a surface area of 5,632 km². The highest point is Mount Agung at 3,142 m (10,308 feet) high, an active volcano that last erupted in March 1963. Mountains cover centre to the eastern side, with Mount Agung the easternmost peak. Mount Batur (1,717 m) is also still active. About 30,000 years ago it experienced a catastrophic eruption — one of the largest known volcanic events on Earth.

In the south the land descends to form an alluvial plain, watered by shallow rivers, drier in the dry season and overflowing ring periods of heavy rain.

The principal cities are the northern port of Singaraja, the former colonial capital of Bali, and the present provincial capital and largest city, Denpasar, near the southern coast. The town of Ubud (north of Denpasar), with its art market, museums and galleries, is arguably the cultural center of Bali.

There are major coastal roads and roads that cross the island mainly north-south. Due to the mountainous terrain in the island's center, the roads tend to follow the crests of the ridges across the mountains. There are no railway lines.

The island is surrounded by coral reefs. Beaches in the south tend to have white sand while those in the north and west black sand. The beach town of Padang in the south east has both: the main beach and the secret beach have white sand and the south beach and the blue lagoon have much darker sand. Pasut Beach, near Ho River and Pura Segara, is a quiet beach 14 km southwest of Tabanan. The Ho River is navigable by small sampan. Black sand beaches between Pasut and Klatingkuh are being developed for tourism, but apart from the seaside temple of Tanah Lot, this is not yet a tourist area.

Administrative divisions
The province is divided into 8 regencies (kabupaten) and 1 city (kota):

Denpasar (city)

Three decades ago, the Balinese economy was largely agriculture based both in terms of output and employment. Tourism is now the largest single instry and Bali is as a result one of Indonesia’s wealthiest regions. The economy, however, has suffered significantly as a result of the terrorist bombings of 2002 and 2005.

Although in terms of output, tourism is the economy’s largest instry, agriculture is still the island’s biggest employer[citation needed], most notably rice cultivation. Crops grown in smaller amounts include fruit, vegetables and other cash and subsisitence crops.[citation needed] A significant number of Balinese are also fishermen. Bali is also famous for its artisans who proce batik and ikat cloth and clothing, wooden carvings, stone carvings and silverware.

Although significant tourism exists in the north, centre and east of the island, the tourist instry is overwhelmingly focused in the south. The main tourist locations are the town of Kuta (with its beach), and its outer suburbs (which were once independent townships) of Legian and Seminyak, Sanur, Jimbaran, Ubud, and the newer development of Nusa Dua. The Ngurah Rai International Airport is located near Jimbaran, on the isthmus joining the southernmost part of the island to the main part of the island. Another increasingly important source of income for Bali is what is called "Congress Tourism" from the frequent international conferences held on the island, especially after the terrorist bombings of 2002; ostensibly to resurrect Bali's damaged tourism instry as well as its tarnished image.

The population of Bali is 3,151,000 (as of 2005).

Unlike most of Muslim-majority Indonesia, about 93% of Bali's population adheres to Balinese Hinism, formed as a combination of existing local beliefs and Hin influences from mainland Southeast Asia and South Asia. Minority religions include Islam (5.7%), Christianity (1.4%), and Buddhism (0.6%). These official statistical figures do not include immigrants from other parts of Indonesia.

Balinese and Indonesian are the most widely spoken languages in Bali, and like most Indonesians, the vast majority of Balinese people are bilingual or trilingual. There are several indigenous Balinese languages, but most Balinese can also use the most widely spoken option: modern common Balinese. The usage of different Balinese languages was traditionally determined by the Balinese caste system and by clan membership, but this tradition is diminishing.

English is a common third language (and the primary foreign language) of many Balinese, owing to the requirements of the large tourism instry. Japanese is a prominent language on the island, learned by its inhabitants and used on signs.[citation needed] Staff working in Bali's tourist centres are often, by necessity, multilingual to some degree, speaking as many as 8 or 9 different languages to an often surprising level of competence.


Ogoh-ogoh monster at KutaBali is famous for many forms of art, including painting, sculpture, woodcarving, handcrafts, and performing arts. Balinese gamelan music is highly developed and varied. The dances portray stories from Hin epics such as the Ramayana. Famous Balinese dances include pendet, legong, baris, topeng, barong, and kecak (the monkey dance).

National ecation programs, mass media and tourism continue to change Balinese culture. Immigration from other parts of Indonesia, especially Java, is changing the ethnic composition of Bali's population.

The Hin new year, Nyepi, is celebrated in the spring by a day of silence. On this day everyone stays at home and tourists are encouraged to remain in their hotels. On the preceding day large, colorful sculptures of ogoh-ogoh monsters are paraded and finally burned in the evening to drive away evil spirits. Other festivals throughout the year are specified by the Balinese pawukon calendrical system.

⑹ 贝尼达岛位于印度尼西亚的哪个城市

贝尼达岛,位于巴厘岛东南面龙目海峡,是巴厘岛东部的一座离岛,行政上属于 克隆孔市(Klung kung / 也称作 塞马拉普拉·Semarapura)管辖,这是位于巴厘岛东部的小城。

⑺ 巴厘岛悦榕庄酒店与泛太平洋度假村哪个好



巴厘岛悦榕庄Banyan Tree Ungasan,地处巴厘岛南部Uluwatu断崖以东,是巴厘岛两大精髓之一的悬崖海景的代表酒店,在集团内部地位超然,也是我感觉品牌内除了仁安最好的悦榕庄了。酒店全别墅房型,公共区域也比较安静。是巴厘岛别墅酒店的代表之作。




⑻ 请问巴厘岛当地有哪些好的酒店和度假村

巴厘岛的宾馆大体可分为:Star, Melati与Losmen三种,其中Star就是我们通常所讲的星级,以5星最佳。总的说来,Melati比Star略低一等,(不过也有些宾馆设施与Star不相上下,只是老板因个别原因,不愿列入Star一类而已)可分三级,以Melati 3最佳。南方半岛新开发的Nusa Dua是巴厘岛最豪华的旅馆区,有多家五星级宾馆,环境优雅,有各种现代化设施。喜欢热闹的可以选择住在Kuta;或者可以到南边的Tuban,这里离机场近些,较安静。
Inna Grand Bali Beach
推荐理由:位于距巴厘Ngurah Rai国际机场仅20分钟车程之处。拥有国际水准的设施,舒适的住宿及隐蔽的个人空间。气派的热带园林沿Sanur 泻湖的白沙海滩向外延伸,占地45公顷。
地址:Jl. Hang Tuah Sanur 80032
Club Bali Mirage Hotel
推荐理由:位于占地3.5英亩的风景优美园地,地处 Tanjung Benoa美丽的白沙海滩,共有98间客房。酒店座落于巴里东海岸的Nusa Dua地区,大约20分钟车程至机场。
地址:Jl Pratama 72, Tanjung Benoa, Nusa Dua, Bali 80363, Indonesia
Bali Garden Hotel Resort & Spa
推荐理由:紧邻海滩,从Waterbom 水上乐园横越马路,邻近Centro(Discovery购物中心),在太阳百货(Matahari Square)的旁边。
地址:Jl. Dewi Sartika. P.O Box, 1062 Kuta - Bali Indonesia
电话:(+62 361) 752 725
Sunari Villas & Spa Resort Bali
推荐理由:位于美丽的罗威那海滩(Lovina Beach),在巴里岛的北部。地址:Jl. Raya Lovina, Lovina Beach, Singaraja, North Bali - Indonesia 81151 前
往路径:从巴里岛国际机场(Ngurah Rai International Airport)至罗威那(Lovina)约98公里。

⑼ 巴厘岛酒店参观攻略


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文化旅游部单位 发布:2021-03-16 21:42:22 浏览:118
深圳周边游推荐免费的 发布:2021-03-16 21:42:18 浏览:696
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棋牌在线游戏必去797ag 发布:2021-03-16 21:33:30 浏览:217
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