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发布时间: 2021-02-23 02:02:47

Ⅰ 马德里有哪些景点


科隆广场也称作哥伦布广场(Columbus Square),旁边是迪斯古布里曼托花园(Jardines del Desculbrimiento)。1885年,在广场上一座新哥德式的雕像台上竖立起发现者哥伦布的雕像。广场另一面是四座巨型混凝土雕塑,看上去有点像大型臼齿,它们也是为了纪念哥伦布而建,上面的碑文描述了美洲的发现。


科隆广场也称作哥伦布广场(Columbus Square),旁边是迪斯古布里曼托花园(Jardines del Desculbrimiento)。1885年,在广场上一座新哥德式的雕像台上竖立起发现者哥伦布的雕像。广场另一面是四座巨型混凝土雕塑,看上去有点像大型臼齿,它们也是为了纪念哥伦布而建,上面的碑文描述了美洲的发现。


丽池公园是马德里最著名的公园,在十七世纪由菲利浦四世(Felipe IV)下令兴建,以作为皇室成员的娱乐场所,占地350英亩,种植的植物超过了一万五千株,园内有许多重要的纪念碑。公园里有一座的美丽的玻璃宫(如图),是以铁和玻璃建造的,屋前的喷水池中还有天鹅悠游其中;另外还有一座委拉斯盖兹宫,这两个宫殿均建于十九世纪末,目前都已经成为展览馆。





Ⅱ 马德里简介

西班牙首都,第一大城市,全国经济、交通中心,马德里省首府。市区面积607平方千米,人口约310.1万,包括郊区和卫星城镇在内,面积 1020 平方千米,人口约 468.7 万。位于伊比利亚半岛梅塞塔高原中部,瓜达拉马山脉东南麓的山间高原盆地中,海拔 670 米,为欧洲地势最高的首都。地形闭塞 ,气候大陆性显著 ,降水少,气温年差较大。1月平均气温4.8℃,7月25℃,年降水量425毫米。



西班牙中央经济区的综合性经济中心。在当地农业原料基础上发展了纺织、食品等工业。60 年代以后,兴起飞机、汽车、机器设备、光学仪器、电子、电气器材、化学、塑料以及军火工业等部门。由于高原内部原料、燃料缺乏,工业向高精尖和综合利用方向发展。附近山间盆地盛产棉花和葡萄、橄榄、柑橘等果品,并利用天然草场发展起畜牧业。全国主要的陆上交通枢纽。辐射状的铁路将马德里与国内其他城市和沿海地区联系起来,并有几条连接法国和葡萄牙的国际铁路。巴拉哈斯机场为全国最大的国际航空港。马德里还是金融和商业的一大中心。南欧文化名城之一,具深厚的文化传统,但其现代西班牙文化中心的地位已被巴塞罗那取代。市内多博物馆,有名的普拉多博物馆,主要收藏15~19世纪初西班牙和意大利的绘画,以戈雅和委拉斯开兹的作品尤受推崇。众多图书馆中有4座以收藏手稿和珍品闻名 。还有王宫等古建筑 。广场多达300余个,包括市长广场 ( 哈布斯堡王朝统治期间建,为欧洲最富娱乐性的市内广场之一 )、拉维拉广场等。公园和绿地众多,绿化面积达2800万平方米。城市分新、旧城两部分,旧城建于15~18世纪,街道狭窄;新城为20世纪新建的市区,街道宽阔整齐,现代化高层建筑群与旧城的古老格局对照鲜明。城市北部和南部主要是工业区和居民住宅区。

Ⅲ 马德里总共有多少个广场

马德里有300 多个街心广场。马德里的广场中最有名的是太阳门广场(Puerta del Sol)。
西班牙广场(Plaza de Espana),又称“塞万提斯”广场,是马德里另一个重要的广场,它被视为马德里的象征,因为建有塞万提斯纪念碑和唐吉诃德塑像而闻名于世。塞万提斯创作的不朽名著《唐吉诃德》,成为西班牙的骄傲,民族的瑰宝。
另一只重要的广场称为马约尔广场(Plaza de Mayor),这个早在15世纪,被纪哈布斯堡王朝作为民间集市而建立起来的长方形广场,就坐落在太阳门广场的附近。它曾经是西班牙历史中众多事件的发生地,从一开始的集市广场,到斗牛爱好者的聚集地、足球比赛的大剧场,甚至在西班牙宗教裁判时期,也曾有许多所谓的异端分子在这里处死。难怪有人说,至今,你都能在广场上那个菲利普三世骑马雕像的墙壁上看见当年举行斗牛留下的血迹。在西班牙语里,马约尔(mayor)就是大的意思,那么,马约尔广场就是大广场的意思,所以也常翻译成“大广场”。
紧邻西班牙大皇宫的是东方广场(Plaza de Oriente),这是由拿破仑的兄弟何塞·波拿巴一世国王下令修建的,这位不受人民欢迎的国王总是担心王室会受到平民的骚扰,所以决定在王宫前修建广场。广场由委拉斯凯兹设计,广场中心的菲利普四世铜像的头部细节也是由他本人完成。而伽利略解决了高耸的马头和后蹄的平衡问题。
丰收女神广场 (Fuente de la Cibeles) 根据音译又称为西贝雷斯广场。这是一个有着宽阔马路交叉的大广场。在广场上有一座古色古香的邮局大楼建于1760年,是最有历史的古建筑。广场中央的喷泉是酷爱喷泉的国王查理三世,在众多设计方案中,选定了这最美丽的。喷泉旁是驾驶着雄狮战车的丰收女神西贝雷斯的雕像,而矗立在广场周围的建筑物也都恢宏壮观。这里也是艺术区普拉多大道的起点。丰收女神广场也是皇家马德里球队庆祝获得冠军时的圣地,每当皇马对获得冠军后,球队都会与数万球迷一同在广场忘情庆祝。
独立广场(Plaza de la Independencia)是马德里另外一个广场。这里是西班牙首都的象征之一,拥有马德里著名的古迹阿尔卡拉门,由国王卡洛斯三世始建于1778年,建筑师是弗朗切斯科·萨巴蒂尼。广场目前的形态形成于1869年,当时拆毁了马德里市东部的一段城墙,以阿尔卡拉门为核心,形成一个圆形广场。广场周围由19世纪后期和20世纪早期建筑物环绕,东南侧是通往丽池公园的主要通道。

Ⅳ 马德里有什么旅游景点

伯纳乌球场的神奇故事,使得球场主人皇家马德里队的辉煌史顺理成章,2000年被国际足联评为世纪最佳俱乐部。诸如斯蒂法诺、普斯卡斯、罗纳尔多、劳尔和齐达内等永远的巨星,都在伯纳乌这片神圣的、带有著名的白色条纹的草场上驰骋过。 球场如今位于西班牙首都马德里繁华的金融区的中心,当初建造球场时这里还是一片郊区。当时许多人都认为12万人的容量简直是疯了,但是很快建造者的赌注就实现了价值。


一提起西班牙,就会让人想起斗牛,西班牙首都马德里就是举世闻名的斗牛之城。这座位于伊比利亚半岛中央的城市,地处海拔670 米的高原之上。是欧洲地势最高的首都之一。 马德里有300 多个街心广场,市中心位于三广场:太阳门广场、中心广场和西班牙广场。最有名的地方是太阳门广场。 太阳门广场在马德里的正中心位置,从那里有10条街道呈放射状向外延伸。现在太阳门广场是马德里孩子们游玩的场所,所以永远人声鼎沸。

Ⅳ 马德里有什么好玩的


Ⅵ 西班牙马德里有哪些旅游景点


Ⅶ 去马德里旅游一定不能错过的旅游景点有哪些

皇宫,太阳门,马约尔广场,西班牙广场,苹果河畔的步道(principe pio 开始到 legazpi),格兰威亚大道,普拉多大道,丽池公园,各个博物馆。伯纳乌球场! 万达大都会球场!

Ⅷ 马德里有什么著名的景点


  1. 马德里王宫

    王宫建在曼萨莱斯河(Río Manzanares)左岸的山岗上,是仅次于凡尔赛宫和维也纳皇宫的欧洲第三大皇宫,也是世界上保存最完整、最精美的宫殿之一,是波旁王朝第一代国王腓力一世下令修建的法国和意大利风格的皇家宫殿。由于历代国王都根据自己的喜好对王宫进行装饰,使得王宫带上了浓厚的个人印记和时代印记,如卡洛斯三世布置的寝宫、卡洛斯四世建造的镜厅和阿方索十二世钟爱的豪华餐厅。绘画长廊里收藏了各种绘画流派画家的作品,包括胡安•德•弗朗德斯的《天主教女王伊萨贝拉的多联画屏》、卡拉瓦乔的《莎乐美和施洗者约翰的头颅》,以及委拉斯盖兹和戈雅的作品。

  2. 伯纳乌球场


  3. 普拉多博物馆

    收藏西班牙绘画作品最全面、最权威的美术馆,尤其以戈雅的作品最为丰富。著名的藏品要数委拉斯盖兹的名画《宫女》(Las Meninas)了,委拉斯盖兹不仅将自己的名作贡献给这个博物馆,而且以他独到的眼光和鉴赏力为这座博物馆收集了许多意大利著名画家的作品。

  4. 丽池公园


  5. 太阳门广场


Ⅸ 马德里有什么著名的风景、建筑...(作介绍)

马德里是个相当适合步行漫游的城市,从太阳门往西比列斯广场,或从大广场往王宫方向,沿途尽是艺术、文化、宝藏,到处都是观光客群聚尽情浏览古迹、世界知名的博物馆以及享受夜生活。东方宫和普拉多画宫是世界闻名的艺术殿堂。市内街心公园、喷泉众多,广场各具特色,如:太阳门广场、中央广场、西班牙广场、哥伦布广场等。斗牛是久负盛名的娱乐活动,宾达斯斗牛场规模最大。 马德里市内文物荟萃,有许多名胜古迹和世界闻名的绘画展览馆——普拉多博物馆等。 市内现代化的高楼大厦与风格迥异的古建筑摩肩并立、相映生辉。树林、草坪和各种造型别致的喷泉和雕有古代小亚细亚人尊崇的自然女神尼贝莱塑像喷泉最吸人入胜。宏伟的阿尔卡拉门坐落在阿尔卡拉街头的独立广场上,共有5道拱门,是马德里著名的古建筑之一。财政部、教育部和西班牙的主要银行坐落在阿尔卡拉大街两侧,建于1752年的王家美术学院收藏着牟利罗和戈雅等西班牙美术大师的名作。巍峨的塞万提斯纪念碑耸立在西班牙广场上,碑前有堂吉诃德和桑科·潘扎的塑像,巨大的碑身倒映在前面的水池之中,碑两侧是葱郁的树木;有“马德里塔”之称的西班牙摩天大厦位于广场一侧。
著名的马约尔广场位于市区西南,修建于1619年,呈长方形,西班牙国王腓力三世骑马的塑像耸立在广场中央。不远处是太阳门广场,这里有历史上著名的太阳门遗址。市内还有建于十八世纪中叶的王宫和西班牙国王接见外国贵宾和使臣的东方宫等宫殿建筑。 为1982年第十二届世界杯足球赛的电视转播而建的电视塔,是西班牙最高的建筑,高220米。同时,为方便数千名记者的采访,在市内最宽、交通流量最大的街道卡斯特利亚纳大街修建了长156米、宽4米的高空人行通道。市内还有高尔夫球场、网球场、赛马场、高山滑雪场、汽车赛场等体育设施。 马德里是西班牙铁路、公路和航空交通的枢纽,有6个火车站、几处飞机场以及地下铁道。 马德里是座文化名城。名胜古迹遍布全国,文化气息异常浓烈。市内各式各样的凯旋门有1000多个,有街心广场300多个,而且每个广场又各见特色,广场大多配有雕像、喷泉、花本,广场中心多为雕像和钟楼,各有历史典故。市里有50多家博物馆、1200多家书店。城市的特点是艺术风格不同的建筑特多,纪念广场多,名人雕像多等等。它充分反映了西班牙悠久的历史和人民的战斗业绩.

Ⅹ 马德里旅游景点英文介绍

Spain's capital Madrid as well as economic, cultural and political center. The city is also one of Europe for the Arts Center every year to attract a large number of tourists. Door to the Sun (Puerta del Sol) as the center, radial roads into this start, to facilitate the subway and bus system, transportation extending in all directions. The leisurely trail, to remind you that living in Spain, regardless of day or night you are very suitable for strolling, shopping can also be tired since the Cup of coffee, quietly feel the pulse of the city, as well as enjoy the local customs.
Madrid is well suited to roaming the city on foot from the sun than the West Gate Plaza Antilles, or from the large square to the direction of the palace, along the way is the best art, culture and treasures to build, Madrid's famous attractions are solemn Palace (Palacio Real) , La Ruizi Committee, and Ge Leike Goya's works Prado Museum (Paseo del Pradio), young people gather the sun's Gate, the 16th century, when the Habsburg dynasty who built a big square (Plaza Mayor ) And San Yi Xizhuo Cathedral (Catedral de San Isidro) ... .... There are groups of tourists visit the monument much of the world-renowned museums, as well as enjoy the nightlife.

And the rest of Europe with a bit of the capital, Madrid until 1561 King Philip II (King Felipe II) will be moved to the Royal Palace here is rather to be heard, but Spain quickly become the economic, cultural and political center. 1939 civil war spread to Madrid, though Madrid against General Franco's nationalist, but it is still the capital of Spain, because it is still a considerable political stability. After the death of General Franco, Spain began a large-scale social change in an attempt to totalitarian oppression in the total Pojianerchu, Madrid is still the political culture of Spain Center, and more important role, and residents moved to increase and hope to To find better employment and ecation opportunities.

Madrid Tourist Attractions

Madrid Palace

Europe's third-largest palace, and second only to Versailles Palace in Vienna. Built in the mid-eighteenth century Jiaerluosi III, is a dream Boer representative dynasty's heritage sites, its magnificent luxury, European countries in the palace in one of the highest rated. Within embroideries on the wall and ceiling mural paintings are often maintained to preserve the situation pretty well. Spain Mansalaisi palace built on the hill on the left bank of the river, which is to preserve the world's most complete and most beautiful one of the palace. Palace was built in 1738, 26 years after completion. It was a square structure, each 180 meters long, with the appearance of the United States and the construction of the Louvre, the interior is Italian-style, luxury palace as a whole preposterous. There possession of the countless treasures of gold and silver utensils and the level of painting, pottery, leather goods, tapestry, musical instruments and other supplies for the royal family. Spain now has been turned into the Imperial Palace Museum, dedicated to visitors. Spain is the opposite of the Palace Square, which rose to the middle of a well-known Renaissance master of Spanish literature, "Don Quixote" author - Cervantes monument. The following is a monument of Don Quixote on horseback and a statue of a servant Sancho. If the fountain behind the statue of the note, pigeons flying.

Sun Gate Square

Place in the Sun Gate is the center of Madrid, where there are 10 Chengfangshezhuang outward extension of the street. Now the Sun Gate Square Madrid is the children's play place, it is always packed.
Sun Gate Square is a semi-circular square, the famous. Sun Gate Square, where the original name e to a North Korea-opened the East Gate of the Sun is called the door, the door is now no longer exists. Place in the 1853 expansion, with an area of 12,000 square meters.
Sun Gate Square is a historic square, May 2, 1808, in Madrid the people here rose up against Napoleon's invasion of the army, which started off Spain's War of Independence; Madrid in 1848 to install gas street lights, solar First of all, the square was lit up doors; tram was born in 1879 Spain, the departure ceremony was also held at the Sun Gate Square.
Security Building, the Sun Gate Square is the most prominent buildings, this is a late 18th century neo-classical style architecture of the palace. When completed, as has been the center of Madrid Post Office, headquarters of the Army, the Ministry of the Interior, and so on. The roof of the tower is built in 1867 to increase. Since then, the Spaniards took the large bell that time as "standard time."
Security in the square in front of the building side of the road, visitors have seen on the floor of the National Highway "zero kilometer" tag. The stone marker is a color mosaic of about 1 foot in diameter circle, ring with a map of the Iberian Peninsula, the central map marked "kilometer zero". Spain "kilometer zero" as a starting point, the National Highway milestone in computing from here out. Sun Gate Square is the starting point for building the city of Madrid. The square is also the vast majority of the public bus and three subway lines terminal.
Sun Gate Square area of Madrid is the most prosperous commercial district. Radiation from the Plaza of the street are commercial street, silver goods, an extraordinary noise.
Sun Gate Square is also the best embodiment of the Madrid local customs. Square is the most popular day of the annual New Year's Day, Madrid rush of people gathered here to celebrate the New Year. Each participating in the hands of the carnival with all 12 grapes, bell rings, it quickly swallowed in the hands of the 12 grapes. It is said that it would allow his 12 months in the coming year are good luck. For the tourists the opportunity to Madrid in the New Year, do not miss this opportunity to take a look here.

Prado Museum

Although the traffic congestion for the Prado Avenue (Paseo del Prado), but the Prado Museum is very serene quiet. In the era of Carlos III, was first here as a natural science museum by the architects Fan Derby chaired Liya Nu Aiba built, but because of the French War of Independence, and other factors, putting off indefinitely the completion of the project. Then Isabel and King Fernando VII Debra Gan Sa Princess Art Museum decided to build here. In 1819, the royal collection of fine art in numerous public art gallery opening.
Buildings belonging to the neo-classical style, revealed in the simplicity of its extraordinary taste. Painting as a museum in the world and be called the Prado Museum, its collection of works, paintings alone more than 8000, if slowly one by one appreciation of these works, at least for a whole day . Therefore, in order to effectively use the limited time, the best pre-selected by their appreciation to serious work in order for them to visit the center better. In the past into the art gallery, bookstore to buy in the Mandarin version of the guide can certainly save a lot of manual valuable time.

Plaza Mayor

Place the Reap III is the Philippines in 1619 presided over the construction of the unique style of the square Plaza. 128 m horizontal, vertical 94 meters from the 4-storey building surrounded. Place in the central Philippines is Reap III, the statue of a horse. After the completion of the long years of experience 3rd fire, re-construction until after the completion of the formation in 1953 now looks like we have seen. In the past around the balcony of the household often extravagant royal ceremony, Bull, as well as all kinds of activities, and even the Inquisition implementation of the stake at the scene of the square, is now reverberating guitar with low-cost young people's loud and clear Singing.
By the time the sun sets in the library door Ailuo Si Qi, (Arco de Cuchilleros) below the library, Ailuo Si Qi (Cuchilleros) and Main Street, San Miguel (San Miguel) on the street, many of the small restaurant will be drinking Singing loudly and few people packed the Manmandangdang. This is a very unique atmosphere, it should be faster to see.

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文化旅游部单位 发布:2021-03-16 21:42:22 浏览:118
深圳周边游推荐免费的 发布:2021-03-16 21:42:18 浏览:696
塑州旅游景点 发布:2021-03-16 21:40:53 浏览:84
道观河风景旅游区发展前景 发布:2021-03-16 21:39:53 浏览:658
旅行社psd 发布:2021-03-16 21:39:03 浏览:174
常州旅游业发展现状 发布:2021-03-16 21:35:14 浏览:330
棋牌在线游戏必去797ag 发布:2021-03-16 21:33:30 浏览:217
有四个旅游团三条路线 发布:2021-03-16 21:33:30 浏览:164