⑴ 用英文简介澳大利亚墨尔本、初二水平、100词左右、 请配上中文谢谢-
Melbourne is the capital and most populous city in the state of Victoria, and the second most populous city in Australia. The Melbourne City Centre is the hub of the greater metropolitan area and the Census statistical division—of which "Melbourne" is the common name. As of June 2010, the greater geographical area had an approximate population of four million. Inhabitants of Melbourne are called Melburnians or Melbournians.
⑵ 墨尔本英文介绍,简单点就行!
⑶ 求英语高手将几段介绍墨尔本景点的文字翻译成英文,谢绝各大翻译器,文字在问题补充里
The 1 Federal Plaza (Federation Square) is Australia's most complex structure, but also the most ambitious construction projects in.Federation Square area occupies an entire block, their bright and bold design style by architects (Lab Lab Architecture) and Australian Bates Smart architectural design firm hands, is a unique public gathering and cultural activities center, recognized by the international is the world's large public square one.2 in Melbourne Zoo (Melbourne Zoo) beautiful landscape, is home to about 250 species from around the world and animal species.The zoo is only five minutes from downtown.The zoo is open every morning at 9.Close the garden is usually a time is 5 pm, but in particular the summer weekend evening, because the zoo Twilight concert series relations, close the garden till nine thirty.3 in the Sovereign Hill (Sovereign Hill) feeling back in time, to experience the Australian gold rush era passion burning.This award-winning outdoor museum is located in the former gold rush on the site, in a lot of details to reproce the eighteen fifties bustling scene of life.Here, there is much you can do and you can see, let you inlge in pleasures without stop.4 Melbourne Museum (Melbourne Museum) show the Australian social history, aboriginal culture, scientific development and environment.Adjacent to the world heritage list of the Royal Exhibition Center (Royal Exhibition Building) and cottonwood Park (Carlton Gardens), the museum has Melbourne IMAX stereoscopic Cinema (IMAX Theatre Melbourne).纯外国人翻译,因为我有外国朋友,国际QQ加的
⑷ 急求 用英文写一篇介绍墨尔本的文章
St Patrick's Cathedral is the mother church of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. The Centenary of its official opening and Consecration was marked in 1997; however, the first Mass was celebrated on the site in February 1858 in a former partially completed church, some of which was incorporated into the south aisle of the present building; by 1868, the completed nave of the Cathedral first served the needs of the community for regular worship and prayer.
Designed by William Wardell, St Patrick's is regarded internationally as the finest ecclesiastical building in Australia and a pre-eminent example of the Gothic Revival style. The austere facade gives little hint of the glorious interior with its ethereal golden light of mesmerising beauty.
The Cathedral's highly regarded organ and exceptional acoustics ensure its popularity with leading musicians and choral groups, as a favoured setting for concerts of sacred music. The splendid ambulatory and chapels which partially encircle the sanctuary, provide space for occasional exhibitions.
Nevertheless, it is the spiritual fire of prayer and daily worship which gives the building its heart, ensuring that it is more than just an architectural monument. the Cathedral is a place of beauty and peace. During the course of a year, the Cathedral is the environment for the major liturgies of the Catholic community as well as the venue for significant civic celebrations embracing the wider community. The staff is also responsible for the daily pastoral care in all of the nearby hospitals; many people from the wider community seek solace and help within its walls.
Through prayer, praise and creative liturgical celebrations, the elements of stone and glass, artistry, craftsmanship, colour and sound, coalesce to filter the divine presence of our Creator God.
Dimensions of the Cathedral :
⑸ 求墨尔本英文介绍
Melbourne /ˈmɛlbərn/[3][4][note 1] is the capital and most populous city in the state of Victoria, and the second most populous city in Australia.[2] The Melbourne City Centre is the hub of the greater metropolitan area and the Census statistical division— which "Melbourne" is the common name. Melbourne's metropolitan area has a population of 4.25 million, growing the fastest in numerical terms and fifth fastest in percentage terms since the previous year.[1] Inhabitants of Melbourne are called Melburnians.[5] The metropolis is located on Port Phillip Bay, a large natural harbour, with the city centre positioned on the estuary of the Yarra River at the northernmost point of the bay.[6] The metropolitan area then extends south from the city centre, along the eastern and western shorelines of Port Phillip, and expands into the hinterland. The city centre is situated in the municipality known as the City of Melbourne. The metropolitan area consists of a further 30 municipalities.[7]
Melbourne was founded in 1835 (47 years after the European settlement of Australia) by settlers from Launceston in Van Diemen's Land.[8] It was named by Governor of New South Wales Sir Richard Bourke in 1837, in honour of the British Prime Minister of the day, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne.[8] Melbourne was officially declared a city by Queen Victoria in 1847.[9] In 1851, it became the capital city of the newly created colony of Victoria.[9] During the Victorian gold rush of the 1850s, it was transformed into one of the world's largest and wealthiest cities.[10] After the federation of Australia in 1901, it served as the interim seat of government of the newly created nation of Australia until 1927.[11]
Often referred to as the "Garden City" and "cultural capital of Australia",[12] Melbourne is the birthplace of cultural institutions such as Australian film (as well as the world's first feature film),[13][14] Australian television,[15] Australian rules football,[16] the Australian impressionist art movement (known as the Heidelberg School)[17] and Australian dance styles such as New Vogue and the Melbourne Shuffle.[18][19] It is also a major centre for contemporary and traditional Australian music.[18] Melbourne was ranked as the world's most liveable city in ratings published by the Economist Group's Intelligence Unit in August 2011 and again in 2012.[20] It was also ranked in the top ten Global University Cities by RMIT's Global University Cities Index (since 2006)[21][22][23] and the top 20 Global Innovation Cities by the 2thinknow Global Innovation Agency (since 2007).[24][25][26][27] The metropolis is also home to the world's largest tram network.[28] Melbourne Airport, the main passenger airport, is the second busiest in Australia and the Port of Melbourne is Australia's busiest seaport for containerised and general cargo.
⑹ Australia英文简介
The Commonwealth of Australia is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the world's smallest continent and a number of islands in the Southern, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Australia's neighbouring countries are Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to the north-east, and New Zealand to the south-east.
The continent of Australia has been inhabited for over 40,000 years by Indigenous Australians. After sporadic visits by fishermen from the north and by European explorers and merchants starting in the 17th century, the eastern half of the continent was claimed by the British in 1770 and officially settled as the penal colony of New South Wales on 26 January 1788. As the population grew and new areas were explored, another five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were successively established over the course of the 19th century.
On 1 January 1901, the six colonies federated and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed. Since federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and remains a Commonwealth Realm. The current population of around 20.4 million is concentrated mainly in the large coastal cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide
⑺ 澳大利亚有哪些旅游景点去那要会说什么常用英语
布里斯班的黄金海岸 楼上说的大堡礁也在那附近 是主要的旅游景点
我在墨尔本呆了回一年 这边大洋路那边的风景很答好 还有时就geelong的海滩很不错 但是跟黄金海岸还是有差距
还有就是内陆的荒漠地区 也是比较有看头的地方
总体来说 澳大利亚是个很漂亮的地方 到任何地方都不会让你觉得失望
至于英语 你完全都可以不学 这边中国人多如牛毛 中文就能解决问题
上厕所 excuse me , i wanna WC,how can i get there.
其他的真的用不到 如果你真的想自费旅游的话 到当地唐人街 China town 找旅行社是最好的办法 便宜 好玩的景点也都会给你用地道的中文介绍
⑻ 给点比较详尽的澳大利亚的英文介绍
Australia 网络名片 Wikipedia card 中文名称: Chinese name: 澳大利亚联邦 Australia 英文名称: English name: The Commonwealth of Australia The Commonwealth of Australia 简称: Abbreviations: 澳大利亚 Australia 所属洲: Respective continents: 大洋洲 Oceania 首都: Capital: 堪培拉 Canberra 主要城市: Major cities: 堪培拉,悉尼,墨尔本 Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne 国庆日: National Day: 1月26日 January 26 国歌: Anthem: 《澳大利亚,前进》 "Australia, forward" 国家代码: Country code: AU AU 官方语言: Official language: 英语 English 货币: Currency: 澳元 AUD 政治体制: Political structure: 联邦制 Federalism 国家领袖: Leaders: 总理陆克文 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd 人口数量: Population: 2170万人(2009年3月) 21.7 million people (March 2009) 主要民族: Main ethnic groups: 70%是英国及爱尔兰后裔 70% are descendants of the United Kingdom and Ireland 主要宗教: Main Religion: 圣公会教,罗马天主教 Anglican, Roman Catholic Church 国土面积: Land Area: 7,692,000平方公里 7,692,000 km2 GDP总计: GDP Total: 7730亿美元(2007年度) 773 billion U.S. dollars (2007) 人均GDP: Per capita GDP: 37,300美元(2007年度) 37,300 U.S. dollars (2007) Basic Overview 国名: 澳大利亚联邦(The Commonwealth of Australia)简称澳大利亚(Australia)澳大利亚被誉为人间天堂,英文可分解为amazing (叹为观止)unexpected(超乎想象)stylish(时尚之巅)tempting(诱人魅力)relaxing(悠然一刻)adventurous(体验极限)liberating(自由自在)inspiring(灵感无限)attractive(梦萦魂牵). Country name: Commonwealth of Australia (The Commonwealth of Australia) referred to as Australia (Australia) Australia known as a paradise on earth, English can be decomposed into amazing (amazing) unexpected (than expected) stylish (the summit of fashion) tempting (sective charm) relaxing ( leisurely moment) adventurous (experience of the limit) liberating (freedom) inspiring (inspired by infinite) attractive (I Dreamed soul of pull). 代码:AU Code: AU 首都 : 堪培拉 (英文名:Canberra) Capital: Canberra (English name: Canberra) 面积: 7,692,000平方公里 Area: 7,692,000 sq km 人口: 2170万多人(2009年3月) Population: 21.7 million people (March 2009) 语言: 英语 ( 官方语言 ),土著语言. Languages: English (official language), indigenous languages. 货币 : 澳元 Currency: AUD 民族: 70%是英国及爱尔兰后裔,18%为欧洲其他国家后裔,亚裔占6%,土著居民约占2.3%. National: 70% of British and Irish descent, and 18% for the descendants of other European countries, Asian 6%, indigenous people account for about 2.3%. 宗教 : 25%的国民没有宗教信仰, 圣公会教徒占21%,罗马天主教教徒占27%,其他基督教徒占21%,其他宗教信仰者占6%. Religion: 25% of the population there is no religion, Anglican Christians accounted for 21%, Roman Catholic Christians, 27%, other Christian 21%, other religions accounted for 6%. 国庆日: 1月26日 ( 1788年 ) National Day: January 26 (1788) 国花: 金合欢 (Golden wattle, 拉丁文学名:Acacia pycnantha) Flower: Acacia (Golden wattle, Latin scientific name: Acacia pycnantha) 英国人首先把澳大利亚作为一个流放囚犯的地方. The British first put Australia as an exiled prisoner place. 1788年1月18日,由菲利普船长率领的一支有6艘船的船队共1530人抵达澳大利亚的园林湾(Botany Bay),当中有736名囚犯. January 18, 1788, led by Captain Philip has a fleet of six ships arrived in Australia a total of 1530 garden Bay (Botany Bay), of which 736 prisoners. 八天后的1788年1月26日,他们正式在澳大利亚杰克逊港(Port Jackson)建立起第一个英国殖民区,这个地方后来人口不断增长而成为澳大利亚现在的第一大城市悉尼 ,这个名字是为了纪念当时的英国内政大臣悉尼(SYDNEY). Eight days after the January 26, 1788, they formally Port Jackson in Australia (Port Jackson) to build the first British colonial zone, this place was the growing population to become the first city in Australia is now in Sydney, this name is in order to commemoration of the then British Home Secretary in Sydney (SYDNEY). 现在,每年的1月26日是澳大利亚的国庆日. Now, the annual January 26 is Australia's national day. 首都趣史 History of the capital interest 联邦成立的时候,澳大利亚尚未能确定首都的地点,在1901年至1927年, 墨尔本是澳大利亚的临时首都, [Edit this paragraph] 地理气候 Geography and Climate 澳大利亚位于南半球 ,面积居世界第六,仅次于俄罗斯 、 加拿大 、 中国 、 美国和巴西 ,约相当于五分之四个中国. Australia is located in the southern hemisphere, with an area ranks sixth in the world, after Russia, Canada, China, the United States and Brazil, equivalent to about four-fifths of a Chinese. 它东临太平洋,西临印度洋, 海岸线长达37000公里. It is the east Pacific Ocean, west Indian Ocean, the coastline up to 37,000 km. 是世界上唯一一个独占一个大陆的国家. Is the world's only an exclusive one continent. 澳大利亚的地形很有特色. Australia's terrain is quite distinctive. 西部和中部有崎岖的多石地带、浩瀚的沙漠和葱郁的平顶山峦,东部有连绵的高原 ,在靠海处是狭窄的海滩缓坡,缓斜向西,渐成平原. The western and central parts of the rugged rocky areas, the vast desert and lush mountain ranges of Pingdingshan east of rolling plateau, in the sea is that a narrow beach gentle slope, slow ramp to the west, graally became plain. Coastal area is full of wide beaches and lush vegetation, where the topography of strange things: in the west of the City of Sydney has the Blue Mountains of the cliffs, in the north Gela Si House Brisbane, tall mountains, beautiful and after the erosion of the volcanic neck , while in the south coast west of Adelaide city, is a flat plain. 墨累河和达令河是澳大利亚最长的两条河流. Murray River and Darling River is Australia's longest two rivers. 这两个河流系统形成墨累-达令盆地,面积约100多万平方公里,相当于大陆总面积的14%. These two river systems the formation of the Murray - Darling Basin, an area of about 100 million square kilometers, equivalent to 14% of the total area of mainland China. 艾尔湖是靠近大陆中心一个极大的盐湖,面积超过9000平方公里,但长期呈干涸状态. Lake Eyre is near the center of the continent a great salt lake, covering an area over 9000 square km, but the long-term status was dry. 澳大利亚的大部分国土,约70%,属于干旱或半干旱地带,中部大部分地区不适合居住. Most of Australia's land, about 70%, classified as arid or semi-arid zones, the central most areas not suitable for habitation. 澳大利亚有11个大沙漠,它们约占整个大陆面积的20%. Australia has 11 large deserts, which account for about 20% of the area throughout the continent. 由于降雨量很小,大陆三分之一以上的面积实际上被沙漠覆盖. As the rainfall is small, the mainland for more than one-third of the area actually covered by deserts. 澳大利亚是世界上最平坦、最干燥的大陆,中部洼地及西部高原均为气候干燥的沙漠, 能作畜牧及耕种的土地只有26万平方公里. Australia is the world's most flat, the driest continent, the central lowland and western plateau are dry desert climate, can make animal husbandry and farming the land, only 26 million square kilometers. 沿海地带,特别是东南沿海地带,适于居住与耕种. Coastal areas, particularly in the southeastern coastal zone, suitable for residence and cultivation. 这里丘陵起伏,水源丰富,土地肥沃. Here hilly, water-rich, fertile land. 除南海岸外,整个沿海地带形成一条环绕大陆的“绿带”,正是这条“绿带”养育了这个国家. In addition to the south coast, the entire coastal strip around the continent to form a "green", it is this "green" brought up this country. 然而,澳大利亚内陆贫瘠干旱地带却蕴藏极为丰富的矿产资源,澳大利亚铁矿储量占世界第二位,各种矿产为澳大利亚带来大量的财富 . However, barren arid zones of inland Australia is extremely rich deposits of mineral resources, the Australian iron ore reserves of the world's second largest, all kinds of mineral resources in Australia to bring a lot of wealth.