❶ 求一篇介绍法国或英国美食的英文文章
❷ 巴黎里的美食有哪些,要中文也要英文
❸ 法国美食英文简介!
French Food Culture
Culture of French Food
French cuisine is extremely diverse, with only the Chinese having similar variety in their food. This variety is supported by the French passion for good food in all its forms, France's extraordinary range of different geographies and climates which support the local proction of all types of ingredients, and France's long and varied history. In many ways, an understanding of the culture of French food is an understanding of France itself.
Meals range from the very basic, such as the traditional baguette plus cheese plus inexpensive wine, to very elaborate affairs than can involve a dozen courses and different wines consumed over several hours. Obviously, the latter type of dining is exceptional for most people. However, it is this more sophisticated dining which is typically found in "French restaurants" outside France, giving many foreigners the mistaken impression that French food is heavy and complicated. In fact, much of the French cuisine is fairly simple, relying on high quality fresh ingredients and loving preparation rather than complex recipes.
It is common in much of France to take a two hour break for lunch, with many working parents (particularly in villages and smaller towns) returning home for lunch. In some areas, mainly in the south of France, even longer lunch breaks are taken. Due to the long lunch break, businesses which close for this period typically reopen around 2PM or so and then stay open until about 7PM.
Regional influences on French food
Almost all the famous French dishes are regional specialities, some of which have become popular throughout France (such as Coq au Vin and Foie Gras) while others are mainly enjoyed in the regions in which they originate. Although regional specialities are often offered throughout France, the quality of ingredients and preparation is often superior in their region of origin.
Each region, in addition to boasting local specialities, also has a general style of cooking and choice of ingredients. For example, in Provence the food typically features olive oil, herbs and tomatoes. The evolution of regional cooking styles has been influenced by:
Local availability. The French, a nation of gourmets, know that the best food is made from local ingredients, which are fresher and of better quality than items which have been transported long distances. Consequently, coastal regions (such as Brittany and Normandy, on the northwest coast of France) will favour sea fish and will use it more often and in more varied ways than inland areas. Likewise, areas where fruit or herbs grow easily, will incorporate these into their local cuisine.
Neighbouring countries and immigration. Areas of France which border on other countries have incorporated some of the cuisine of their neighbours. It is not surprising to find Italian dishes near the Italian border. More notably, the French region of Alsace is similar to Germany in its food (sauerkraut is popular) and wine, partly e to it currently bordering on Germany and partly e to it having been part of Germany at various points in its history (the border has moved back and forth with various wars). In parts of the south which have a large North African immigrant population one can enjoy the cuisine which they have imported from their original countries.
History and economic conditions. The culture, lifestyle and economic conditions over a long period of time have formed the development of local food traditions. The rich meat dishes and cream sauces of Burgundy are not only e to Burgundian excellence in raising cattle, but in large part to the economic prosperity of this region over several centuries. On the other hand, mountain regions excel in firm cheeses, which allow food to be preserved over the long and difficult winters, and can be proced from mountain livestock which historically were the main means of support for many families in economically limited areas.
In all parts of France one will find a range of dishes, both in restaurants and in homes, which extends far beyond the regional specialities. However, in much of France the regional influences in terms of ingredients and cooking are marked. The most available food and the best cooking tend to be those proced from local ingredients and using local recipes. Therefore, the decision of where to visit or live in France tends to influence which types of food one will enjoy.
The French Mediterranean uses olive oil, herbs and tomatoes in many of its dishes. The cuisine of northwest France uses butter, soured cream (crè fraiche) and apples. The cuisine of northeast France (Alsace, and to a lesser extent Lorraine) has a strong German influence which includes beer and sauerkraut. Throughout the south in general there tends to be more use of vegetables and fruit (in part e to the favourable climate). Near the Atlantic coast and the Mediterranean there is a greater consumption of sea food, while inland areas favoured by rivers (e.g. the Loire valley) use more fresh water fish.
The Italian connection
Any discussion of the influences on French cuisine would be incomplete with recognising the historical contribution of Italy to the development of French cooking. In 1533, Catherine De Medicis (a Florentine princess) married Henry c d'Orleans (who became King Henry II or France). At this point, France was not know for its food or food culture. Catherine brought an entourage of Italian chefs with her to France, who introced to France a variety of dishes, food preparation and dining practices. Although France and Italy obviously have evolved very different food cultures, both before and since this contribution, much of France's current food culture can be traced back to this time.
Cooking styles
Every region of France has its own distinctive traditions in terms of ingredients and preparation (see France Regions for further information). On top of this, there are three general approaches which compete with each other:
Classical French cuisine (also known in France as cuisine bourgeoise). This includes all the classical French dishes which were at one time regional, but are no longer specifically regional. Food is rich and filling, with many dishes using cream-based sauces.
Haute cuisine is classical French cuisine taken to its most sophisticated and extreme. Food is elegant, elaborate and generally rich. Meals tend to be heavy, especially e to the use of cream and either large portions or many smaller portions. There is a strong emphasis on presentation (in particular, vegetables tend to be cut with compulsive precision and uniformity). The finest ingredients are used, and the meal is correspondingly expensive.
Cuisine Nouvelle. This style developed in the 1970s, as a reaction against the classical school of cooking. The food is simpler and lighter. Portions are smaller and less rich; the heavy cream sauces of the classical approach are particularly avoided. Cooking is less elaborate and quicker, with more emphasis on local and seasonal ingredients.
Cuisine terroir. This focuses on regional specialities and is somewhat more rustic in nature. Local proce and food traditions are the main focus.
Each of these three traditions are strongly represented in France, with each having its supporters and specialist restaurants. At the moment, Cuisine Nouvelle is less popular than it was, while Cuisine terroir has grown in popularity in recent years.
Wine and cheese
Aside from bread and water, the most common accompaniments to a French meal are wine and cheese. Unlike other countries, in France wine is considered a standard part of everyday meals, and is neither expensive nor reserved for special occasions. With everyday meals, ordinary wines are served, although it is expected that the style of wine match the style of food (see French Wine for further information).
In addition to its use in cooking, cheese is often served as a course in itself. In this case, it is served after the main meal but before dessert. This typically consists of a platter with three or four different cheeses, from which guests can slice pieces according to their preferences. Sliced bread (e.g. slices of a baguette) are typically provided at the same time.
Restaurant guides
The most famous and successful restaurant guide in France is the Michelin Guide Rouge, which has approximately 50% market share. It has enormous influence; the award of a single star by the Guide Rouge to a restaurant can add 25% to its turnover and the loss of a star can mean financial ruin for a restaurant.
The Guide Rouge is both a restaurant guide and a hotel guide, although its better known for the former. For the towns in the Guide Rouge there is a list of the main tourist attractions and for the larger towns there is a map. In addition to having one in the house it is handy to have one in the car (e.g. if you are unexpectedly delayed on a journey and need to find a good local restaurant).
Although the Guide Rouge does not provide exact details on the criteria they use for rating restaurants, there are a number of factors beside the quality of food: service, atmosphere and value are some of the other considerations. This perhaps explains our experience that not all restaurants with the same overall rating have the same quality of food, one restaurant may have tremendous atmosphere and average food while another with the same rating may have exceptional food but little atmosphere. The Guide Rouge sometimes makes a few comments under a recommended restaurant; these are worth reading as they give an indication of what aspect of the restaurant impressed the reviewer. The comments sometimes note specialities of the house, which are often the best items on the menu.
❹ 求美国特色美食的英文介绍
Turcken is the most creative American native food. Some Americans also add some melted cheese procts to their tastes.
This dish is usually eaten in some grand festivals in the United States, like the National Day of the United States (July 4 every year), Thanksgiving, Christmas.
❺ 用英语介绍法国的食物,要有中英文对照谢谢了各位!!
Food Culture in France 法国食品文化
Food Culture in France (Food Culture around the World)
By Julia Abramson
Publisher: Greenwood Press
Number Of Pages: 224
Publication Date: 2006-11-30
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0313327971
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780313327971
Binding: Hardcover
Proct Description:
French cooking has been seen as the pinnacle of gastronomy. Food Culture in France provides an accessible tour of haute cuisine but also mainly the everyday food culture that sustains the populace. It illuminates the French way of life as well as showing what the popular cooking shows, such as Julia Child's, were based on. Readers will find the basics discussed in narrative chapters on food history, major foods and ingredients, cooking, typical meals, eating out, and diet and health. The information-packed volume is also indispensable for learning about regional cultivation and specialties that France is so famous for. The French appreciation for seasonal food is illuminated in descriptions of shopping, cooking, and eating habits. All students of French culture and language and Francophiles will benefit from the overview presented here
baguette(长棍面包),croissant(羊角面包),bordeau 葡萄酒,鹅肝酱
法国香槟(产自法国香槟地区)及各式红白葡萄酒(Bordeaux 和 Burgundy 是著名产地)、各式奶酪、白酒煨鸡、红酒煮牛肉、法式龙虾、大蒜蜗牛及大蒜田鸡腿等。
❻ 法国名菜有中英文介绍
菜名】 法式鱼卷
【所属菜系】 法国名菜
【特点】 咸鲜适口,清香不腻。
(1)将净鱼切成20片,用肉拍子拍成长方形薄片。 (2)葱头、芹菜切丝,用黄油炒至呈黄色,放盐、胡擞粉调好味,用白兰地酒烹之,拌上摊好的蛋饼切成的丝。凉后用鱼片卷成简形,叠在器皿内蒸熟即可。
【菜名】 巴黎卷心菜
【所属菜系】 法国名菜
【特点】 味浓郁香,冷热均宜,咸香可口。
1.卷心菜切成4块,剥去外层老叶,焯6分钟,捞出,控去水分,再切成大块。 2.黄油入平底锅,加入葱头片,旱芹块,翻炒5分钟,倒入卷心菜,改小火,加大蒜瓣、鸡清汤、香叶、香芹、百里香粉、用小火煮15分钟。 3.制出白色调味汁(参看牡蛎汤),卷心菜绞成菜泥后,再加入场里,倒入白色调味汁,加盐、胡椒粉。 4.火腿切成薄片后,放入汤内,放入香芹片,烤面包片单跟,即可。 5.另一种食法,不用烤面包,用夹心巧克力球、加盐、奶油少许、胡椒粉,拌匀,一起喝,风味独道。
【菜名】 鸡肉丸于汤
【所属菜系】 法国名菜
【特点】 味浓清香,鲜美可口,鸡香诱人。
生鸡脯肉100克,土豆75克,胡萝卜50克,芹菜40克,葱头50 克,鸡蛋清1个,面包25克,牛奶150毫升,香叶1片,黄油30克。精盐、胡椒粉、味精、鸡清汤各适量。
1.先在生鸡脯肉上,放上洗净的葱头.30克,用绞肉机绞成细泥,放在一瓷碗中,加入蛋清、牛奶、面包用水泡软,加入盐、味精搅拌均匀成馅。 2.把馅挤成小丸子,鸡清汤煮开后,下入丸子,煮熟,捞出。 3.再把煮鸡丸子汤过滤干净,余下葱头去皮与胡萝卜一同切成片,芹菜摘洗干净,切成段;土豆洗净,去皮,切成丁。 4.平底锅烧热,化黄油,五成热翻炒葱头片、胡萝卜片、香叶、炒出香味,然后,倒入过滤后的鸡清汤,土豆丁先用鸡汤煮一下,再放入小丸子、芹菜末,加精盐、味精、胡椒粉调好口味,即可。 5.食用时,每份可盛8个小丸子加汤,即可。
❼ 法国的旅游名胜,当地风俗,美食(英语介绍)
旅游:France is the most visited country in the world. It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris, good beaches, more monuments than any other country, lovely nature, incredible mountain scenery; need I go on? France is also a very pleasant place to stay. It has good food, great wines and people enjoy their lives. And the best thing is, maybe apart from Paris, living in France does not have to be expensive. The North
of France consists of the flatlands around the
town of Lille and the Channel. The area will remind visitors in many ways of Belgium and the Netherlands. The Grand' Place in Lille for example is a lot like that of Brussels.
Paris, the city of light and its surroundings are one of the most visited areas. Paris is without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities on the planet. FRANCE TRAVEL INFO
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West of France is turned towards the Atlantic Coast. In the north Normandy & Brittany have rolling hills, sandy beaches and quiet little harbour towns. Normandy & Brittany have a more rugged coast and many neolithic sites. It has quite a distinct atmosphere from the rest of the country; you can still sense the Celtic origin of the region and its inhabitants.
The eastern part of France consists of the Alsace, Lorraine, Franche Comt?and Burgundy regions. The landscape has rolling hills and many beautiful cities, such as Metz, Strasbourg, Nancy and Dijon. This region proces many famous wines, including magnificent pinot noirs and chardonnays valued the world over, as well as the famous "Yellow wine" from the Jura mountain vineyard.
The Center of France is in many ways the most quiet part of France. But the great treasure of this region is the Loire valley , with many great castles and beautiful towns. Chartres with its famous cathedral and Tours rate among the most beautiful French cities.
The Alps are great for skiing in winter and hiking in summer. Albertville, Grenoble and Chamonix have all hosted the Olympic games. But the Alps also have nice towns to visit, such as Chamb閞, Annecy or Grenoble .
The South with its lovely nature, good food, roman ruins and of course the Riviera draws a lot of visitors every year. Towns like Orange, and Arles but also big cities like Marseille and Toulon are must sees. The Provence is dotted with pleasant small villages. In the South west of France the Dordogne is one of the most quintessential French regions. The valley is so pretty, the towns are so cute and the food is so good, that it is hard to believe that the people who live here go somewhere else for their holidays. The Languedoc has its own language and culture. In the south of the Languedoc you find the Pyrenees, a great mountain range separating France from Spain, where you can hike and ski. The towns of Toulouse and Montpellier are nice and the medieval town of Carcassone is a top destination.
美食French Food
French cuisine is extremely diverse, with only the Chinese having similar variety in their food. This variety is supported by the French passion for good food in all its forms, France's extraordinary range of different geographies and climates which support the local proction of all types of ingredients, and France's long and varied history. In many ways, an understanding of the culture of French food is an understanding of France itself.
Meals range from the very basic, such as the traditional baguette plus cheese plus inexpensive wine, to very elaborate affairs than can involve a dozen courses and different wines consumed over several hours. Obviously, the latter type of dining is exceptional for most people. However, it is this more sophisticated dining which is typically found in "French restaurants" outside France, giving many foreigners the mistaken impression that French food is heavy and complicated. In fact, much of the French cuisine is fairly simple, relying on high quality fresh ingredients and loving preparation rather than complex recipes.
It is common in much of France to take a two hour break for lunch, with many working parents (particularly in villages and smaller towns) returning home for lunch. In some areas, mainly in the south of France, even longer lunch breaks are taken. Due to the long lunch break, businesses which close for this period typically reopen around 2PM or so and then stay open until about 7PM.
❽ 求英语文章 介绍法国饮食,或者欧洲饮食也行,最好附译文
Food fashion in France
Low culture
The latest threat to the French way of life
Feb 18th 2010 | PARIS | From The Economist print edition
ROQUEFORT, camembert, brie de Meaux, Saint-Félicien, gruyère, comté, münster, pont l’évêque, cantal, reblochon, tomme de Savoie, crottin de chavignol. A spontaneous familiarity with the display on a* three-tier cheese trolley *(注3)is essential to the *national identity *(注5)of the French. Each of them guzzles 25kg of the stuff per year, second only to the Greeks. Now, though, there are disturbing signs that the land of the unpasteurised gourmet cheese is being colonised by pale plastic-packed foreign stuff.
Last year, despite the recession, overall French cheese consumption grew. Yet to the dismay of purists, sales of such soft cheeses as camembert and brie dropped by 2%, according to the National Interprofessional Centre of the Dairy Economy. The fastest-growing sales, by contrast, were in the category covering Italian mozzarella and Greek feta, which jumped by 10% (although overall volumes remain small).
尽管去年经济不景气,但是法国奶酪的整体消费量有增无减。国家乳制品经济管理中心数据显示,像 camembert,莫城等软质乳酪的销售量下降了2%,令纯粹主义者大失所望。相比之下,销售速度最快的是像意大利干酪和希腊羊乳酪等产品,其销售量上升了10%。(虽然其整体销售份额依旧很小)
Some of this is explained by the rise of the pizza, now part of the French staple diet. In 2008 Domino’s Pizza, an American home-delivery firm, saw its French sales jump by 31%, as its outlets spread across the country like melting mozzarella. Another factor is France’s sandwich boom. These days the French spend on average just 31 minutes munching their lunch, down from an hour and 38 minutes back in 1975. Young office types increasingly shun the sit-down brasserie meal in favour of le snacking: salads in plastic boxes or toasted *panini*(注2), filled with yet more feta and mozzarella.
Artisan fromagers are hitting back. Next month will see a National Cheese Day, just after the annual Paris Agricultural Fair, a ritual event where mud and straw is imported into the capital and the French celebrate their roots in the terroirs. French cheese, says the Association Fromage de Terroirs, a lobby group, is not just food, but a “theme of national importance”. It fears that traditional cheese-making, demanding raw milk, sweat and loving care, is being eclipsed by a bland, pasteurised instry, designed in part to suit foreign markets. Even in France only 15% of fine cheeses are made from unpasteurised milk. “The French now buy cheese as they buy washing powder,” laments Véronique Richez-Lerouge, the group’s president. The group sells a wall calendar featuring women in their underwear offering cheese (see slideshow), which “defends the values of the French art de vivre”.
工匠奶酪强势归来。下个月继一年一度的巴黎农业博览会——届时将举行活动仪式,即首都巴黎进口带着泥土的稻草,民众欢庆土壤中的根茎——之后将举行全国奶酪节。议会小组乡土奶酪协会说,法国奶酪不仅仅是一种食品,更是“国家价值的重要体现”。传统的奶酪制作业由未经消毒原料乳加工而成,制作者辛勤劳作,细心照料,而现在为了适应国外市场,乡土奶酪协会担心这些优良的传统将被取而代之,做出没有味道,经过消毒的奶酪。即便在法国也只有15%的奶酪是由未经消毒的原奶制作的。该协会会长Véronique Richez-Lerouge叹息说“法国人买奶酪就像买洗衣粉一样”。该协会推出一套挂历,挂历上美女身穿内衣手捧奶酪(见幻灯片),旨在维护法国的生活方式。
The trouble is that, even as traditionalists fret about instrialisation, French business is taking matters into its own hands. Santa Lucia and Salakis, two of the best-known brands of, respectively, Italian mozzarella and Greek feta on French hypermarket shelves, are owned by Lactalis, a vast dairy group with 127 instrial sites worldwide. The company’s nationality? French.
问题是,即便传统主义者也为工业化的不断发展焦虑不安。法国人自己掌控着法国的商业。法国超市货架上两家最有名的品牌——意大利干酪品牌店Santa Lucia和希腊羊乳酪品牌店Salakis均属于 Lactalis公司,该公司是一家乳制品大集团,在全球拥有127个工业点。你猜这家公司是哪国的?法国的!
❾ 法国有什么著名的食物呢用英语表达一下
cognac (柯纳克白兰地酒,产于法国的西南部地区,这个字里字母组合gn不发鼻音/n/,而发/nj/,也就是鼻音/n/加上半元音/j/的音)
root beer
ginger ale
tonic water
shirley temple
courvoisier (拿破仑干邑葡萄酒,这个字源于法文,这里的元音字母组合ou不发合口双元音,而发的是长元音/u/的音,第二个音节里的元音字母组合oi也不发合口双元音,发的是/wɑ/的音,s在两个元音字母之间发浊辅音的摩擦音/z/,元音字母i发的是半元音的/j/,在词尾的元音字母组合er不发卷舌音,而发合口双元音/e/的音)
ice tea