A. 英语作文. 游芷江受降纪念坊一天. 英语作文
In jiang, more strange. First heard, that is a primary school grade 5 when the west sway mountains - jinding, the highest peak teacher said that there is jiang. But then the understanding of jiang still very fuzzy, standing at the top of the hill are, after all, can't see clearly jiang. This time, which is, is going to play a special. See admire already a long time of surrender, witnessed the hollowness of jiang airport, feel the charm of wind and rain bridge. With these ideas, hit the road.
From which drove to jiang is about 40 minutes, first of all, the first stop is the famous the surrender of fang. The visitors here very much, free policy makes me feel very comfortable. In our surrender lane there, near the aircraft, see in the surrender memorial
B. 芷江风雨桥英语作文80字
In Guizhou, Guangxi village, there are many famous drum and boasting. These Hing to the end of the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty of ancient architecture, rigorous structure, unique shape, high national temperament. The whole building is not a nail a riveting and other iron pieces, with the texture of enrance of Chinese fir mortise connection, after another. The bridge also known as Huaqiao, is one of the building's most distinctive folk architecture. Love in the mountain side, Dong village is mostly in the river on both sides of repair, cross the water door. Therefore, the village appeared on the stone arch bridge, stone bridge, bamboo bridge etc.. While the rich ethnic characteristics is boasting.
Zhi River Longjin bridge was built in the Ming Dynasty Wanli nineteen years (1591), damage e to historical reasons, restored in 1999, a total cost of 6 million 60 thousand yuan. The bridge is the most outstanding representative in the wind. Longjin bridge a total length of 146.7 meters, 12.2 meters wide, is the world's first major bridge, December 2000 was included in the Guinness Book of history. The biggest Temple of the whole bridge and the Ma inland, Thean Hou Temple, East Village Diaojiao Lou groups embraced. The bridge for the whole wooden structure, without any nails, the mighty, such as a dragon dance across the water on both sides. Deep blue glazed tile, 6 sets of gold and treasure grab Ssangyong Shoutou, white roof eaves, etc., reflects the contemporary landscape architecture and Dong ethnic style, hanging column, hanging column, Shigu melon, embodies Dong wooden building art. Ornamental Pavilion Hall, pavilion, gallery, column square, store numbers on the banners are the famous calligraphy carved by the master. The overall design of the bridge construction process is concise and lively, crafted, set Dongxiang architectural culture art and contemporary art of landscape architecture in one.
C. 湖南芷江介绍英文版
Zhijiang Dong Autonomous County is under the administration of Huaihua, Hunan province, China, bordering Guizhou to the west. On 21 August 1945 Japan officially surrendered to China near the airfield in Zhijiang. The Japanese Vice General Secretary signed the surrounding treaty, marking the end of theSecond Sino-Japanese War.
Zhijiang County is situated in western Hunan at the eastern end of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, amongst the southern end of the Xuefengand Wuling Mountains. It borders Xinhuang Dong Autonomous County and Guizhou's Wanshan District and Tianzhu County to the west,Huitong County and Hongjiang Administrative District to the south, Zhongfang County and Hecheng District to the east, and Mayang Miao Autonomous County to the north.
Zhijiang County has a humid subtropical climate , with an annual mean temperature of 16.53 ° (61.8 °F). Winters are mild and brief, beginning somewhat dry and turning wet and gloomy as the season progresses. Spring is very rainy, especially in May, which is the wettest month. Summer is hot and humid (but tempered compared to much of the province), with moderate levels of rain, and generous sunshine; on average, July and August are the only two months where the area receives more than half of possible sunshine. Autumn is the driest season. From March to June, on average, more than half of the days each month receive some precipitation. The monthly 24-hour average temperature ranges from 4.9 °C (40.8 °F) in January to 27.2 °C (81.0 °F) in July. The annual precipitation is around 1,230 mm (48 in). With monthly percent possible sunshine ranging from 15% in February to 56% in August, the county receives 1,482 hours of sunshine annually.
D. 我的家乡——芷江的美文介绍
我的家乡--芷江 芷江侗族自治县,位于湖南省西部,地处武陵山系南麓云贵高原东部余脉延伸地带,东 经 109°17′-109°54′,北纬 27°04′-27°38′,东邻中方县、鹤城区,南接洪江市、 会同县及贵州省天柱县, 西连新晃侗族自治县及贵州省万山特区, 北界麻阳苗族自治县及贵 州省铜仁市。县城芷江镇距怀化市仅 39 公里。素有“滇黔门户、黔楚咽喉”之称。 芷江古属“五溪蛮地” ,因著名诗人屈原"沅有芷兮澧有兰"而得名。远在旧石器时代, 舞水沿岸就有原始人类活动。 西汉高祖五年(公元前 202 年)始置无阳县, 明清时曾为川、 黔、 滇、湖广总督府和偏沅巡抚所在地,乾隆元年(1736 年)始称芷江县,1986 年改为芷江侗族 自治县。总面积 2099 平方公里,辖 28 个乡镇,总人口 36 万,其中侗族等少数民族人口占 50%以上。这里历史悠久,人文荟萃。遍布旧石器、新石器时代的古文化遗址;出土的商周 时期的编钟、青铜凤形器等珍品尚属罕见;宋代古城墙、护城河历历在目;明代所建的龙津 风雨桥巍然横卧于舞水; 内陆最大的妈祖庙——天后宫矗立于舞水之滨; 文蕴丰厚的文庙和 奎文阁等古建筑群分布于县城各处。 另外, 蜚声海外的第二次世界大战反法西斯胜利的标志 性建筑芷江抗战胜利受降纪念坊以及盟军第二大机场芷江机场、 中美空军联队俱乐部、 受降 堂、中国工农红军第二、六军团司令部旧址、湘西剿匪烈士纪念塔等一大批纪念性建筑在境 内熠熠生辉。 芷江青山逶迤,溪河蜿蜒。舞水河自西向东以“S”型穿城而过,跨境 92.5 公里。县城 历史上有著名的“内八景” 、 “外八景” 。现幸存有“明山叠翠” 、 “秀水拖兰” 、 “龙津春浪” 、 “杨溪云树”四景,古有许多文人墨客在此吟诗填词。城北郊明山,现为自然保护区,主峰 高 1008.2 米, 登顶峰可以饱览城邑风光。 现今每逢农历三月初三, 相邻 3 省 18 县数万余人, 兴会于此,或歌或舞,热闹非凡。明山还盛产著名的紫袍玉带石,宋高宗建王朝和慈祥太后 兴建建颐和园时, 明山石均作为 “贡品” 进入 “雕栏玉砌” 行列。 清朝朝文人杨兆兰曾作 《图 书》赞明山峻秀: “缛浓翠色,层叠绸密。峰峰相对,岭岭相衔??” 。明山脚下的舞水河上, 刚建成蟒塘溪水利水电枢纽工程总投资 5 个多亿, 已形成舞水湖区立体景观。 县城南郊 有芷江最大的古树杨溪云树,树冠面积 206 平方米, 有“天下第一伞” 之称。 相传汉末所植, 迄今已 2000 余年,仍枝繁叶茂。熊希龄有诗赞曰: “一片翠云矗岸稀,八百舞水树依,野渡 三千累尊首,五岳山界誉奇” 。位于县西南洞下场的三处大溶洞令人眼花缭乱。距县城 20 公里的罗旧花山寨,誉称“花山仙姿” ,拟投资 1200 多万元进行第一期工程开发,正着手开 发“风景游览” 、 “月湖垂钓” 、 “水上乐园” 、 “飞天缆车” 、 “寨主天王吊脚楼”等十大旅游项 目。城西为桃花溪植被风景区,人称县城休闲的“世外桃源” 。此外县城内还有爱情岛、龙 井泉、白杨防护林等 50 多个景点。王守仁途经沅州赋诗《过罗旧驿》和《沅水驿》 。嘉庆二 十四年(1819 年)林则徐首次路过芷江,停 5 天,宿沅州府。他在日记《滇轺纪程》中, 对芷江的自然风景、人文地理作了一番客观优美的评价。现城内铁路桥、公路桥、风雨桥三 桥并通,整个城市环境优美,面貌协调。
E. 怀化芷江的旅游景点介绍
F. 旅游芷江作文英语60字
Zhi River is a beautiful place, it is a mountain of water scenery, known as the "Yunnan Guizhou gateway, Qian Chu throat" is called. It seems to me not at all than an earthly paradise Hangzhou difference how much. This summer I was in Zhi River a feast for the eyes.
G. 描写芷江的英语作文
part for our lives. about the attitude at money, there are some different opinions.
Some people say, money is very important for me. i cant do anything if i dont have money. i cant travel to any place if i dont have money. i cant pay the charge of my life if i dont have money. my children cant go to school if i dont have money. so i cant live without money.
But some people dont think so. they say, if you were ill teribly, even you have much money, you cant get the useful medicine, money cant save your life. if you commit a crime,you still must be in the prison, you cant get free because of your money. so money is not everything for my life. Every one h
H. 初中作文《芷江游记》
作者:蓝西新梦 2008-10-11 23:32 星期六
I. 芷江参观作文400字