① 全国所有旅游城市的英文简称
不太明白,什么叫做“全国所有旅游城市的英文简称”?鄙人从来没听过旅游部门的同回事说过这个概念。英答文的中国城市名字就是城市的汉语拼音(除了少数城市如香港、拉萨),无法简称啊,简称了外国人也看不懂啊。只有民航有城市的机场三字代码,如北京是PEK,青岛是TAO,香港是NKG等等。 中国有600多个地级以上城市,这些城市都可以叫做旅游城市(只要有一定的旅游资源),就是国家旅游局公布的优秀旅游城市也很多,仅第一批公布的就有54个,第二批67个。如果您愿意的话,可以把这些城市的英文名字全部列出(优秀旅游城市中文列表在国家旅游局网站上有)。 楼下老兄,我打错了,呵呵,香港是HKG。
② 英语翻译“河南开封是中国著名古都之一,也是中国优秀旅游城市。”用英语怎么写
Kaifeng city Henan province is one of the oldest cities in China as well as the the most excellent travel city.
③ 中国优秀旅游城市英文怎么翻译呀
China's excellent tourism city
excellent tourist city in China
the outstanding tourist cities of China
China Excellent Tourist City
④ 全国先进城市 英语怎么说
National Model City
Model City in China
Top Tourist City of China
It's not 9 o'clock yet.
已经回答9 点多了
It's (past) 9 o'clock already.
⑤ “中国优秀旅游城市”用英语怎么说要权威的
China excellent tourist city
⑥ 求一些中国优秀旅游城市的英文导游词
The tour will take 4-6 hours. The route is as follows:
Out side the East Gate-side the East Gate –in front of the Hall of benevolence and Longevity- in front of Garden of Virtuous Harmony-in front of the Grand Theater Building- a lakeside walk from the Garden of Virtuous Harmony to the Hall o Jade Ripples- in front of the o Jade Ripples- in front of the Yiyunguan (Chamber of Mortal Being)-Hall of happiness and longevity- in front of the Yaoyue (Chamber of Mortal Beings)-Hall of Happiness and Longevity-in front of the Yaoyue(Inviting the Moon ) Gate of the Long Corridor- strolling along the Long Corridor- visiting an exhibition of cultural relics- in front of the Hall of Dispelling Clouds- inside the Hall of Dispelling Clouds- atop the Tower of Buddhist Incense- on a hilltop leading from the back door of the Tower of Buddhist Incense- on a hilltop leading from the back door of the Tower of Buddhist Incense- inside the Garden of Harmonious Interest –outside the south gate to Suzhou Shopping Street- atop the stone bridge inside the Suzhou shopping street –on the road from the south gate of suzhou shopping street- on the road form the south gate of suzhou shopping street to the marble boat- in front of the ruins of the Garden of complete spring –along the lakeside by the marble boat-boating on the Kunming Lake-leaving out through the East Gate
⑦ 中国优秀旅游城市的英文缩写是什么
好象是China Excellent Tourism City
⑧ 中国有哪些城市被评为全国优秀旅游城市
⑨ 中国十佳宜居城市英文怎么说
威海入来选“中国十佳宜居城市自” 排名第一
珠海入选“中国十佳宜居城市” 排名第二
桂林入选“中国十佳宜居城市” 排名第三
贵阳入选“中国十佳宜居城市” 排名第四
台州入选“中国十佳宜居城市” 排名第五
北海入选“中国十佳宜居城市” 排名第六
秦皇岛入选“中国十佳宜居城市” 排名第七
咸阳入选“中国十佳宜居城市” 排名第九
曲靖入选“中国十佳宜居城市” 排名第十
⑩ 中国三大优秀旅游城市!
成都 杭州 大连 06年底旅游最佳城市评选前三
个人觉得 昆明 成都 青岛