A. 求南京各个著名景点的英语导游词!(最好中英文结合)
Nanjing is the capital city of Jiangsu with a population of 4.5 million. Owing to its superior geographic location, the city has remained the transportation center of the Yangzi Delta region. Once prospering on its shipyards, Nanjing has now grown into a commercial hub and cultural center of southeast China.
For almost 2,000 years, Nanjing ("China’s Southern Capital") has witnessed some of the most significant events in Chinese history, including its position as nationa’s capital ring the Six Dynasties (220-589 AD) and the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 AD), the onset of Ming Dynasty in 1368 by Zhu Yuanzhang who made Nanjing capital for almost two decades, the signing of the Sino-British treaty in 1842 that ceded Hong Kong to Britain, and its most painful moment known as "Rape of Nanjing" when Japanese troops brutally slaughtered 300,000 civilians in 1937. Many of these events are recorded in the Nanjing Museum.
For tourists, Nanjing is one of China’s most attractive cities. The city has a balanced layout between traditional and modern architecture. Its many broad boulevards are well shaded from the summer heat by tall trees. The river bank by the Yangzi River irradiates nice and peaceful night views; the beautiful and quiet Xuanwu Lake and its forested islands smooth out the tough edges of a commercial metropolitan ...
The must-see of Nanjing is Dr. Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum, where the father of modern China is buried on the mountain top of Zijinshan. The pilgrimage trip to the tomb is composed of an enormous stone stairway, 323 meters long and 70 meters wide. The scene is respectfully magnificent.
Another important site of Nanjing is the Memorial of the Nanjing Massacre which exhibits documents and pictures of the atrocities by Japanese troops in 1937, a painful moment for the city and her residents. Also on display is furniture used at the signing of Japan’s surrender to China, carrying a undisputable message to the country which still refuses to issue a formal apology to the war victims - don’t forget history! The exhibits conclude on a more optimistic note, with the last room dedicated to the post-war Sino-Japanese reconciliation.
B. 英国旅游景点的英文导游词
England travel the beauty spot introction is tremendous from the beautiful British south, the fortress building stand up like a forest of the private of 威尔 , the boundless 荒 distributes with steep high mountain at first of the Scotland go to own the Albion of numerous Middle Ages cities,towns,houses and gardens scene beautiful.The following give everyone the introction is some beauty spots that can be provided as visit. aaa.com
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The old address of the ALNWICK fortress-promise 森伯兰 county ke and the 珀 west families, as early as they lived in here in 1509.The external appearance of the house belongs to the basinet structure and form, the ancient 朴 is cultured, the internal but again contains the countless jewelry and picture mural. The aaa website really likes
One of BA SI-England the most beautiful and cultured cities, because of its Georgia is period of house building style but the 著 call.You can visit to one person in the jerkin Rome the bathroom ruins of the grandiosity of the nearby establishment at the hot springs here. oh ye ye...
The BEAULIEU House-have ever been the residence of the Lord Montague, have 13 centuries to build up but is broken in the confused conflict by Henry's three a life times of the original of the Old Palace, still contain a National Motor Museum of the Lord Montague establishment here, collect more than 200s a big car,bus with race car.
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BROADWAY/EVESHAM/PERSHORE-BE three very beautiful villages, among them, the Broadway is the typical section 茨 fertile 尔 virtuous mound style building, but another two then build up the blessing and five 斯s in the 赫 is the black and white alternate wood system building of the county especially. www.aaa.com
CHATSWORTH-should construct to locate German the big slice of the flank of the river plant area especially inside, is a Devonshire one a life time cal establishment, the in the interval collects numerous invaluable jewelries, including the picture,book and furniture facilities etc..Still have here a gorgeous of garden, from the Capability Brown and the Joseph Paxton the two people's design build of, the inside still has the fountain that a water pillar jet is up to 90 meters. Welcome to aaa.com
Slice 斯 especially-this is an ancient city that owns 2000 history, is also England to keep a most complete city up to now, own an alternate Middle Ages building of numerous black and whites, wood system the store of the long gallery stand up like a forest in the street both sides.
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Reach to pull 谟 -12 centuries to build on a big church that the river turns a corner place, the adjacent promise 曼 fortress, become one part that reaches to pull the 谟 university now.
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JORVIK VIKING CENTRE-The Jorvik that locates to invite the gram Cape is a pirate city that haven't yet been uncovered completely by the archeologist, its conct and actions a museum re-appears the life that the Jorvik is people for ages. the oh ye ye...
The LEVENS HALL-this is the house of 伊 Lisa white ages that gets close to British lake, region, mortar 漫 ground,inset the plank 精 to pack, also cut of weird and odd bush garden. Aaa.com all rights reserve
Liverpool-BE call with the shell insect music band and the Liverpool and Everton football team but 著 of the 著 at the contemporary.It the dockyard region after reform still constructs its past maritime affairs atmosphere.
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WINCHESTER-it is a completion of work in 13 centuries, the most long elder brother in Europe especially the type church is also unique one part of 13 centuries that subsist down, the fortress building, still keep to have"second 瑟 king of round table" among them.
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WINDERMERE-this is a the most long of England lake, can multiply by boat from the Bowness until the lake is the Ambleside of the northern sides most. oh ye ye...
Invite big church of the gram Cape-BE the gathering ground of the North Europe pirate at the beginning, present now of then the elder brother of 13-15 centuries is the building style in the type church especially.The town is greatly part of to is surround by the basinet city wall, then winding around the street of the turns and twists mostly in the fortress.
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oh ye ye...
Mountain in this Nevis-locate the British Scotch mound center a tallest of the district mountain, the top of hill all has cable car to carry you to arrive whole year round to appreciate magnificent landscape halfway up a hill.
City in Edinburgh-it occupied Edinburgh most the eye-catcher position, and contained the royal house jewelry of the Scotland.
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GLENCOE-BE locate the 崇 mountain 峻岭 in of a long valley, the tribe war of the 著 took place with bloodbath in 1692 here. This text comes from aaa.com
The LOMOND gulf-BE Scotch numerous as that have a romantic color most in the gulfs, can also go boating but go here in the meantime.
The HOLYROODHOUSE palace-the English queen official residence in Scotland, however greatly part of have already been check to manage two a life times rebuild.
oh ye ye...
The 斯 works properly fortress especially-come up to say its be rated as is the most grand in the Scotch fortress from the geography a position still a building style regardless. Be in love with a net, be in love with aaa
The TRAQUAIR HOUSE-it was a Scotch royal house to live ground in early days, was also the most ancient a.It is a royal house to round a field at the beginning, also returning someone to live now.
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Western region the highland coast-own the coast line and numerous gulfs and group of islands of the turns and twists here, can be regarded as the most beautiful place of Scotland. This text comes from aaa.com
The 尔 private of WALES 威
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The CAERNARFON fortress-this is the most attractive an in private's fortress of 威尔 , however first belong to Rome in 13 centuries all.This is what private's prince of 威尔 in 1969 资 purchase, it bagged various museums in the town.It even has ever been a harbor in ages of Rome.
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The LLECHWEDD mountain cave-it is 1 in the Blaenau Ffestiniog giant lime mineral mountain, is a named Tramway of the miner wears a hole hole circuit diagram detection fluently in 1846.But the second then locate the bottom of the most deep passenger transportation of England railroad, had been extend till Deep Mine.
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The PORTMEIRION is a village that is rich with a miraculous and romantic color, setting up in 20 centuries two,30's, adopt the building style of Italies.It locates at to go into seaport in river's river, the path bushy bushes and woodland.It is still the habitat of the Portmeirion pottery.
C. 求风景名胜英语导游词
http://www.travelchinaguide.com/cityguides/ 这个很棒的~回答
D. 介绍南澳岛景点的英语导游词
神奇宋井宋井是南澳岛上一处较有特色的景点, 宋井风景区位于云澳镇澳前村东南海滩,由蜚声中外的宋井、景亭、太子楼遗址等主体景观组成。据记载南宋景炎元年(1276年)5月,因元兵进迫,时礼部侍郎陆秀夫和大将张世忠等护宋少帝退经南澳,驻跸澳前村,并挖有供皇帝、大臣和将士兵马饮用的“龙井”、“虎井”、“马井”三口宋井。三井原在山坡上,由于地壳变动逐渐沉入海滨沙中,近年来,海潮将沙冲走,水井即现,相继在1937、1969、1978、1981年露出过龙井或马井,每次持续半年左右。神奇的是,井与海水相隔不过咫尺之遥,却始终涌出甘甜的淡水,即使被沙淹没,仍可恢复。近年加修围栏保护,游客至此都要品尝井水以试咸淡。
青澳湾 青澳湾是广东省两个A级沐浴海滩之一,这里海浪低平,沙滩绵延2400多米,坡度平缓,沙质细洁,延伸至水下百米,没有礁石;海水无污染,颜色始终呈碧蓝色;海湾上围绕站纵深百米的防风林带,四季郁郁葱葱,与金黄色的沙湾和湛蓝的海水构成优美的景观。目前,青澳湾已经建起了夜总会、名商游艇会、月亮湾大酒店、青澳宾馆、金海苑招待所、中南海湾娱乐中心等一批旅游设施,青澳购物街也已开市。
金银岛景区 金银岛位于深澳镇贼澳湾。整个景点由九曲桥连接而成,镌刻多处名人摩崖石刻,竖立看守金银财宝的石雕塑像。相传这里是“海盗“吴平的藏宝之地,至今流传着藏宝的谜语“潮涨淹不着,潮退淹三尺“,却无人能破译,遂成千古之谜。
海上鱼村 “海上鱼村”位于深澳镇猎屿湾,北与饶平柘林镇隔海相望,猎屿、虎屿(又称塔屿)屹立为门户,湾内水域宽阔,风静浪平,是养殖的天然海湾。这里既是古时深澳的重要屏障,同时又是扼守闽粤航路,海上丝绸之路的要津,也是闻名遐迩的海上古战场,民族英雄戚继光、郑成功、刘永福、俞大猷等先后在这里写下了抗击外来侵略和收复台湾的不朽篇章。昔日战火连天的海域,如今成了鱼欢虾跃的蓝色牧场。一格格养殖网箱,一片片紫菜竹架、一笼笼珍珠贝、一串串翡翠贻贝、太平洋牡蛎生机勃勃。那大片海滩涂,人们耕海筑起了万亩海水养殖基地,已经形成以石斑鱼、鲍鱼、珍珠、紫菜、对虾、贝类等名贵海鲜为主的“聚宝盆”。
黄花山海岛国家森林公园 在洁白浪花簇拥着的南澳岛上,有一片由连绵群峰组成的植物王国。巨大的海洋和绿色植物的调节作用使这里冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,山清水秀,彩蝶纷飞,成为生态岛中的“生态岛”,“绿岛氧吧”中的“换肺机”。她,就是被海内外游客津津乐道的黄花山海岛国家森林公园。
E. 谁哪里有山东八大旅游景点的英语导游词
山东碧霞祠英语导游词The city of Taian, is 150 meters above sea level. Most of the principal scenic spots and historical remains are clustered along an axis extending from the city to the top of the mountain. They are the result of a long historical Process, and are ingeniously placed in order to take advantage of the surrounding topography.
mythology has it that Mt.Tai was formed from the head of PanGu, one of chinese creators.His four limbs Formed another four mountains. These five mountains are located in the East, West,South,North and the center of China. Mount Tai in the East is the one that is generally the most admired.
The Azure Cloud Temple is the best preserved old structure on Mt.Taishan, which still retains the style and appearance of the Ming an Qing dynasties. Its importance rests with its Good combination of architecture, painting, carving and forest, an illustration of ancient Cinenese culture. It has a building area of 3900 square meters. According to records,it wasFirst built in 1009 of the Song Dynasty, and rebuilt in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now it is a large ancient complex on the top of Mt. taishan.
The Azure Cloud Temple consists of 12 large structures, such as the Main Hall, the Annexed Hall,the joss stick Hall, the Main Gate, the imperial Stele Pavillion, the Bell Tower and The Sacred Gate. The temple is divided by the main gate into two courtyards. The front counrtyard has three gates. On the Soouth Sacred Gate stand three dancing and singing roomsOver a fire floor where pilgrims burn Joss sticks. Facing the gate is a screen wall, inscribed four Chinese characters meaning admiration by generations. Two annexed rooms extend notyhward to connect the East Sacred Gate and the West sacred Gate.
The main gate is the bound between the front courtyard and the rear courtyard. Inside the gate is the principal part of the Azyre Cloud Temple. In the center of the courtyard is the Joss stick pavilion, where enshrined is a bronze figurine of the aupreme Lord. On either side of the pavilion stands a huge stele. Besides the Azure Cloud Tem;le itself, the Buddha’s Halo is another miraculous phenomenon. Of the 128 historical sites under preservation on Mt. Taishan, the Azure Cloud Temple is the most important one.
A common saying goes that a mountain will be intelligent if there lives an immortal, no matter how high it is. Mt. Taishan is not only high but also intelligent. Rising abruptly and imposingly1545 meters above sea level from a vast plain, Mt. Taishan became the holy land where emperors of different dynasties made their personal pilgrimages and held ssacrificiall ceremonies. StandjingOn the top of Mt. Taishan, the Azure Cloud Temple, the chief place where sacrificial ceremonies were made, is the highlight attraction on Mt.Taishan.
If you are tired you can have a rest here or take photos. mind you, in 5 minutes. who know the origin of BaoTu Spring, please think it over and I will tell you the reason after 5 minutes.
山东曲阜孔庙 Located in Qufu, Shandong Province, the tourist area, which includes the Mansion, Temple and Cemetery of Confucius, enjoys a worldwide fame as a traditional Chinese cultural site. They attract numerous tourists from both home and abroad annually. In 1994, they were listed as world cultural heritage sites. The Mansion of Confucius is the living quarters of the first grandson of Confucius, a great philosopher, ecator and a founder of Confucianism. It is also known as Master Yansheng's Mansion because in 1055, or the second year of the reign of Song Emperor Zhaozhen, Kong Zongyuan, the 46th generation male descendant of Confucius was given the title "Master Yansheng". The title was passed down to Kong Decheng, the 77th generation male descendant of Confucius. With an area of 160,000 square meters, the mansion has nine courtyards with 463 rooms along the east, west and middle routes. The main part of the mansion centers the houses along the middle route . The first four yards contain offices and the other five serve as residences. At the rear it is a garden. The mansion stores more than 9,000 volumes of files from 1534 (the 13th year of the reign of Ming Emperor Jiaqing) to 1948 and great quantities of rare and precious cultural and historical relics. The Temple of Confucius served as a place for worshipping Confucius in various dynasties. In 478 B.C., the second year after Confucius' death, the ruler of the State of Lu converted Confucius' former residence, the three-room mansion, into a temple and made it a place for worshipping Confucius. The temple was constantly renovated and expanded to its present size by emperors of the Western Han Dynasty and the following historical periods. It covers an area of 218,000 square meters and is 1,120 meters in length from south to north. There are nine courtyards and 466 rooms along three routes in the left, right and middle. The temple has an outer wall, with four corner towers, which shelters ancient pines. The main buildings along the middle route are Kuiwen Pavilion, Thirteen Stele Pavilion, Xingtan Pavilion, Dacheng Hall, Hall of Confucius' Wife and Shengji Hall. Dacheng Hall stands out and is the main hall where Confucius was worshipped. The temple houses some 2,000 tablets dating from the Western Han Dynasty right up to the founding of New China. They are one of the largest collections of tablets in the country. There are now three exhibition halls displaying tablets from the Han dynasty and Six Kingdoms of Wei, stone statues from the Han Dynasty and calligraphic carvings on Yuhonglou tablets. The 17 tablets of Han Dynasty are the largest collection in the country in term of quantity reserved in one place.The Cemetery of Confucius is about 1.5 kilometers north of Qufu and is the Confucius family cemetery. It takes up 1.998 million square meters and around it there is a seven-kilometer-long hedge. The pavilions, towers, halls and archways built in various historical periods are set in a forest. Behind the Zhushui Bridge is the graveyard, dating from the Eastern Zhou, which houses the tomb of Confucius, the tombs of his son Kong Li and grandson Kong Ji. The tomb of Confucius is 6.2 meters high and has a circumference of 88 meters.
F. 海南旅游景点英文导游词
G. 急急急!!!关于张家界一个景点的英语导游词
Yellow Dragon Cave 黄龙洞
General Introction Yellow Dragon Cave is more beautiful of caves is a typical karst formation, and you know that water plays an extremely important role in its development. Flowing into the fissures of the karst layer, water constantly dissolves the limestone rock, thereby widening the crevice. This process continues year after year and thus the caves are created. The Yellow Dragon Cave system covers a proven area than the outside world.
"Day or night, without fear of rain or wind, all year long, you can delight in its wonderful scenery. The cave is of good beneficial air circulation, and is cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
Yellow Dragon Cave is one of the foremost scenic areas in Zhangjiajie, and was rated as one of the first 4A National Tourist Attractions in China. Also it has been honored as "magical karst cave both in China and in the world".
This system 48 hectares. It is 15 kilometers long and has a vertical rise of 140 meters. The in- ner recess is divided into four layers, two dry ones and two possessing waterways. The tally of natural wonders includes: one natural reservoir, 2 underground rivers, 3 pools, 4 waterfalls, 13 grand halls, 96 passageways and hundreds of thousands of stalagmites, columns and stalactites. The Yellow Dragon Cave is so complex and unfathomable, possessing such a multitude of geological features, that it's impossible for us to take them all in at one time. This "magical place" abounds with all the sceneries that we can enjoy in the karst caves and the stalagmites are in all different shapes. Many famous scenic spots have been developed: the Dragon Dance Hall, Sounding River, Immortal Waterfall, Heaven Pillar Street, and the Dragon Palace. Except for a short distance near the entrance, we won't have to do any backtracking in the cave. The entire tour takes about two hours--2400 meters by land and an additional 800 meters by water. Chatting In the eyes of the locals of Zhangjiajie, Yellow Dragon Cave is always a "mysterious place". The waterway within the cave is called Yellow Dragon Spring and it keeps flowing year around. It is said that long, long ago this region suffered a severe drought, so a wizard named He Junru, accompanied by his disciples, entered the cave and beseeched the dragon to send water. The dragon king was touched by their plea and released several drops of water from his mouth, and this proced a deluge outside the cave. At that moment, the wizard was unaware of the refreshing rain out- side; instead, he assumed that the dragon king had somehow reject- ed his appeal. Unfortunately, he stabbed the dragon with his knife. The beast became enraged by this foolish response and spewed out a torrent of water. In a short while the flood inundated the whole region, both inside and outside the cave. The wizard was seriously injured and escaped, and all of his fellow villagers were washed away. Of course, he deeply regretted his blunder, and engraved a few lines of warning on his deathbed at the entrance to the cave so that people would not further offend the dragon: "You must never fetch water from Yellow Dragon Cave, even if you are suffering desperately from a severe drought.
It is just a story anyhow. But how was this cave actually discovered? In the Spring of 1983, Mao Jinchu, a local veteran and military battalion commander, led about ten companies of soldiers into the cave for exploration. After many setbacks and much hard- ship, they were finally able to present to the world the true face of this mysterious "kingdom". In the recesses of the cave, they en- countered swarms of rats (about 2 ~ 2.5 kilograms each) and name- less creatures possessing piercing blue eyes and enormous feet. But don't be afraid! These terrifying "monsters" have been driven away long ago.
In February of 1984, the local authorities started to develop the cave as a tourist attraction, and set up the Administrative Department of the Yellow Dragon Cave in June of that year. At the end of that year, it was formally opened to outside tourists. And since that time, this "underground pearl" has emitted its Dazzling light and received more and more attention. After their field investigation into this cave system, officials of UNESCO gave these lavish words of praise, "Yellow Dragon Cave is the most beautiful cave we' ve ever seen--anywhere in the world! And it is especially intriguing that there is such a long river inside, and it is really in- credible. " Including Zhou Guangzhao, the president of the Chinese Science Academy, 15 senior scientists proclaimed, "We have traveled around the world and this cave is the largest, most comprehensive cave we' ve seen. " More than 70 experts from the Ministry of Geology have drawn a similar conclusion, "Taking into consideration nearly all of the studies of karsts caves, Yellow Dragon Cave is the all round champion
H. 急求一篇用英语导游词具体介绍某一景点的范文
Welcome to ChongQing!My name is XXX , and my English name is Shirley. I’m very glad to be your local guide for today’s visit. On behalf of our travel agency, we hope that all of you will feel as good as today’s sunshine and enjoy yourselves here. In the following time we will have a visit on the There Gorges of Yangtze River-one of nature’s most fantastic sights by ship. During the tour if you have any questions or some good ideas please point them out, I’ll try my best to satisfy you. Wish you a wonderful journey!
Above all, I’d like to give you a brief introction of the Three Gorges. The Yangtze Three Gorges is one of the ten most famous tour sites of China , proudly stands at the first place of the best fourteen in China’s hottest scenic spots. Extend about 192 kilometers ,the Three Gorges made up of Qutang Gorge、 Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge .It starts from Baidi Castle ,Fengjie town in Sichuan Province to Nanjinguan of Yichang City in Hubei province, The gorges vary from 300m at their widest to less than 100m at their narrowest. The three parts of the gorges have their own characteristics.
Now, look through the windows, please. This is the first one—Qutang Gorge which wins its fame for grand precipice. The Qutang Gorge is only 8km. It is the smallest and shortest one in the Three Gorges, but its landscape is the most magnificent. The Yangtze River runs very fast here, and it suddenly looks like a thousand of seas poured into one cup.
As the ship going on, we have arrived the Wu Gorge which got the name from the Wu Mountain. The Wu Gorge extends about 44km well known for its profound beauty. Traveling in the deep seems like sailing in a nature gallery. Whenever the visitors arrived here, they were all fascinated by the famous 12 peaks of Wu Mountain. The 12 peaks stand thousands of meters high above the water. Their shapes are various and each of them has a reputation based on a beautiful legend . Goddess Peak stands out from the other peaks on the north bank. It is the most beautiful and upright one among them.
Look, over there! A huge rock towering among the rosy clouds in the Qingfeng, just looks like a slim and beautiful young lady.It is the Goddess Peak .Every day the Goddess Peak is the first to great the morning sun and the last to bid it farewell.
Downsream from the zigzagging Wu Gorge is the Xiling Gorge . The Xiling Gorge starts from Xiangxikou in the west and ends to Nanjinhguan of YiChang in the east.Its total length of 78 kilometers rans the longest in the Three Gorges.The name “Xiling”means “west mountains”in our Chinese becouse it located in the west of Yichang.Xiling Gorge takes on the typical scenery ot the later Three Gorges, and the scene is very splended here.
Time flies, our visit is coming to an end and its very difficult for me to say goodbye to you. I highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. I don’t expect that all of you will remember me, but I really hope that my service is of help to you. Thank you very much and best wishes to you .
I. 从哪里能找到关于旅游景点的英文导游词
哈哈,很好找 只要输入景点英文名称的只言片语,在google里搜索下就有很多景点英文介绍
J. 英语导游词
点网答页上的,Chinese GB 或 Chinese Big5 ,就是中文了,所以说,非常方便。