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发布时间: 2020-12-23 05:26:30

1. 山西有哪些名胜古迹






2. 山西陕西英文名

陕西:Shaanxi (旧的这么说Shensi)

3. 山西旅游景点大全的介绍

  • 绵山相对高度1000米以上,是太岳山(霍山)向北延伸的一条支脉。绵山,又称介山,在介休城东南20公里处,山势陡峭,多悬崖绝壁,苍松翠柏,自然景色非常优美,是省级风景名胜区;

  • 绵山的景观很多,有白云庵、光岩寺、云中寺、地藏殿、世姑庙、龙王庙、柏龙、说法台、棋盘石、五龙墓、舍身崖等。还有直径1米的铁锅水,水从崖壁流入,满而不溢,掬而饮之,味甚甘甜,叫做“一锅泉”。泉之南有一“之”字形石级,行500米,即达沟底深谷,又有“石洞水”与周围的青山怪石、奇树山花相映成趣,使人赏心悦目。

  • 4. 山西用英文念叫“Shanxi”,那陕西的英文名呢




    5. 介绍山西的英文导游词






    Shanxi city of north-south strip-like terrain, the north-east, south-west low, thus forming a temperature significantly higher than in the south of the characteristics of the north-east. When the heat in the southern region of Yuncheng encounter, the northern part of the Mountain, Mount Wutai is breezy, pleasant scenery.

    Shanxi multi-level and the geographic landform created a rich natural resources. Suitable for a variety of crop growth, such as areas of Yuncheng wheat, cotton, Shanxi Province's mountainous naked oats, and potatoes. Shanxi because of the climate, soil, has also created a variety of local procts, such as millet, Qin, XU grapes, the original level of pears, walnuts Fenyang, the Jiksan date, and so on, are very well-known. There Fenyang of Heng Fa Chuen Fen, XU old mature vinegar is particularly well-known, has long been sold overseas.

    Shanxi also rich in mineral resources in the forest. Coal reserves in the nation's top coal fields throughout the province for more than 80 percent of counties and cities.

    Shanxi's well-known procts, from Shanxi's also a very famous diligence simple, "Lian Li the best in the world" in the Jackie Chan is from Shanxi. Because of the history of Shanxi Province, after a long period of national integration, not to facilitate traffic, so that the formation of a large number of Shanxi dialect. There are many areas in Shanxi Drama, Yangko, folk songs, such as recreational activities.

    However, today's Shanxi Province, Shanxi is not the former, with the economic development of Shanxi, earthshaking changes have taken place. Wutai Mountain Buddhism Festival, the pasta section of the International Taiyuan, Pingyao International Photography Exhibition, and so on, fully demonstrated the new look from Shanxi. Even as paper cutting, folk art, and other people face, but also out of Shanxi, go out of the country, to overseas


    6. 山西旅游景点大全有哪些





    7. 请问山西省运城市的旅游景点的英文介绍怎么说阿随便哪个景点都好,谢谢哦。


    Solutions to the state temple is located in Yuncheng City, Shanxi Town off state solution. North of Silver Lake (Salt Lake), in the face Zhongtiaoshan, beautiful scenery. Solution state 10 kilometers southeast of the Three Kingdoms Shu Chang Ping Village is the origin of the Guan Yu, it is the state temple for the military solution of the ancestral temple. Founded in Suikai Huang nine years (AD 589), Song and Ming had expanded and renovated, forty year of Qing Emperor Kangxi (1702) was destroyed by fire, after more than ten years before repair. Now the temple faces south, the total area of 1.8 thousand square meters, inside and outside the Cooper green, flowers are blooming.

    8. 关于介绍山西景点介绍的作文英语80字

    Shanxi is a province of the People's Republic of China located in the northern part of the country. It borders Hebei to the east, Henan to the south, Shaanxi to the west, and Inner Mongolia to the north. The provincial capital city is Taiyuan.
    Shanxi is endowed with an abundance of cultural sites from its long history. Most of the ancient structures were built before the Liao and Song Dynasties. So it is the reason why Shanxi is often called the 'Chinese Ancient Architecture Museum'. The more obvious of these include: the Buddhist wonder of the Yungang Grottoes in Datong City, the Ancient City of Pingyao which was listed as a World Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO in 1997, the oldest and tallest ancient wooden pagoda in China, the Wooden Pagoda of Yingxian County and the remote Shuanglin Temple and Jinci Temple, which are well worth the long journeys for the visitors.

    Of course, there are a number of natural magnificent and beautiful places that can also be seen in Shanxi. The most famous of them include Wutai Mountain with the longest and most prestigious history in the four most well-known Buddhist holy lands of China, the whistling rage of the Yellow River's Kettle Spout waterfalls (Hukou Waterfalls) and one of the Five Sacred Mountains in China - Mt. Hengshan.

    9. 全国著名旅游景点英文名称

    1.长城(Great Wall)



    中国的景观旅游资源相当丰富。这些风景名胜区从不同的角度可以有不同的划分,以其主要景观的不同,大体上可分为如下八种类型:1.湖泊风景区(白洋淀、杭州西湖、武汉东湖,新疆天山天池、青海湖、丹江口水库) 2.山岳风景区(燕山、泰山、衡山、华山、阿里山) 3.森林风景区(西双版纳、湖南张家界、河南宝天曼、四川卧龙、湖北神农架) 4.山水风景区(桂林漓江、长江三峡、武夷九曲溪) 5.海滨风景区(海南天涯海角、厦门、大连) 6.休闲疗养避暑胜地(河北北戴河、江西庐山) 7.宗教寺庙名胜区(九华山、敦煌莫高窟、洛阳龙门、嵩山、武当山等) 8.革命纪念地(延安、涉县、西柏坡、遵义)。

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