㈠ 留学丹麦面试过程中签证官可能提的问题
(1) What will you study in the United States? What do you want to study in USA?
I will study for my Ph.D.degree in Public Policy and Management at the Hein z School at Carnegie Mellon University.
(2) Why do you go to Carnegie Mellon University? Why do you choose this University? Why do you go to this University?
Carnegie Mellon University is one of the best universities in the United States. The Heinz school ranks first in the area of Public Policy and Management. I’ll study for my P.h.D degree there.
(3) What is your purpose to USA? What will you do in USA? What are you going to do in the United States? Are you going to study in USA?
Yes….I will study for my Ph.D.degree at the Heinz School of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University.
(4) What is your major?
I’ll study in the area of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University.
(5) In what aspect of your major will you study?
Supply Chains Management.
(6) Can you say something about it? What is it? What is it for?
Supply-chain management is a generic term that encompasses the coordination of order generation, taking, and fulfillment and distribution of procts, services, or information. It is critical, not only to the success, but also to the survival of any firm. As a discipline, supply chains management draws on the fields of management science, statistics, operations research and economics.
(7) When and where did you get your Bachelor and Master degree?
I got my Bachelor degree at Peking University in 1998. And I just got my master degree at Tsinghua University.
(8) What are you studying now? Where are you studying now? What are you doing now?
I was studying at Tsinghua University. My major is Management Science and Engineering. I did some research in Supply Chains Management. I’ve just got my master degree.
(9) What did you do with your Master work?
I took fifteen courses, did some research on Supply Chains Management. I just finished my master thesis. And I have several academic publications.
(10) How long will you study in USA?
The Doctoral Program is designed to be completed in six years. I hope I could get my PHD in five years. **Why it needs six years? As you may know, Carnegie Mellon University is one of the best in the United States. The Heinz School ranks first in the area of Public Policy and Management. It has strict requirement to us students. I think that’s why this doctoral program needs six years.
(11) Have you got any scholarship?
Yes. I’ve been honored a full tuition scholarship and a stipend. If I remain in good academic standing, the Heinz school will renew my award of full financial support.
(12) What if you do not have financial award for the sixth year?
The department told me, if I remain in good academic standing, the Heinz School would renew my award of full financial support. I am a good student, and I don’t think I’ll encounter any problem in receiving such financial support. And even if I haven’t financial aid in the sixth year of my study, my personal saving at that time will be enough to cover all of my expense.
(13) What will you do with your work for this Ph.D.?
I’ll take courses for the first two years, and then conct dissertation research in the area of Supply Chains Management for the following years.
(14) What is your purpose for the visa?
I need F-one visa in order to study for my Ph.D.degree at Carnegie Mellon University.
(15) What is your academic background?
I got my Bachelor degree at Peking University in 1998.I just got my Master degree at Tsinghua University. (看情况,如果他希望听你多说几句,就继续)My earlier work was in Economics and my current work is in Management Science and Engineering. My future research at Carnegie Mellon University will still be interdisciplinary.
(16) How do you know this University?
I got to know it from US NEWS.Carneige Mellon University has good reputation. The Heinz School ranks first in the area of Public Policy and Management.
(17) What is your plan? What will you do after graation?
What do you plan to do when you go back? I will come back and seek a teaching and research position in a leading business school in China.
(18) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?
The first reason is I’ll take care of my parents. * They will one day become old. I cannot leave them alone. The second reason is, I think it is much easier to find an academic position in China than in the States. * I believe I will have a bright future in China. The third reason is I would like to contribute what I have learned to my country.
(19) If you cannot find such a position, what will you do?
If so, I will turn to my second choice. I would like to find a research position in our government. You know, there are some research centers in our government.
㈡ 办理丹麦签证,必须要本人去办理吗
㈢ 去丹麦打工,签厨师签证,一般面签问什么问题
芬兰官方语言是芬兰语 你至少要会一点打招呼的问候语 一些食物的名字 还有就是英语也要懂些 其次就是是否去面试中式餐厨师 外表要表现的自信些 给人以很友善的感觉 这样才能更好让别人接受你
㈣ 近三年之内去过丹麦,再办签证还需要面试吗
㈤ 我明年去丹麦,1.请问办签证去哪里快些,划算些!一般要等多久2.丹麦的考官面试如何
1 办理签证不是想在哪里就可以在哪里的,要看你的户口所在地
2 丹麦的面试官如何,看你运气了,北京这边的好一些,不过有个别的也不好对付;上海没去过,不清楚;广州的比较严格,有可能还会是临时兼职的大学生给你考试。此外,丹麦面试的大部分问题(80%左右)能在网上找到,上网搜一下吧。有些问题是根据你的回答或者资料,临时提出的,要随机应变。
㈥ 丹麦面签后几天能拿到
㈦ 大学在校生想去丹麦旅游,又想办理申根签证怎么办
㈧ 7月初需要到丹麦,现在办理签证,旅游签证需要的申根签证保险,哪里买的到有什么需要特殊注意的问题吗
㈨ 丹麦签证工作签证有哪些注意
商务签证一览表 来为了更源快速有效的受理您的签证申请,请您务必在递交材料之前准备好所需申请材料。申请材料的不完整将会导致签证申请时间不必要的延迟或者被拒签。因此,请在您准备好了所有材料后再到签证处窗口递交申请。申请人需要到使馆面签。
㈩ 丹麦的签证需要面签还是电话签 都需要注意哪些方面 希望有经验的朋友指导下 谢谢了!
必须要面签 注意着装 要尽量庄重些 还有 就是问你什么 你就说什么 不要乱说话题
身份证 护照 照片带好
希望对你有 帮助