㈠ 去欧洲旅游签证好过吗面签要注意什么
㈡ 去德法意瑞旅游签证需要面签吗
不是面签 是需要申请人去签证中心录指纹 如果你在2015年10月12日之后 采集过申根指纹了 那么可以委托相关机构递交 不用本人过去
㈢ 法国个人旅游签证需要面签吗
㈣ 欧洲签证需要面签吗
1, 签证类型为旅游制,且是团队签证(俗称ADS), 一般不需要面试. 但是旅行社会要求缴纳一定的保证金;
2, 商务签证一般需要面试(权威邀请函除外);
3, 如果你两年内去过一次该申请国, 或者两次其他申请国,不需要面试.
㈤ 去美国旅游(旅行团)在面签时,签证官一般会问什么问题,该怎么回答呢,详细点说哦,谢谢啦
1、 赴美目的?
你这次去美国做什么?What are you going to do in USA? What will you do in USA? What
kinds of activities you will take part in ring your stay in USA?
你这次去美国有什么目的?What’s your purpose of traveling (visiting or going) to USA? What’s your purpose of this winter camp? Why you want to attend this winter camp? 游览美国名胜风景 I would like to enjoy wonderful sightseeing of America. 与美国同龄人交流(文化、音乐、娱乐、生活、学习etc) To communicate with American peers in many aspects such as culture, music, entertainment, life style and studying as well. 2、此次美国旅游的费用是多少,是谁承担这个费用的? Q:How much does this trip cost? And who is paying for you? 3、你之前有过出境纪录吗?(如果参加过请出示照片等) Q:Have you ever been other Countries? 4、此次活动有同行人吗?
Q:Do you have any other peer-people? A:No
5、你在什么公司上班?(请出示在校证明) Q: Which company are you working in? A: I’m working in (公司名称) 6、你喜欢你的公司吗?
Q:Do you like your company? A:Yes.
Q:How many people are there in your company?What's ur position and ur responsibility for? A:
Q:What do you do in your leisure-time? 9、你的假期是多长时间?
Q:What’s the ration of your holiday? A:根据实际情况回答
Q:How many days are you going stay in US? And do you know what places you are going to visit?
A:I am going to stay in US for 14 days, and we are going to visit:罗列几个地名
Q:Why didn’t your father/mother accompany you to join this winter camp? (Why won’t you father join you?) A:They are busy with their works. 12、你有家人在美国么?
Q: Do you have any relatives in USA? A: No, I have no relatives in USA.
Q: What’s your favorite city in USA?
A: Los Angeles (San Francisco, New York…….)
14、去过别的国家么?(如果去过请出示在境外的照片,最好是有标志性建筑的) Q: Have you ever been abroad?
A1: Yes, I have been to Japan (Singapore, UK, Australia……) A2: No, I have never been abroad. 15、你最喜欢哪个国家?
Q:What is your favorite country?
16、 你父母去过美国吗?(如果去过出示他们的护照和在境外的照片) Q:Have your parents ever been to USA? A1: Yes, my father has been there before. A2: No. they haven’t.
1. What’s you name? 2. What’s your full name?
3. What’s meaning of your name?
4. What’s your surname (family name)? 5. When were you born? 6. What’s your birthday? 7. Where were you born? 8. Where are you from?
9. Where do you live (in China)? 10. Where do you come from?
11. Which road or street are you in? 12. Are you single? / Have you married? 13. Do you have any brother or sister?
14. How many members are there in your family? 15. Can you introce your family? 16. What do your parents do?
17. What’s your father’s profession? And your mother? 18. What’s your profession / occupation?
19. What are your parent’s salaries (annual incomes)? 20. Can I look at your Bankbook?
21. Who will pay all your fees for your study? 22. Who will support your study in France? 23. Who will pay your courses fees? 24. Who will sponsor you? 25. Who will pay the money?
26. How much does it cost for your study? 27. How much is your tuition fees? 28. Do you think it is expensive? 29. How much is the living expense?
30. Have you paid all the fees for your study? 31. Do you think it expensive?
32. Did your parents agree that you study in France? Why? 33. Did your parents agree that you study in France? Why? 34. What are you doing now?
35. Where are you working now? 36.
Can you introce yourself?
37. Do you like sport? 38. What is your hobby?
39. What are your hobbies / interests?
40. What do you like to do in your free time? 41. What do you do at leisure?
42. What are you your leisure antiviral? 43. What do you do for relaxation? 44. Which color do you like? 45. Tell me about your hometown.
46. Can you introce your hometown?
47. What’s the most special building in your hometown? 48. What are the famous building and sights pots? 49. Do you have any friends or relatives in France? 50. Do you like travel? 51. Where have you been?
52. Which place have you traveled? 53. Can you speak French?
54. French is very difficult, and do you like it?
55. Can you say something about Chinese ecation system? Or French? 56. What are the differences between them? 57. When did you graate from high school?
58. When did you graate from the senior middle school? 59. What is Gaokao?
60. Did you attend Gaokao? When? How much is your score? 61. Where did you graate from high school? 62. Where / When did you graate?
63. What did you learn in the university / college? 64. Do you have any diploma?
65. How many years did you study at university in China? 66. What is your specialty (major)?
67. What courses did you study at university? 68. What’s your academic background? 69. Can you look at your transcript?
70. Do you have a job or are you a student? 71. What is your occupation?
72. What is your major responsibility in your office? 73. What is the schele work of your company? 74. What kind proctions does your company sell? 75. Say something about your company.
76. How long have you been working at this company?
77. Why did you make this decision of giving up your job and turn to study abroad? 78. Do you get anything from this company? What is it? 79. How long did you study English?
80. Did you attend any English test such as TOEFL or IELTS? 81. How much is your score?
82. What do you want to study in France? 83. Why do you want to study in France? 84. Why do you want to go to France?
85. Why don’t you continue your study in Chinese university? 86. Why don’t you want to study in USA or UK? 87. Why don’t you choose to study in USA or U.K.? 88. Why do you want to study B.A.? 89. Why do you choose this specialty? 90. Why do you choose this university? 91. Where are you going to study? 92. Where will you live in France?
93. What are you going to do in France?
㈥ 意大利个人旅游签证需要面签吗
1. 中文个人信息资料表
2. 护照及老护照原件(至少还有6个月的有效期)
3. 2张2寸白底彩照(3.5*4.5厘米)
4. 身份证复印件(正反2面)
5. 全家户口簿整本复印件
6. 中方公司出具的在职证明原件(领导签名、公司盖章
7. 中方公司营业执照副本的复印件加盖公章
8. 申请人的资产证明,如下:
⑴ 最近6个月银行出具的工资单入账明细(信用卡消费记录、银行存折存款记录)
⑵ 银行存款证明原件(银行存款至少5万人民币、冻结90天、冻结至回国后15天)
⑶ 国际信用卡(有VISA或Master防伪标志)或 欧元旅行支票(30欧元/人/天)
⑷ 房产证复印件
⑸ 车产证复印件
9. 意大利入住酒店信息预订单
10. 意大利往返机票信息预订单
11. 意大利旅游英文行程单
12. 境外意外医疗保险单原件(保额不低于三十万人民币)。
㈦ 欧洲签证需要面签吗
㈧ 欧洲旅游签证要面试吗
㈨ 欧洲签证需要面签吗
1, 签证自类型为旅游,且是团队签证(俗称ADS), 一般不需要面试. 但是旅行社会要求缴纳一定的保证金;
2, 商务签证一般需要面试(权威邀请函除外);
3, 如果你两年内去过一次该申请国, 或者两次其他申请国,不需要面试.
㈩ 续签欧洲旅游签证被拒,要求面签。
续签欧洲旅游签证被拒,要求面签。续签欧洲签证被拒要求面签这种问回题很专业,每个人的状答况不同,应该咨询大的专业结构,像 高签网 就是专门办理拒签再签的,会进行面试培训的,挺好的,我之前就是。出国被拒2次,还要求面签,后来找他们家才过的。要不真的没底。他们是国企,和使馆关系好,相应的价格也贵,贵死!!!