Ⅰ 冰島知識
The Republic of Iceland
首都: 雷克雅未克
面積: 103,000.00 平方公里
同北京時差: -9.00
國際電話碼: 354
人口: 27.4萬人(1997年)
語言: 冰島語為國語,通用英語
貨幣: 冰島克朗
民族: 冰島人99%
宗教: 福音派路德教佔97%
冰島是歐洲最西部國家, 位於大西洋北部, 靠近北極圈. 寒冷、荒涼、孤寂、遙遠,這是冰島給人的直覺。這印象沒錯,但這並不是冰島的全部。
韋斯特曼納埃亞爾(Vestmannaeyjar )是冰島南部一個小島。1973年的一次火山爆發後,部分土地被熔岩覆蓋了,至今還在冒煙,泥土是溫的,上面寸草不生。邱武烈說:「踩在這片土地上,會誤以為自己已踩在月球上;但是沒有被熔岩覆蓋的一面,卻是風光明媚。」言下之意似乎是說,這才意識到自己原來尚在人間!
俄羅斯有俄羅斯金環,是個精華景點集中的地區,冰島也有類似俄羅斯金環的金色旅遊環。旅遊環是指首都雷克雅維克 (Reykjavik)左上角的一個倒置正三角形地區,這里是冰島景點最集中的地方。
「藍湖」(Blue Lagoon )離首都西南約45分鍾車程。據說,湖底蘊藏了大量的矽,湖水終年深藍色,所以得名。「藍湖」毗鄰發電廠,發電廠冒出的水氣彌漫整個湖面,有時能見度只有約 1 公尺。聽說,矽有護膚作用,難怪當地人早把「藍湖」當成天然美容院。
冰島東南部的瓦特納冰原(Vatnajokull )從首都乘搭內陸班機到赫本(Hofn )——冰島東南部一個美麗的小漁港,再以車代步蜿蜒上山,約一小時後壯麗的冰原景色便已在腳下。
約居薩爾洛恩(Jokusalon )冰川湖。不必到南極洲去,在那裡也可以看到形狀各異的大浮冰。「別處的浮冰大都呈水晶藍或雪白色,冰島的浮冰,卻透著棕色或灰藍色條紋。乍看好像一塊塊巨型的貓眼石浮在湖面上,美麗又動人!」
冰島人在商貿活動中注重時效,忌拖泥帶水。在他們看來,失約就是失禮,不守時便是缺乏信譽的表現。因此,萬一因故不能准時赴約,要盡早通知對方並表示歉意。若因故遲到,要向主人和在場其他人員表示歉意。 遞接名片時,可附帶說上一句請多關照之類的話。贈送禮品時,越是帶有異國情調和特色的禮品便越受歡迎。不要拒絕回贈的禮品。
搭公車環島旅行的人可購買環島旅遊票(Full-Circle Pass),這種票在夏天環島公路搭乘巴士,但只能順一個方向,也沒有時間限制,每個景點愛停多久就停多久。巴士周遊券(Omnibus Pass)有效時間是一周至四周,除了內陸高原的巴士不能搭乘,其餘均可搭乘。高原巴士票(Highland Pass)如果要到內陸高原旅行,就可購買這種票券。
·許多公路死角,其標示為Blind haes,請注意這時一定要減速。通常是遇到是90度以上右轉,駕駛若看不到前面的路就必須減速。
漁業是冰島國民經濟的主要支柱. 工業以漁產品和畜產品加工為主. 經濟上對外貿依賴極大, 1985年進, 出口額分別占國內生產總值的52.6%和48%. 長期以來, 困擾冰島經濟的最大難題是物價不斷上漲, 歷屆政府都把抑制通貨膨脹作為首要任務. 1983年通貨膨脹率為84.3%, 創戰後最高紀錄. 在此情況下, 上屆政府採取了緊縮政策, 凍結了物價與工資,取消了農產品及物價補貼,但收效甚微. 1987年, 通貨膨脹率仍保持在18.8%, 是西方工業國中最高的. 當年7月本屆政府上台後, 把爭取國家財政和外貿平衡,繼續降低通貨膨脹率以及進一步減少外債作為新政府的主要經濟目標.
Ⅱ 冰島的英文介紹
Iceland - Discoveries the Entire Year
Iceland is not only closer than you think, but far different than you ever imagined. Where else can you witness such marvels of Mother Nature as a tremendous icecap and several glaciers, spouting geysers and steaming solfataras, volcanoes (hopefully dormant), raging rivers and magnificent waterfalls, a multitude of birds, cavorting whales just offshore and many other surprises. Summers are surprisingly warm and winters not as cold as you might expect. Regardless of when you visit, be assured that the warmth shown by Icelanders, their desire to share their culture and the efforts made to make your stay as pleasant as possible will, like the spectacular landscape, never be forgotten.
Ⅲ 給點關於冰島景點的介紹,最好附上圖片
Ⅳ 冰島傳統節日英語介紹(最好同時具有中文翻譯),急急急~~~
Icelandic Holidays and Feasts
Public Holidays in Iceland
All offices and most shops are closed on Saturdays and Sundays, and on the following days:
1 January, New Year's Day;
Maundy Thursday (Thursday before Easter Sunday);
Good Friday (Friday before Easter Sunday);
Easter Monday (Monday following Easter Sunday);
First Day of Summer (a Thursday ring the period 19 to 25 April);
1 May, Labour Day;
Ascension Day (Holy Thursday, six weeks after Maundy Thursday);
Whit Monday (Monday following Whit Sunday, seven weeks after Easter);
17 June, National Day (proclamation of the Republic in 1944, birthday of Jon Sigurdsson, 1811-1879);
Trademen's Day (first Monday in August);
24 December, Christmas Eve (afternoon only);
25 December, Christmas Day;
26 December, Boxing Day (second day of Christmas);
31 December, New Year's Eve (afternoon only).
Ⅳ 關於冰島的英語作文
Introction to Iceland
Iceland's stark, pristine scenery has been shaped by fire and ice: More than 200 volcanoes and numerous glaciers form the country's landscape. It's a frozen land that's always letting off steam. Its U-shaped valleys, jagged lava fields, monstrous icecaps, hot springs and geysers have carved a rugged, bizarre landscape you won't see anywhere else on Earth. But you don't need the fortitude of a Viking to enjoy Iceland. In fact, you can experience many of its extremes in relative comfort. During a recent trip, we swam outdoors in a naturally heated pool just yards/meters away from a glacier.
Despite its relative isolation and untillable terrain, Iceland has one of the highest standards of living in the world (with sky-high prices to match). Tourists began to flock there in the 1990s, realizing that it's actually a destination in its own right rather than just a long layover on connecting Icelandair flights.
Icelanders, like many islanders, are self-confident and reserved, but once you break the ice, so to speak, they are among the friendliest in the world. Of course, they, too, have their extremes. Although weeknights in Reykjavik, the capital city, are usually quite sedate, the wee hours ring the weekends (particularly Friday nights) can get downright raucous as stylishly dressed young people observe a rowdy party-on-the-streets ritual known as the runtur, or circuit.
Ⅵ 關於介紹冰島的英語作文 簡單點的 高中水平 200字 帶中文翻譯 不要拷貝
Iceland republic - a beautiful place. It is located in Greenland and Britain, is among the north Atlantic low-carbon a tiny island nation, they have their own language - Icelandic language, developed ecation make ecation nation Iceland becomes. His capital reykjavik is a very beautiful place, is Iceland's biggest port city. Iceland low annual temperature, think of Iceland to play more passengers remember with clothes, otherwise but will cold bad oh.
Maybe like music knows that the world-famous band Sigur Ros - they inherited Iceland consistent with vacant style, make songs in Iceland the perfect combination of this one noun in together.
If which day vacation, consider to Iceland relax now. 冰島共和國-一個優美的地方。它位於格陵蘭島和英國中間,是浩淼的北大西洋上的一個小小的島國,他們擁有自己的語言-冰島語,發達的教育讓冰島成為教育大國。他的首都雷克雅未克是個非常漂亮的地方,也是冰島最大的港口城市。冰島年均氣溫比較低,想到冰島去玩的旅客們記得多帶衣服,不然可是會冷壞的哦。
或許喜歡音樂的人都知道那聞名世界的樂隊-Sigur Rós,他們繼承了冰島一貫的空靈風格,讓歌曲與冰島這一名詞完美的結合在了一起。
Ⅶ 英語環游世界冰島作文
I think Iceland ia very beatiful .so I got some knowledge in web.
Iceland has a lot of hot spring .it has most hot spring in the world, so called "the kingdom of ice hot." Island about 250 alkaline hot springs, the biggest spa gigabits per second can proce 200 liters of spring.
Geothermal resources are rich, hot springs. Bermudagrass.
And Iceland has three national park:Thingvellir Skaftafell Skaftafell.
This is thing I know that about Iceland.That is at all.
Ⅷ 冰島 英文簡介
冰島是歐洲最西部的國家,位於北大西洋中部,靠近北極圈,冰川面積佔8000平方公里,為歐洲第二大島。海岸線長約4970公里。全境3/4是海拔 400-800米的高原,其中1/8被冰川覆蓋。有100多座火山,其中活火山30多座。華納達爾斯赫努克火山為全國最高峰,海拔2119米。冰島幾乎整個國家都建立在火山岩石上,大部分土地不能開墾,是世界溫泉最多的國家,所以被稱為冰火之國。多噴泉、瀑布、湖泊和湍急河流,最大河流錫尤爾騷河長227 公里。冰島全境遍布國家公園與自然保護區,其中最壯觀的是Myvatn自然保護區與Tingvellir?kulsárgljufúr(傑古沙龍)、史卡法特 (Skaftafell)等國家公園。史卡法特國家公園最著名的景點就是史瓦提(Svartifoss)瀑布;傑古沙龍國家公園內的傑古沙龍湖是在冰河底端所形成的一個湖,深達100公尺。 8世紀末愛爾蘭修道士首先移居冰島。9世紀後半葉挪威人開始向冰島移民。874年,挪威貴族英格爾夫阿爾納爾松(Ingolfur Arnarson)成為第一個定居冰島的人。930年冰島議會和冰島聯邦成立。1000年,基督教被確定為國教。1262年,冰島臣屬挪威。1380年,冰、挪被丹麥征服。1904年,冰島獲得內部自治。1918年冰、丹簽訂聯邦法,冰島成為丹麥聯邦內的主權國家,但外交事務仍由丹麥控制。1940年,德軍佔領丹麥,冰、丹關系中斷。同年英軍進駐冰島。1941年美軍取代英軍駐冰。1944年6月16日冰議會正式宣布解散冰丹聯盟,17日冰島共和國正式成立。
Ⅸ 關於冰島的英文作文
Introction to Iceland
Iceland's stark, pristine scenery has been shaped by fire and ice: More than 200 volcanoes and numerous glaciers form the country's landscape. It's a frozen land that's always letting off steam. Its U-shaped valleys, jagged lava fields, monstrous icecaps, hot springs and geysers have carved a rugged, bizarre landscape you won't see anywhere else on Earth. But you don't need the fortitude of a Viking to enjoy Iceland. In fact, you can experience many of its extremes in relative comfort. During a recent trip, we swam outdoors in a naturally heated pool just yards/meters away from a glacier.
Despite its relative isolation and untillable terrain, Iceland has one of the highest standards of living in the world (with sky-high prices to match). Tourists began to flock there in the 1990s, realizing that it's actually a destination in its own right rather than just a long layover on connecting Icelandair flights.
Icelanders, like many islanders, are self-confident and reserved, but once you break the ice, so to speak, they are among the friendliest in the world. Of course, they, too, have their extremes. Although weeknights in Reykjavik, the capital city, are usually quite sedate, the wee hours ring the weekends (particularly Friday nights) can get downright raucous as stylishly dressed young people observe a rowdy party-on-the-streets ritual known as the runtur, or circuit.
Iceland, officially the Republic of Iceland (Icelandic: Ísland or Lýðveldið Ísland; IPA: [ˈliðvɛltɪð ˈislant]) is a European island nation in the northern Atlantic Ocean between Greenland, Norway, Scotland, Ireland, and the Faroe Islands. [2]
Iceland has a history of habitation since about the year 874, when, according to Landnámabók, the Norwegian chieftain Ingólfur Arnarson became the first permanent Norwegian settler on the island. At least one slave, Náttfari, is documented to have settled in Iceland earlier after fleeing from his owner Gardar Svavarsson. For some reason Náttfari is usually not credited for having settled on the island first. Over the next centuries, people of Nordic and Gaelic origin settled in Iceland. Until the 20th century, the Icelandic population relied on fisheries and agriculture, and was from 1262 to 1944 a part of the Norwegian and later the Danish monarchies.
Today, Iceland is a highly developed country, the world's fifth and second in terms of GDP per capita and human development respectively. It is also the fourth "happiest" nation in the world.[3] Iceland is a member of UN, NATO, EEA and OECD
Location and Topography
Iceland is located in the North Atlantic Ocean just south of the Arctic Circle, which passes through the small island of Grímsey off Iceland's northern coast, but not through mainland Iceland. Unlike neighbouring Greenland, Iceland is considered to be a part of Europe, not of North America, though geologically, the island belongs to both continents. Because of cultural, economic and linguistic similarities, Iceland in many contexts is also included in Scandinavia. It is the world's 18th largest island, and Europe's 2nd largest island following Great Britain.
Approximately 11 percent of the island is glaciated.[4] Many fjords punctuate its 3,088 miles (4,970 km) long coastline, which is also where most towns are situated because the island's interior, the Highlands of Iceland, is a cold and uninhabitable combination of sands and mountains. The major towns are the capital Reykjavík, Keflavík, where the international airport is situated, and Akureyri. The island of Grímsey on the Arctic Circle contains the northernmost habitation of Iceland. [5]
The only native land mammal when humans arrived was the arctic fox. It came to the island at the end of the ice age, walking over the frozen sea. There are no native reptiles or amphibians on the island. There are around 1,300 known species of insects in Iceland, which is rather low compared with other countries (there are about 925,000 known species in the world). During the last Ice Age almost all of the country was covered by permanent snow and glacier ice. This explains the low number of living species in Iceland.
When humans arrived, birch forest and woodland probably covered 25-40% of Iceland』s land area. But soon the settlers started to remove the trees and forests to create fields and grazing land. During the early 20th century the forests were at their minimum and were almost wiped out of existence. The planting of new forests has increased the number of trees since, but this can not be compared with the original forests. Some of those planted forests have included new foreign species.
Iceland has four national parks: Jökulsárgljúfur National Park, Skaftafell National Park, Snæfellsjökull National Park, and Þingvellir National Park.
Ⅹ 介紹冰島的英語短文
I think Iceland ia very beatiful 我認為並倒是很美麗的。
Old accounts say the ancient gods themselves guided Iceland first settler, Ingolfur Arnarson, to make his home in Reykjavik. He named the place Reykjavik, a pollution-free energy source that leaves the air outstandingly fresh, clean and clear.