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發布時間: 2021-02-23 02:02:47

Ⅰ 馬德里有哪些景點


科隆廣場也稱作哥倫布廣場(Columbus Square),旁邊是迪斯古布里曼托花園(Jardines del Desculbrimiento)。1885年,在廣場上一座新哥德式的雕像台上豎立起發現者哥倫布的雕像。廣場另一面是四座巨型混凝土雕塑,看上去有點像大型臼齒,它們也是為了紀念哥倫布而建,上面的碑文描述了美洲的發現。


科隆廣場也稱作哥倫布廣場(Columbus Square),旁邊是迪斯古布里曼托花園(Jardines del Desculbrimiento)。1885年,在廣場上一座新哥德式的雕像台上豎立起發現者哥倫布的雕像。廣場另一面是四座巨型混凝土雕塑,看上去有點像大型臼齒,它們也是為了紀念哥倫布而建,上面的碑文描述了美洲的發現。


麗池公園是馬德里最著名的公園,在十七世紀由菲利浦四世(Felipe IV)下令興建,以作為皇室成員的娛樂場所,佔地350英畝,種植的植物超過了一萬五千株,園內有許多重要的紀念碑。公園里有一座的美麗的玻璃宮(如圖),是以鐵和玻璃建造的,屋前的噴水池中還有天鵝悠遊其中;另外還有一座委拉斯蓋茲宮,這兩個宮殿均建於十九世紀末,目前都已經成為展覽館。





Ⅱ 馬德里簡介

西班牙首都,第一大城市,全國經濟、交通中心,馬德里省首府。市區面積607平方千米,人口約310.1萬,包括郊區和衛星城鎮在內,面積 1020 平方千米,人口約 468.7 萬。位於伊比利亞半島梅塞塔高原中部,瓜達拉馬山脈東南麓的山間高原盆地中,海拔 670 米,為歐洲地勢最高的首都。地形閉塞 ,氣候大陸性顯著 ,降水少,氣溫年差較大。1月平均氣溫4.8℃,7月25℃,年降水量425毫米。



西班牙中央經濟區的綜合性經濟中心。在當地農業原料基礎上發展了紡織、食品等工業。60 年代以後,興起飛機、汽車、機器設備、光學儀器、電子、電氣器材、化學、塑料以及軍火工業等部門。由於高原內部原料、燃料缺乏,工業向高精尖和綜合利用方向發展。附近山間盆地盛產棉花和葡萄、橄欖、柑橘等果品,並利用天然草場發展起畜牧業。全國主要的陸上交通樞紐。輻射狀的鐵路將馬德里與國內其他城市和沿海地區聯系起來,並有幾條連接法國和葡萄牙的國際鐵路。巴拉哈斯機場為全國最大的國際航空港。馬德里還是金融和商業的一大中心。南歐文化名城之一,具深厚的文化傳統,但其現代西班牙文化中心的地位已被巴塞羅那取代。市內多博物館,有名的普拉多博物館,主要收藏15~19世紀初西班牙和義大利的繪畫,以戈雅和委拉斯開茲的作品尤受推崇。眾多圖書館中有4座以收藏手稿和珍品聞名 。還有王宮等古建築 。廣場多達300餘個,包括市長廣場 ( 哈布斯堡王朝統治期間建,為歐洲最富娛樂性的市內廣場之一 )、拉維拉廣場等。公園和綠地眾多,綠化面積達2800萬平方米。城市分新、舊城兩部分,舊城建於15~18世紀,街道狹窄;新城為20世紀新建的市區,街道寬闊整齊,現代化高層建築群與舊城的古老格局對照鮮明。城市北部和南部主要是工業區和居民住宅區。

Ⅲ 馬德里總共有多少個廣場

馬德里有300 多個街心廣場。馬德里的廣場中最有名的是太陽門廣場(Puerta del Sol)。
西班牙廣場(Plaza de Espana),又稱「塞萬提斯」廣場,是馬德里另一個重要的廣場,它被視為馬德里的象徵,因為建有塞萬提斯紀念碑和唐吉訶德塑像而聞名於世。塞萬提斯創作的不朽名著《唐吉訶德》,成為西班牙的驕傲,民族的瑰寶。
另一隻重要的廣場稱為馬約爾廣場(Plaza de Mayor),這個早在15世紀,被紀哈布斯堡王朝作為民間集市而建立起來的長方形廣場,就坐落在太陽門廣場的附近。它曾經是西班牙歷史中眾多事件的發生地,從一開始的集市廣場,到鬥牛愛好者的聚集地、足球比賽的大劇場,甚至在西班牙宗教裁判時期,也曾有許多所謂的異端分子在這里處死。難怪有人說,至今,你都能在廣場上那個菲利普三世騎馬雕像的牆壁上看見當年舉行鬥牛留下的血跡。在西班牙語里,馬約爾(mayor)就是大的意思,那麼,馬約爾廣場就是大廣場的意思,所以也常翻譯成「大廣場」。
緊鄰西班牙大皇宮的是東方廣場(Plaza de Oriente),這是由拿破崙的兄弟何塞·波拿巴一世國王下令修建的,這位不受人民歡迎的國王總是擔心王室會受到平民的騷擾,所以決定在王宮前修建廣場。廣場由委拉斯凱茲設計,廣場中心的菲利普四世銅像的頭部細節也是由他本人完成。而伽利略解決了高聳的馬頭和後蹄的平衡問題。
豐收女神廣場 (Fuente de la Cibeles) 根據音譯又稱為西貝雷斯廣場。這是一個有著寬闊馬路交叉的大廣場。在廣場上有一座古色古香的郵局大樓建於1760年,是最有歷史的古建築。廣場中央的噴泉是酷愛噴泉的國王查理三世,在眾多設計方案中,選定了這最美麗的。噴泉旁是駕駛著雄獅戰車的豐收女神西貝雷斯的雕像,而矗立在廣場周圍的建築物也都恢宏壯觀。這里也是藝術區普拉多大道的起點。豐收女神廣場也是皇家馬德里球隊慶祝獲得冠軍時的聖地,每當皇馬對獲得冠軍後,球隊都會與數萬球迷一同在廣場忘情慶祝。
獨立廣場(Plaza de la Independencia)是馬德里另外一個廣場。這里是西班牙首都的象徵之一,擁有馬德里著名的古跡阿爾卡拉門,由國王卡洛斯三世始建於1778年,建築師是弗朗切斯科·薩巴蒂尼。廣場目前的形態形成於1869年,當時拆毀了馬德里市東部的一段城牆,以阿爾卡拉門為核心,形成一個圓形廣場。廣場周圍由19世紀後期和20世紀早期建築物環繞,東南側是通往麗池公園的主要通道。

Ⅳ 馬德里有什麼旅遊景點

伯納烏球場的神奇故事,使得球場主人皇家馬德里隊的輝煌史順理成章,2000年被國際足聯評為世紀最佳俱樂部。諸如斯蒂法諾、普斯卡斯、羅納爾多、勞爾和齊達內等永遠的巨星,都在伯納烏這片神聖的、帶有著名的白色條紋的草場上馳騁過。 球場如今位於西班牙首都馬德里繁華的金融區的中心,當初建造球場時這里還是一片郊區。當時許多人都認為12萬人的容量簡直是瘋了,但是很快建造者的賭注就實現了價值。


一提起西班牙,就會讓人想起鬥牛,西班牙首都馬德里就是舉世聞名的鬥牛之城。這座位於伊比利亞半島中央的城市,地處海拔670 米的高原之上。是歐洲地勢最高的首都之一。 馬德里有300 多個街心廣場,市中心位於三廣場:太陽門廣場、中心廣場和西班牙廣場。最有名的地方是太陽門廣場。 太陽門廣場在馬德里的正中心位置,從那裡有10條街道呈放射狀向外延伸。現在太陽門廣場是馬德里孩子們遊玩的場所,所以永遠人聲鼎沸。

Ⅳ 馬德里有什麼好玩的


Ⅵ 西班牙馬德里有哪些旅遊景點


Ⅶ 去馬德里旅遊一定不能錯過的旅遊景點有哪些

皇宮,太陽門,馬約爾廣場,西班牙廣場,蘋果河畔的步道(principe pio 開始到 legazpi),格蘭威亞大道,普拉多大道,麗池公園,各個博物館。伯納烏球場! 萬達大都會球場!

Ⅷ 馬德里有什麼著名的景點


  1. 馬德里王宮

    王宮建在曼薩萊斯河(Río Manzanares)左岸的山崗上,是僅次於凡爾賽宮和維也納皇宮的歐洲第三大皇宮,也是世界上保存最完整、最精美的宮殿之一,是波旁王朝第一代國王腓力一世下令修建的法國和義大利風格的皇家宮殿。由於歷代國王都根據自己的喜好對王宮進行裝飾,使得王宮帶上了濃厚的個人印記和時代印記,如卡洛斯三世布置的寢宮、卡洛斯四世建造的鏡廳和阿方索十二世鍾愛的豪華餐廳。繪畫長廊里收藏了各種繪畫流派畫家的作品,包括胡安•德•弗朗德斯的《天主教女王伊薩貝拉的多聯畫屏》、卡拉瓦喬的《莎樂美和施洗者約翰的頭顱》,以及委拉斯蓋茲和戈雅的作品。

  2. 伯納烏球場


  3. 普拉多博物館

    收藏西班牙繪畫作品最全面、最權威的美術館,尤其以戈雅的作品最為豐富。著名的藏品要數委拉斯蓋茲的名畫《宮女》(Las Meninas)了,委拉斯蓋茲不僅將自己的名作貢獻給這個博物館,而且以他獨到的眼光和鑒賞力為這座博物館收集了許多義大利著名畫家的作品。

  4. 麗池公園


  5. 太陽門廣場


Ⅸ 馬德里有什麼著名的風景、建築...(作介紹)

馬德里是個相當適合步行漫遊的城市,從太陽門往西比列斯廣場,或從大廣場往王宮方向,沿途盡是藝術、文化、寶藏,到處都是觀光客群聚盡情瀏覽古跡、世界知名的博物館以及享受夜生活。東方宮和普拉多畫宮是世界聞名的藝術殿堂。市內街心公園、噴泉眾多,廣場各具特色,如:太陽門廣場、中央廣場、西班牙廣場、哥倫布廣場等。鬥牛是久負盛名的娛樂活動,賓達斯鬥牛場規模最大。 馬德里市內文物薈萃,有許多名勝古跡和世界聞名的繪畫展覽館——普拉多博物館等。 市內現代化的高樓大廈與風格迥異的古建築摩肩並立、相映生輝。樹林、草坪和各種造型別致的噴泉和雕有古代小亞細亞人尊崇的自然女神尼貝萊塑像噴泉最吸人入勝。宏偉的阿爾卡拉門坐落在阿爾卡拉街頭的獨立廣場上,共有5道拱門,是馬德里著名的古建築之一。財政部、教育部和西班牙的主要銀行坐落在阿爾卡拉大街兩側,建於1752年的王家美術學院收藏著牟利羅和戈雅等西班牙美術大師的名作。巍峨的塞萬提斯紀念碑聳立在西班牙廣場上,碑前有堂吉訶德和桑科·潘扎的塑像,巨大的碑身倒映在前面的水池之中,碑兩側是蔥郁的樹木;有「馬德里塔」之稱的西班牙摩天大廈位於廣場一側。
著名的馬約爾廣場位於市區西南,修建於1619年,呈長方形,西班牙國王腓力三世騎馬的塑像聳立在廣場中央。不遠處是太陽門廣場,這里有歷史上著名的太陽門遺址。市內還有建於十八世紀中葉的王宮和西班牙國王接見外國貴賓和使臣的東方宮等宮殿建築。 為1982年第十二屆世界盃足球賽的電視轉播而建的電視塔,是西班牙最高的建築,高220米。同時,為方便數千名記者的采訪,在市內最寬、交通流量最大的街道卡斯特利亞納大街修建了長156米、寬4米的高空人行通道。市內還有高爾夫球場、網球場、賽馬場、高山滑雪場、汽車賽場等體育設施。 馬德里是西班牙鐵路、公路和航空交通的樞紐,有6個火車站、幾處飛機場以及地下鐵道。 馬德里是座文化名城。名勝古跡遍布全國,文化氣息異常濃烈。市內各式各樣的凱旋門有1000多個,有街心廣場300多個,而且每個廣場又各見特色,廣場大多配有雕像、噴泉、花本,廣場中心多為雕像和鍾樓,各有歷史典故。市裡有50多家博物館、1200多家書店。城市的特點是藝術風格不同的建築特多,紀念廣場多,名人雕像多等等。它充分反映了西班牙悠久的歷史和人民的戰斗業績.

Ⅹ 馬德里旅遊景點英文介紹

Spain's capital Madrid as well as economic, cultural and political center. The city is also one of Europe for the Arts Center every year to attract a large number of tourists. Door to the Sun (Puerta del Sol) as the center, radial roads into this start, to facilitate the subway and bus system, transportation extending in all directions. The leisurely trail, to remind you that living in Spain, regardless of day or night you are very suitable for strolling, shopping can also be tired since the Cup of coffee, quietly feel the pulse of the city, as well as enjoy the local customs.
Madrid is well suited to roaming the city on foot from the sun than the West Gate Plaza Antilles, or from the large square to the direction of the palace, along the way is the best art, culture and treasures to build, Madrid's famous attractions are solemn Palace (Palacio Real) , La Ruizi Committee, and Ge Leike Goya's works Prado Museum (Paseo del Pradio), young people gather the sun's Gate, the 16th century, when the Habsburg dynasty who built a big square (Plaza Mayor ) And San Yi Xizhuo Cathedral (Catedral de San Isidro) ... .... There are groups of tourists visit the monument much of the world-renowned museums, as well as enjoy the nightlife.

And the rest of Europe with a bit of the capital, Madrid until 1561 King Philip II (King Felipe II) will be moved to the Royal Palace here is rather to be heard, but Spain quickly become the economic, cultural and political center. 1939 civil war spread to Madrid, though Madrid against General Franco's nationalist, but it is still the capital of Spain, because it is still a considerable political stability. After the death of General Franco, Spain began a large-scale social change in an attempt to totalitarian oppression in the total Pojianerchu, Madrid is still the political culture of Spain Center, and more important role, and residents moved to increase and hope to To find better employment and ecation opportunities.

Madrid Tourist Attractions

Madrid Palace

Europe's third-largest palace, and second only to Versailles Palace in Vienna. Built in the mid-eighteenth century Jiaerluosi III, is a dream Boer representative dynasty's heritage sites, its magnificent luxury, European countries in the palace in one of the highest rated. Within embroideries on the wall and ceiling mural paintings are often maintained to preserve the situation pretty well. Spain Mansalaisi palace built on the hill on the left bank of the river, which is to preserve the world's most complete and most beautiful one of the palace. Palace was built in 1738, 26 years after completion. It was a square structure, each 180 meters long, with the appearance of the United States and the construction of the Louvre, the interior is Italian-style, luxury palace as a whole preposterous. There possession of the countless treasures of gold and silver utensils and the level of painting, pottery, leather goods, tapestry, musical instruments and other supplies for the royal family. Spain now has been turned into the Imperial Palace Museum, dedicated to visitors. Spain is the opposite of the Palace Square, which rose to the middle of a well-known Renaissance master of Spanish literature, "Don Quixote" author - Cervantes monument. The following is a monument of Don Quixote on horseback and a statue of a servant Sancho. If the fountain behind the statue of the note, pigeons flying.

Sun Gate Square

Place in the Sun Gate is the center of Madrid, where there are 10 Chengfangshezhuang outward extension of the street. Now the Sun Gate Square Madrid is the children's play place, it is always packed.
Sun Gate Square is a semi-circular square, the famous. Sun Gate Square, where the original name e to a North Korea-opened the East Gate of the Sun is called the door, the door is now no longer exists. Place in the 1853 expansion, with an area of 12,000 square meters.
Sun Gate Square is a historic square, May 2, 1808, in Madrid the people here rose up against Napoleon's invasion of the army, which started off Spain's War of Independence; Madrid in 1848 to install gas street lights, solar First of all, the square was lit up doors; tram was born in 1879 Spain, the departure ceremony was also held at the Sun Gate Square.
Security Building, the Sun Gate Square is the most prominent buildings, this is a late 18th century neo-classical style architecture of the palace. When completed, as has been the center of Madrid Post Office, headquarters of the Army, the Ministry of the Interior, and so on. The roof of the tower is built in 1867 to increase. Since then, the Spaniards took the large bell that time as "standard time."
Security in the square in front of the building side of the road, visitors have seen on the floor of the National Highway "zero kilometer" tag. The stone marker is a color mosaic of about 1 foot in diameter circle, ring with a map of the Iberian Peninsula, the central map marked "kilometer zero". Spain "kilometer zero" as a starting point, the National Highway milestone in computing from here out. Sun Gate Square is the starting point for building the city of Madrid. The square is also the vast majority of the public bus and three subway lines terminal.
Sun Gate Square area of Madrid is the most prosperous commercial district. Radiation from the Plaza of the street are commercial street, silver goods, an extraordinary noise.
Sun Gate Square is also the best embodiment of the Madrid local customs. Square is the most popular day of the annual New Year's Day, Madrid rush of people gathered here to celebrate the New Year. Each participating in the hands of the carnival with all 12 grapes, bell rings, it quickly swallowed in the hands of the 12 grapes. It is said that it would allow his 12 months in the coming year are good luck. For the tourists the opportunity to Madrid in the New Year, do not miss this opportunity to take a look here.

Prado Museum

Although the traffic congestion for the Prado Avenue (Paseo del Prado), but the Prado Museum is very serene quiet. In the era of Carlos III, was first here as a natural science museum by the architects Fan Derby chaired Liya Nu Aiba built, but because of the French War of Independence, and other factors, putting off indefinitely the completion of the project. Then Isabel and King Fernando VII Debra Gan Sa Princess Art Museum decided to build here. In 1819, the royal collection of fine art in numerous public art gallery opening.
Buildings belonging to the neo-classical style, revealed in the simplicity of its extraordinary taste. Painting as a museum in the world and be called the Prado Museum, its collection of works, paintings alone more than 8000, if slowly one by one appreciation of these works, at least for a whole day . Therefore, in order to effectively use the limited time, the best pre-selected by their appreciation to serious work in order for them to visit the center better. In the past into the art gallery, bookstore to buy in the Mandarin version of the guide can certainly save a lot of manual valuable time.

Plaza Mayor

Place the Reap III is the Philippines in 1619 presided over the construction of the unique style of the square Plaza. 128 m horizontal, vertical 94 meters from the 4-storey building surrounded. Place in the central Philippines is Reap III, the statue of a horse. After the completion of the long years of experience 3rd fire, re-construction until after the completion of the formation in 1953 now looks like we have seen. In the past around the balcony of the household often extravagant royal ceremony, Bull, as well as all kinds of activities, and even the Inquisition implementation of the stake at the scene of the square, is now reverberating guitar with low-cost young people's loud and clear Singing.
By the time the sun sets in the library door Ailuo Si Qi, (Arco de Cuchilleros) below the library, Ailuo Si Qi (Cuchilleros) and Main Street, San Miguel (San Miguel) on the street, many of the small restaurant will be drinking Singing loudly and few people packed the Manmandangdang. This is a very unique atmosphere, it should be faster to see.

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