1. 關於張家界一個景點的英語導游詞
2. 湖南有哪些著名景點,最好有英文介紹他們,不需要太長,謝謝
3. 張家界英文簡介
Zhangjiajie National Forest Park Located in the northwest of Wulingyuan, it is in the neighborhood of Suoxiyu Valley and Tianzi Mountain. It has an area of 72,000 acres, an average rainfall of 1200-1600mm, an average temperature of 16oC and a frost-free period of 240-300 days. 97 percent of the park is covered with plants which have 98 families, 517 species, over twice the total in Europe. Its gymnosperm species take up half of the total in the world. Zhangjiajie opens to the outside at the beginning of the 1980s and is the earliest tourist zone exploited in Zhangjiajie. It is noted for its queer peaks, tranquil water and beautiful forests. It is the first National Forest Park approved by the State Council in 1982. Its main scenic spots include Golden Whip Stream, Huangshi Fort and so on. Numerous pinnacles rise abruptly from the level ground in the shape of huge bamboo shoots pointing to the sky. Both sides of Golden Whip Stream stand grotesque peaks and are covered with old trees and vines. The stream, like colorful ribbons, flows through valleys. Watching mountains on Huangshi Fort, one can't help acclaiming as the acme of perfection. Huangshi Fort Huangshi Fort, named after a hermit Huangshi, is 1080m above sea level. It is higher on the south and elevated by stiff cliffs, covering an area of 16.5 hectors. It provides the largest collection of marvelous spectacles and also provides the larges sightseeing terrace above sea level in Zhangjiajie. The chief scenic spots include Treasure Box of Heavenly Books, the Magic Sea-suppressing Needle, the South Pillar of Heaven, the Golden Tortoise Watching the Sea and so on. If you stand on the terrace and watch as far as you can towards the south, you can see all kinds of queer pinnacles. If you watch towards the east, you can see numerous grotesque peaks by the Golden Whip Stream which resemble a clear, crystalline jadeite. Hence, there is a saying: " It can't be said that you have been to Zhangjiajie without reaching Huangshi Fort. Golden Whip Stream Located in the east of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, named after the 380-meter high Golden Whip Rock, Golden Whip stream meanders 15 Li. Flowing from Laomo Gully first to Confluence of Four Rivers then to Suoxi Stream, it finally joins Li river, one of the four rivers in Hunan Province. It flows between steep grotesque peaks and luxuriant trees. Here, the meandering streams, the crystal-clear waterfalls, exotic plants and rare animals co-exist and constitute the extraordinarily beautiful, tranquil and natural ecological environment. No wonder it is called "the most beautiful valley in the world" and "the most poetic stream". The major scenic spots include Rock of Welcoming Guests, Golden Whip Rock, Reunion Rock and the Purple Grass Pond. The Southern Heaven Gate If you want to go to Tianzi Mountain through Suoxiyu Valley, you'll have to pass by a huge stone peak with a natural passage through it. The mouth of the passage is shaped like a gate. Thus, it is named the Southern Heaven Gate. The Imperial Brush Peak Walking a few steps from the scenic spot named the Fairy Maid Presenting Flowers and then watching towards the southwest on the sightseeing terrace, you can see a pinnacle resembling a huge imperial brush on the right of some graceful peaks, and some short pinnacles on the left in the shape of some brushes on the rack. It brings back the memory of King Xiang who read over official papers and drew a circle around his name on a document. How heroic he was. When you enjoy the view at sk with red evening clouds in the sky, you'll see that the peak is glittering brightly on its tip as if there were red paint remaining on the point of the brush. Therefore, it is not surprising that more than30 domestic pictorials have its photos printed. Seeing West Sea on the Heavenly Terrace Heavenly terrace, resembling a little platform in heaven, is high and perilous, walled by stiff and crisscrossed precipices. The only way to it is a straight flight of 186-step stone stairs. Seen on the Heavenly Terrace with a bird-eye's view, the west sea is a great sea, a sea of clouds and fogs, of peaks, of greenness, and of mystery. The forest of pinnacles stand, strange stones cover the ground. The clouds roll and rays shine. Old trees' branches and roots curl up. How mysterious and unpredictable.
4. 張家界旅遊簡短景點介紹(中英文對照版)
5. 誰能告訴我關於介紹張家界的英語小短文,火速!短一點就行,做課用!謝謝
八十年代以前,張家界還不為外人所知。自從畫家吳冠中先生於1979年底發現這片神奇的土地之後,嘩然傳開。現已成為規模宏大,集游山、探洞、平游、漂流、民族風情表演等內容於一體的全國罕見的綜合類特級游覽勝地。 張家界,歷史悠久,風光旖旎。自從畫家吳冠中先生於1979年底發現這片神奇的土地,經過18年的大力開發建設,現已成為規模宏大,集游山、探洞、平游、漂流、民族風情表演等內容於一體的全國罕見的綜合類特級游覽勝地。
張家界歷史悠久,早在四千五百多年前就已有人類活動,在古代,張家界被稱為 「九洲之外,聖人聽其自然」的「南蠻荒蕪」之地. 張家界素有「氣功之鄉」的美譽,民間表演的硬氣功豪壯奔放,剛勁著實,不少人都能表演銀槍剌喉、腹卧鋼叉、睡刀床破青石等高難驚險節目。張家界是少數民族地區,土家族、苗族、白族等少數民族佔全市總人口的百分之六十。在長期的歷史發展中,形成了他們獨特的絢麗多彩的風情習俗。 Zhangjiajie in hunan province is located in the northwest lishui, note the source of the heart, the total area is 9563 square kilometers. The climate of central Asian tropical mountain prototype monsoon climate, the average temperature in 16 degrees Celsius, the four seasons and delightful. Before the eighty s, zhangjiajie is not known to outsiders. Since the painter wu guanzhong in the end of 1979 found that this miraculous land, outcry after spread. Has now become a large-scale, set to swim mountain, speleology, flat swim, the drift, ethnic customs performance and so on contents in the integration of the national rare integrated super resorts. Zhangjiajie, has a long history, beautiful scenery. Since the painter wu guanzhong in the end of 1979 found that this miraculous land, after 18 years of construction, it has become the developing on a grand scale, set to swim mountain, speleology, flat swim, the drift, ethnic customs performance and so on contents in the integration of the national rare integrated super resorts. To the zhangjiajie advantageous tourist resources is well known in the world. Have in zhangjiajie national forest park, SuoXiYu nature reserves, mt nature reserves, and other scenic areas YangGuJie composed of wulingyuan scenic spot, as national scenic spot. In addition, its main city natural, human cultural landscape and "wuling soul" heavenly, "in the gallery" MaoYanHe, "Asia the first hole" day hole, national nature reserve eight archke mountain, "the chiangnan province" puguang temple, "ChuNa cheng jing", and their five thunder xiang-e-chuan-qian, site of the revolutionary committee, China province the workers and peasants and the long march, the red army front where HeNong former residence, etc. The city has developed scenic spots in 12, open up YouLanXian 30 DuoTiao, available for a sightseeing tour of the main attractions landscape over 300 sites. Zhangjiajie is a multi-ethnic areas, living here with the han nationality, tujia and miao, , hui and other 20 DuoGe national, one of these minority in the long development of development, in the process of criticism, forming the unique customs and habits, including proction life custom, marriage funeral custom, beliefs, customs, years of festive, singing, dancing, quyi, etc. Among them, the tujia waving dance, brussel gus dance, , encouraged by the miao JieLongWu, the fusion many national nine children, nuo may play, whip, and big lanterns without Yang play the most representative, etc. Visitors to its zhangjiajie, everywhere is visible at DiaoJiao MuLou, tujia, storage, Jian slot TongChe, its qingxi bridge. These colorful nationality amorous feelings and natural landscape mutual set off, one integrated mass, tourism resources of zhangjiajie become the important component. Zhangjiajie has a long history, as early as in four thousand five hundred DuoNian before human activities, has been in ancient times, zhangjiajie was called "universe besides, saint that it" "na desert" land. Zhangjiajie known as "qigong township of the reputation of", the folk performing hard qigong bold and unrestrained, strong poetic really, many people can show a silver gun might larynx, the abdomen lie GangCha, sleep knife bed bluestone, the most thrilling programs. Zhangjiajie is minority areas, tujia and miao, minority accounted for sixty percent of the total population. In the long history of development, formed their unique colorful customs.
6. 張家界旅遊景點的英語名稱
天子山 黃石寨 金鞭溪 袁家界 楊家界 黃龍洞 龍王洞 寶峰湖 老院子 天門山 土司城
7. 張家界天門山最好玩,最漂亮的景區的英語
Zhangjiajie Tianmenshan Mountain is the most fun, the most beautiful scenic spots
8. 張家界景點介紹
張家界地域古屬朝天山,因明崇禎邑人張再弘「蒙恩賜團官」設衙署於此而得名。也曾稱張家界為馬鬃嶺。1958年建立國營張家界林場。1982年經國務院 批准為國家森林公園。
張家界國家森林公園,有三千多座奇峰異石,似人似物,神形兼備,或粗獷,或細密,或奇絕,或詭秘,渾朴中略帶狂狷,威猛中又帶妖媚,危岩絕壁,雍容大氣。 張家界集山奇、水奇、石奇、雲奇、動物奇與植物奇六奇於一體,匯秀麗、原始、幽靜、齊全、清新五絕於一身,納南北風光,兼諸山之美,是大自然的迷宮,也是中國畫的原本! 張家界森林資源非常豐富,園內森林覆蓋率達97.7%,世界上五大名科植物,如菊科、蘭科、豆科、薔薇科、禾本科在這里都有。就樹木種類來說,有93科,157種,比整個歐洲還多一倍;而且,多稀有珍貴樹種,如珙桐、鵝掌楸、杜仲、銀杏等。園內花卉也十分美麗、獨特,如有一天能變五種顏色的五色花,為張家界獨有的龍蝦花等。
黃石寨因古有一道人名叫黃石公在此隱居而得名,它海拔1080米, 由諸多的懸崖峭壁共同托起而形成的一塊南高北低的台地,面積16.5公 頃。該景區是張家界旅遊區的精華,是張家界集奇撮勝之地。其主要 景點有:天書寶匣 、定海神針、南天一柱、金海探龜等,因此地山奇、水奇、石奇、雲奇、林奇、動物奇,山頂上還建了六奇閣。站在台上凌頂遠眺,可見遠峰近谷景色萬千、千里相會峰、穿雲洞等一覽無余。往東鳥瞰 ,可見金鞭溪兩旁奇峰林立,彷彿一盤玲瓏易透的翡翠真是美不勝收。這才體驗不上黃獅寨,枉來張家界的感覺。
金鞭溪位於森林公園的東部,全長15華里,自老磨灣至水繞四門經索溪注入湖南四大水系澧水,因溪畔的金鞭岩而得名。 該景區石峰連綿,飛瀑直下。溪水穿行於深壑幽谷之間,溪的兩邊千峰聳立,高入雲天,樹木繁茂,濃蔭蔽日。這兒溪水潺潺、琉璃飛瀑,奇花異草與珍禽異獸同生共榮,構成極為秀麗、清幽、自然的生態環境,被稱為「世界最美的峽谷」,「最富有詩意的溪流」。
天子山的神奇,在於煙雲繚繞的奇石危峰,如柱、如塔、如筍,低者數十米,高者數百米,雕鏤百態。有屈子行吟,有姐妹私語,有夫妻情深,有眾仙 聚會、群娥起舞,有天兵出征等天然群像。當地群眾稱形同武將的石柱為「四十八大將軍,四十八小將軍」,擺起八門鎖陣,天子坐朝閱兵。相傳一輩子山得名,源於土家族起義首領向大坤。他曾引兵三萬,自稱向家天子,誓與朝廷抗衡。後激戰數日,失敗被圍,大喝三聲,從袁家界右側神堂灣岩嘴上連人帶馬跳下,化成了天子坐朝等奇峰異石。至今神堂灣神秘莫測,縱深部位環列絕壁千仞,臨崖,俯瞰,但覺陰氣逼人,深不可知,從古到今,人跡罕至,無人揭示過她的秘密,只好寄想像於神話傳說之中,給天子山拂上了一層神秘光彩。
9. 張家界旅遊主要景點介紹
新的張家界十大絕景。一、御筆峰(天子山) 御筆峰是張家界石英峰林地貌的典型代表,位於天子山,幾座細薄堅挺的山峰非常有型,形似幾只倒插的毛筆。傳說是土家族起義領袖向大坤的親用御筆倒插於此。此景點多次被宣傳媒介作為宣傳圖片資料,多年影視屏幕的焦點景點,99年張家界首枚發行的郵票景點。有詩句寫到「視看西海雲霧中,御筆峰端指長空。奇峰異石觀景台,三山五嶽敗下風。」可以說御筆峰是張家界風景的代表,當仁不讓的成為十大絕景之首。二、天門洞(天門山) 天門山海拔1518.6米,是張家界永定區最高的山,因自然奇觀天門洞而得名。天門洞,高131.5米,寬50餘米,南北對開於千尋素壁之上,氣勢磅礴,巍峨高絕,天門山索道線路斜長7455米,是世界最長的單線循環脫掛抱索器車廂式索道。三、天下第一橋(袁家界) 世界上最高的天然石橋,橋面寬約兩米,長20餘米,絕對高度350米。兩座大山被一條長廊連在一起,形成天然橋洞。遇見雲雨天氣,橋下時常吞雲吐霧、雲霧翻滾、深不可測,氣勢壯觀雄奇。橋上蒼松挺拔,橋邊古藤垂掛,走在橋上,只見霧氣蒸騰,松濤呼嘯,石橋好像也顫顫悠悠,晃晃搖搖似的,令人驚心動魂。這里是張家界風景一絕,是大自然的一個奇跡,天下第一橋的名號一點也不為過。四、神鷹護鞭(金鞭溪) 神鷹護鞭位於張家界國家森林公園內,金鞭溪畔,兩座石峰相連,左邊山峰形似一隻展開翅膀的老鷹,右邊的山峰形似一根神鞭。左邊的山峰頂端尖斜,如鷹的頭,山體下面的部分形似老鷹寬厚巨大的雙翅,老鷹的左翅緊緊圍繞金鞭岩,如起護衛作用,故名神鷹護鞭。金鞭岩相對高度380多米,據說是張家界三千石峰中最高的一座。五、仙女散花(天子山) 仙女獻花被譽為仙女的化身,向王天子的愛妃,形象逼真、惟妙惟肖,猶如一位楚楚動人的佳麗。手中捧著滿滿的鮮花,在西海的山峰中散布花的種子。一直在此等候著向王的歸來,有詩句寫到「瑤池玉女下凡間,化為石峰格外妖。手捧金蘭隨意撒,萬朵金蓮半山腰」。六、采葯老人(十里畫廊) 采葯老人位於十里畫廊,沒有人看了說他不像的,采葯老人又叫老人岩,在「壽星迎賓」前面不遠,他肩背滿滿一簍草葯,腰身佝僂,布滿皺紋的臉上和神邃的眼裡充滿著焦慮憂慮。據說他是向王身邊的那個草葯郎中賀半仙,自起義軍與官兵交戰以來,天天翻山越嶺采葯,日夜救護傷員。那天他剛采了一背簍葯,路過神堂灣,聽說起義失敗,向王跳崖自盡了,頓時驚得目瞪口呆,腳也不聽使喚了。就這樣,他背著葯簍,痴痴地望著神堂灣發呆。久而久之,便化成了一尊石像。有詩贊道:「天工難塑老人岩,風塵僕僕情滿懷。肩背葯草為何故,步覆匆匆費思猜。」七、定海神針(黃龍洞) 張家界黃龍洞景區的標志景點,全高19.2米,圍徑40公分,為黃龍洞最高石筍,兩頭粗中間細,最細處直徑只有10厘米,黃龍洞景區管理部門特地為「定海神針」買下—億元巨額保險,創全國為世界自然資源性遺產買保險之先河。八、寶峰飛瀑(寶峰湖) 寶峰飛瀑:寶峰橋左前方山腰4O余米處,一水飛流而下,如同一條銀色絲帶掛在峭壁之上。瀑布先直瀉,後順坡漫灑於鐵索橋處池中。兩水池相疊,波光盈盈,翠竹、紅樹、人影盡映其中,宛若畫盤。書法家沈鵬游覽寶峰湖後題—「飛流界峰」四字,鐫刻於飛瀑石上方峭壁。九、夫妻岩(黃石寨) 夫妻岩位於黃石寨對面山頭,張家界山莊後,在田家台的對面,有兩個自然生成的山峰。這山也真奇,一個象男,一個象女,頭挨著頭,身靠著身,有眼睛,有鼻子,有頭發,有嘴唇,就連眉毛與牙齒,也看得清清楚楚,明明白白。他倆站在高山,立在神地,相親相愛,永不分離。相傳,這是花仙山荷花與養蜂人田花郎歷盡千辛萬苦,幾度起死回生結合而成的,如遇自己的紅顏知己,可以去此處看看,許下心願可保夫妻和睦,家庭幸福。十、千里相會(金鞭溪) 在金鞭溪游覽過程中,可見一組奇峰,有兩座較高的石峰緊密相連,下半截連為一體,上半截一高一矮,高者略欠身,低者稍後仰,好一幅相愛擁抱的絕妙畫面,恰似一對久別重逢的夫妻,故名相會峰,亦稱千里相會。相傳東海龍宮小龍女常來此地觀賞風景,一次偶然的機會,結識了峨眉山遠道而來的後生,二人情投意合,很快便產生了愛情。龍王知道此事以後,非常惱怒,決意拆散二人,多次將小龍女關在龍宮,但小龍女想方設法逃出來,常常與情人相會。龍王一氣之下,將二人點化成石,便成石峰「千里相會」。
10. 急急急!!!關於張家界一個景點的英語導游詞
Yellow Dragon Cave 黃龍洞
General Introction Yellow Dragon Cave is more beautiful of caves is a typical karst formation, and you know that water plays an extremely important role in its development. Flowing into the fissures of the karst layer, water constantly dissolves the limestone rock, thereby widening the crevice. This process continues year after year and thus the caves are created. The Yellow Dragon Cave system covers a proven area than the outside world.
"Day or night, without fear of rain or wind, all year long, you can delight in its wonderful scenery. The cave is of good beneficial air circulation, and is cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
Yellow Dragon Cave is one of the foremost scenic areas in Zhangjiajie, and was rated as one of the first 4A National Tourist Attractions in China. Also it has been honored as "magical karst cave both in China and in the world".
This system 48 hectares. It is 15 kilometers long and has a vertical rise of 140 meters. The in- ner recess is divided into four layers, two dry ones and two possessing waterways. The tally of natural wonders includes: one natural reservoir, 2 underground rivers, 3 pools, 4 waterfalls, 13 grand halls, 96 passageways and hundreds of thousands of stalagmites, columns and stalactites. The Yellow Dragon Cave is so complex and unfathomable, possessing such a multitude of geological features, that it's impossible for us to take them all in at one time. This "magical place" abounds with all the sceneries that we can enjoy in the karst caves and the stalagmites are in all different shapes. Many famous scenic spots have been developed: the Dragon Dance Hall, Sounding River, Immortal Waterfall, Heaven Pillar Street, and the Dragon Palace. Except for a short distance near the entrance, we won't have to do any backtracking in the cave. The entire tour takes about two hours--2400 meters by land and an additional 800 meters by water. Chatting In the eyes of the locals of Zhangjiajie, Yellow Dragon Cave is always a "mysterious place". The waterway within the cave is called Yellow Dragon Spring and it keeps flowing year around. It is said that long, long ago this region suffered a severe drought, so a wizard named He Junru, accompanied by his disciples, entered the cave and beseeched the dragon to send water. The dragon king was touched by their plea and released several drops of water from his mouth, and this proced a deluge outside the cave. At that moment, the wizard was unaware of the refreshing rain out- side; instead, he assumed that the dragon king had somehow reject- ed his appeal. Unfortunately, he stabbed the dragon with his knife. The beast became enraged by this foolish response and spewed out a torrent of water. In a short while the flood inundated the whole region, both inside and outside the cave. The wizard was seriously injured and escaped, and all of his fellow villagers were washed away. Of course, he deeply regretted his blunder, and engraved a few lines of warning on his deathbed at the entrance to the cave so that people would not further offend the dragon: "You must never fetch water from Yellow Dragon Cave, even if you are suffering desperately from a severe drought.
It is just a story anyhow. But how was this cave actually discovered? In the Spring of 1983, Mao Jinchu, a local veteran and military battalion commander, led about ten companies of soldiers into the cave for exploration. After many setbacks and much hard- ship, they were finally able to present to the world the true face of this mysterious "kingdom". In the recesses of the cave, they en- countered swarms of rats (about 2 ~ 2.5 kilograms each) and name- less creatures possessing piercing blue eyes and enormous feet. But don't be afraid! These terrifying "monsters" have been driven away long ago.
In February of 1984, the local authorities started to develop the cave as a tourist attraction, and set up the Administrative Department of the Yellow Dragon Cave in June of that year. At the end of that year, it was formally opened to outside tourists. And since that time, this "underground pearl" has emitted its Dazzling light and received more and more attention. After their field investigation into this cave system, officials of UNESCO gave these lavish words of praise, "Yellow Dragon Cave is the most beautiful cave we' ve ever seen--anywhere in the world! And it is especially intriguing that there is such a long river inside, and it is really in- credible. " Including Zhou Guangzhao, the president of the Chinese Science Academy, 15 senior scientists proclaimed, "We have traveled around the world and this cave is the largest, most comprehensive cave we' ve seen. " More than 70 experts from the Ministry of Geology have drawn a similar conclusion, "Taking into consideration nearly all of the studies of karsts caves, Yellow Dragon Cave is the all round champion