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① 蘇州園林中英文介紹 急急急~


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③ 蘇州園林的中英文介紹

蘇州園林吸收了江南園林建築藝術的精華,是中國優秀的文化遺產,理所當然被聯合國列為人類與自然文化遺產。蘇州園林善於把有限空間巧妙地組成變幻多端的景緻,結構上以小巧玲瓏取勝。網師園、獅子林、拙政園、留園統稱「蘇州四大名園」,素有「江南園林甲天下,蘇州園林甲江南」之譽。蘇州園林代表了中國私家園林的風格和藝術水平,是不可多得的旅遊聖地。 蘇州古典園林宅園合一,可賞,可游,可居,可以體驗讓人舒暢的生活,這種建築形態的形成,是在人口密集和缺乏自然風光的城市中,人類依戀自然,追求與自然和諧相處,美化和完善自身居住環境的一種創造。 蘇州地處水鄉,湖溝塘堰星羅棋布,極利因水就勢造園,附近又盛產太湖石,適合堆砌玲瓏精巧的假山,可謂得天獨厚;蘇州地區歷代百業興旺,官富民殷,完全有條件追求高質量的居住環境;加之蘇州民風歷來崇尚藝術,追求完美,千古傳承,長盛不衰,無論是鄉野民居,還是官衙賈第,其設計建造皆一絲不苟,獨運匠心。這些基本因素大大促進了蘇州園林的發展。據地方誌記載,蘇州城內大小園林,在布局,結構,風格上都有自己的藝術特色,產生於蘇州園林的鼎盛時期的拙政園、留園、網師園、環秀山莊這四座古典園林,充分體現了中國造園藝術的民族特色和水平。它們建築類型齊全,保存完整。這四座園林佔地面積不廣,但巧妙地運用了種種造園藝術技巧和手法,將亭台樓閣、泉石花木組合在一起,模擬自然風光,創造了「城市山林」、「居鬧市而近自然」的理想空間。它們系統而全面地展示了蘇州古典園林建築的布局、結構、造型、風格、色彩以及裝修、傢具、陳設等各個方面內容,是明清時期(14~20世紀初)江南民間建築的代表作品,反映了這一時期中國江南地區高度的居住文明,曾影響到整個江南城市的建築格調,帶動民間建築的設計、構思、布局、審美以及施工技術向其靠攏,體現了當時城市建設科學技術水平和藝術成就。在美化居住環境,融建築美、自然美、人文美為一體等方面達到了歷史的高度,在中國乃至世界園林藝術發展史上具有不可替代的地位。 蘇州古典園林的重要特色之一,在於它不僅是歷史文化的產物,同時也是中國傳統思想文化的載體。表現在園林廳堂的命名、匾額、楹聯、書條石、雕刻、裝飾,以及花木寓意、疊石寄情等,不僅是點綴園林的精美藝術品,同時儲存了大量的歷史、文化、思想和科學信息,其物質內容和精神內容都極其深廣。其中有反映和傳播儒、釋、道等各家哲學觀念、思想流派的;有宣揚人生哲理,陶冶高尚情操的;還有藉助古典詩詞文學,對園景進行點綴、生發、渲染,使人於棲息游賞中,化景物為情思,產生意境美,獲得精神滿足。而園中匯集保存完好的中國歷代書法名家手跡,又是珍貴的藝術品,具有極高的文物價值。另外,蘇州古典園林作為宅園合一的第宅園林,其建築規制又反映了中國古代江南民間起居休親的生活方式和禮儀習俗,是了解和研究古代中國江南民俗的實物資料。 Suzhou Jiangnan garden to absorb the essence of the art of landscape architecture is the excellent Chinese cultural heritage, as a matter of course by the United Nations cultural heritage of mankind and nature. Suzhou gardens are good at the limited space cleverly subtle changes of landscape composition, structure, small and win up to. Nets Garden,獅子林, Humble Administrator's Garden, Lingering Garden referred to collectively as "the four famous gardens of Suzhou", known as "甲天下Jiangnan garden, a garden in Suzhou Jiangnan" reputation. Suzhou garden private garden on behalf of the Chinese art style and level of tourist are rare. One classical gardens of Suzhou garden can reward can travel to home, people can experience the ease of life, the formation of this form of architecture, are in densely populated and lack of natural scenery of the city, the attachment of human nature, the pursuit and nature in harmony, to beautify and improve the living environment of their own to create a. Suzhou is located in water, spread all over Lake Ditch塘堰very profit potential e to water on the garden, near Tai Hu rich, sophisticated fit mounded rockery Linglong, is unique; hundred ancient Suzhou booming instry officials Yin and enriching the people, is perfectly placed to pursue high-quality living environment; addition Suzhou folk art has always been advocating the pursuit of perfection, eternal inheritance, focused, whether it is countryside residential areas, or Giardia官衙, are meticulously designed and built their own originality shipped. These basic factors contributed greatly to the development of the Suzhou gardens. According to local history records, the size of gardens in Suzhou city, in the layout, structure, style of art has its own characteristics, resulting in the heyday of the Suzhou gardens of the Humble Administrator's Garden, Lingering Garden, Master-of-Nets Garden Villa Huanxiu these four classical gardens, fully demonstrated the Chinese art of gardening and the level of national characteristics. They are building the type of complete, intact. This garden covers an area of four is not wide, but the clever use of a variety of gardening techniques and practices the arts will be pavilions, flowers and trees泉石together to simulate the natural scenery, and create a "forest city", "home near downtown and the natural "the ideal space. They are systematic and comprehensive display of the Suzhou classical gardens of the building layout, structure, shape, style, color and decoration, furniture, furnishings and other aspects, are the Ming and Qing Dynasties (14 ~ 20 century) on behalf of the building of Jiangnan works reflected in the Jiangnan region ring the height of Chinese civilization, the living have affected the entire southern style architecture of the city, led the design of civil architecture, design, layout, construction technology, as well as its aesthetic side, reflects the city at that time the level of science and technology and construction artistic achievements. Landscaping at the living environment, building into the United States, natural beauty, culture and other aspects of the United States as a whole reached a historically high at Chinese garden art and the world history of the development of an irreplaceable position. Classical Gardens of Suzhou, one of the important characteristics is that it is not only a proct of history and culture, but also traditional Chinese thought and culture carrier. Room of the house in the garden of the name plaques, couplets, Oplegnathus book, sculpture, decoration, as well as flowers meaning,疊石寄情and so on, are not only exquisite works of art decorating the garden, at the same time save a lot of history, culture, thought and scientific information, the content and spirit of its material content is extremely deep. Reflect and have one of the spread of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, such as various philosophical concepts, schools of thought; there is to promote the philosophy of life, to cultivate the noble sentiments; have literature with classical poetry, for decorating the landscape, hair, rendering, is in travel tours of the habitat, for the emotion of the scene, resulting in mood the United States, to meet the spiritual. The park brings together well-preserved ancient Chinese calligraphy handwriting, but also are valuable works of art, has a very high heritage value. In addition, the classical gardens of Suzhou as one of the第宅garden landscape, the building regulatory system and reflects the ancient Chinese people living off the pro-southern way of life and ritual practices, are understanding and study of ancient Chinese folk materials Jiangnan.

④ 用英文介紹我的家鄉(蘇州)

Hello! My name is Ge Yuan, Tracy is my English name. You may call me 「Tracy」回. I』答d like to be your pen pal. I』m 12 years old. I live in Suzhou, and Suzhou is my hometown. Suzhou is a beautiful city, the silk in Suzhou is very nice, most of the people in the world love it. There are many gardens in Suzhou, too. They』re nice, and Suzhou is famous of them.

⑤ 求蘇州園林景點中英文對照介紹


⑥ 蘇州著名旅遊景點英文介紹

The Humble Administrator's Garden (or Zhuozheng Yuan) is one of four great Chinese gardens. At 51,950 m

⑦ 蘇州景點和特產的英文名


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