1. 馬德里皇宮英文怎麼讀
2. 用英文介紹一下西班牙的馬德里皇宮,謝謝謝謝啦
Madrid Palace ( Palacio Real de Madrid ) is second only to the Palace of Versailles in Vienna and the third European palace of The Grand Palace. It was built in 1738,26years before completion, is the world's most complete preservation and most beautiful one of the palace. The palace looks square structure, magnificent, in utero has numerous gold and silver utensils, porcelain and paintings, tapestry and other imperial supplies. It is a Bourbon representative cultural relic, European countries in the palace of count as one of the very best is. Now, the palace has been turned into a museum, and visitors.
3. 馬德里有什麼著名的風景、建築...(作介紹)
馬德里是個相當適合步行漫遊的城市,從太陽門往西比列斯廣場,或從大廣場往王宮方向,沿途盡是藝術、文化、寶藏,到處都是觀光客群聚盡情瀏覽古跡、世界知名的博物館以及享受夜生活。東方宮和普拉多畫宮是世界聞名的藝術殿堂。市內街心公園、噴泉眾多,廣場各具特色,如:太陽門廣場、中央廣場、西班牙廣場、哥倫布廣場等。鬥牛是久負盛名的娛樂活動,賓達斯鬥牛場規模最大。 馬德里市內文物薈萃,有許多名勝古跡和世界聞名的繪畫展覽館——普拉多博物館等。 市內現代化的高樓大廈與風格迥異的古建築摩肩並立、相映生輝。樹林、草坪和各種造型別致的噴泉和雕有古代小亞細亞人尊崇的自然女神尼貝萊塑像噴泉最吸人入勝。宏偉的阿爾卡拉門坐落在阿爾卡拉街頭的獨立廣場上,共有5道拱門,是馬德里著名的古建築之一。財政部、教育部和西班牙的主要銀行坐落在阿爾卡拉大街兩側,建於1752年的王家美術學院收藏著牟利羅和戈雅等西班牙美術大師的名作。巍峨的塞萬提斯紀念碑聳立在西班牙廣場上,碑前有堂吉訶德和桑科·潘扎的塑像,巨大的碑身倒映在前面的水池之中,碑兩側是蔥郁的樹木;有「馬德里塔」之稱的西班牙摩天大廈位於廣場一側。
著名的馬約爾廣場位於市區西南,修建於1619年,呈長方形,西班牙國王腓力三世騎馬的塑像聳立在廣場中央。不遠處是太陽門廣場,這里有歷史上著名的太陽門遺址。市內還有建於十八世紀中葉的王宮和西班牙國王接見外國貴賓和使臣的東方宮等宮殿建築。 為1982年第十二屆世界盃足球賽的電視轉播而建的電視塔,是西班牙最高的建築,高220米。同時,為方便數千名記者的采訪,在市內最寬、交通流量最大的街道卡斯特利亞納大街修建了長156米、寬4米的高空人行通道。市內還有高爾夫球場、網球場、賽馬場、高山滑雪場、汽車賽場等體育設施。 馬德里是西班牙鐵路、公路和航空交通的樞紐,有6個火車站、幾處飛機場以及地下鐵道。 馬德里是座文化名城。名勝古跡遍布全國,文化氣息異常濃烈。市內各式各樣的凱旋門有1000多個,有街心廣場300多個,而且每個廣場又各見特色,廣場大多配有雕像、噴泉、花本,廣場中心多為雕像和鍾樓,各有歷史典故。市裡有50多家博物館、1200多家書店。城市的特點是藝術風格不同的建築特多,紀念廣場多,名人雕像多等等。它充分反映了西班牙悠久的歷史和人民的戰斗業績.
4. 西班牙的最著名景點用英文怎麼拼
馬德里皇宮(el palacio real),皇家公園(el parque de Buen Retiro),郵政宮殿(內casa de correo),太陽門廣容場(la puerta Sol),大道(gran vía),布拉多博物館(museo de Prado),索非亞王後博物館(Museo de la reina Sofía),科龍廣場(plaza colón),國家圖書館(la biblioteca nacional)
巴塞羅那蘭吧拉大道(paseo de la Rambla),勝利門(arco de triunfo),加泰羅尼亞廣場(plaza Cataluña),高迪主題公園(parque Guell),Agbar塔(Torre Agbar )
6. 馬德里旅遊景點英文介紹
Spain's capital Madrid as well as economic, cultural and political center. The city is also one of Europe for the Arts Center every year to attract a large number of tourists. Door to the Sun (Puerta del Sol) as the center, radial roads into this start, to facilitate the subway and bus system, transportation extending in all directions. The leisurely trail, to remind you that living in Spain, regardless of day or night you are very suitable for strolling, shopping can also be tired since the Cup of coffee, quietly feel the pulse of the city, as well as enjoy the local customs.
Madrid is well suited to roaming the city on foot from the sun than the West Gate Plaza Antilles, or from the large square to the direction of the palace, along the way is the best art, culture and treasures to build, Madrid's famous attractions are solemn Palace (Palacio Real) , La Ruizi Committee, and Ge Leike Goya's works Prado Museum (Paseo del Pradio), young people gather the sun's Gate, the 16th century, when the Habsburg dynasty who built a big square (Plaza Mayor ) And San Yi Xizhuo Cathedral (Catedral de San Isidro) ... .... There are groups of tourists visit the monument much of the world-renowned museums, as well as enjoy the nightlife.
And the rest of Europe with a bit of the capital, Madrid until 1561 King Philip II (King Felipe II) will be moved to the Royal Palace here is rather to be heard, but Spain quickly become the economic, cultural and political center. 1939 civil war spread to Madrid, though Madrid against General Franco's nationalist, but it is still the capital of Spain, because it is still a considerable political stability. After the death of General Franco, Spain began a large-scale social change in an attempt to totalitarian oppression in the total Pojianerchu, Madrid is still the political culture of Spain Center, and more important role, and residents moved to increase and hope to To find better employment and ecation opportunities.
Madrid Tourist Attractions
Madrid Palace
Europe's third-largest palace, and second only to Versailles Palace in Vienna. Built in the mid-eighteenth century Jiaerluosi III, is a dream Boer representative dynasty's heritage sites, its magnificent luxury, European countries in the palace in one of the highest rated. Within embroideries on the wall and ceiling mural paintings are often maintained to preserve the situation pretty well. Spain Mansalaisi palace built on the hill on the left bank of the river, which is to preserve the world's most complete and most beautiful one of the palace. Palace was built in 1738, 26 years after completion. It was a square structure, each 180 meters long, with the appearance of the United States and the construction of the Louvre, the interior is Italian-style, luxury palace as a whole preposterous. There possession of the countless treasures of gold and silver utensils and the level of painting, pottery, leather goods, tapestry, musical instruments and other supplies for the royal family. Spain now has been turned into the Imperial Palace Museum, dedicated to visitors. Spain is the opposite of the Palace Square, which rose to the middle of a well-known Renaissance master of Spanish literature, "Don Quixote" author - Cervantes monument. The following is a monument of Don Quixote on horseback and a statue of a servant Sancho. If the fountain behind the statue of the note, pigeons flying.
Sun Gate Square
Place in the Sun Gate is the center of Madrid, where there are 10 Chengfangshezhuang outward extension of the street. Now the Sun Gate Square Madrid is the children's play place, it is always packed.
Sun Gate Square is a semi-circular square, the famous. Sun Gate Square, where the original name e to a North Korea-opened the East Gate of the Sun is called the door, the door is now no longer exists. Place in the 1853 expansion, with an area of 12,000 square meters.
Sun Gate Square is a historic square, May 2, 1808, in Madrid the people here rose up against Napoleon's invasion of the army, which started off Spain's War of Independence; Madrid in 1848 to install gas street lights, solar First of all, the square was lit up doors; tram was born in 1879 Spain, the departure ceremony was also held at the Sun Gate Square.
Security Building, the Sun Gate Square is the most prominent buildings, this is a late 18th century neo-classical style architecture of the palace. When completed, as has been the center of Madrid Post Office, headquarters of the Army, the Ministry of the Interior, and so on. The roof of the tower is built in 1867 to increase. Since then, the Spaniards took the large bell that time as "standard time."
Security in the square in front of the building side of the road, visitors have seen on the floor of the National Highway "zero kilometer" tag. The stone marker is a color mosaic of about 1 foot in diameter circle, ring with a map of the Iberian Peninsula, the central map marked "kilometer zero". Spain "kilometer zero" as a starting point, the National Highway milestone in computing from here out. Sun Gate Square is the starting point for building the city of Madrid. The square is also the vast majority of the public bus and three subway lines terminal.
Sun Gate Square area of Madrid is the most prosperous commercial district. Radiation from the Plaza of the street are commercial street, silver goods, an extraordinary noise.
Sun Gate Square is also the best embodiment of the Madrid local customs. Square is the most popular day of the annual New Year's Day, Madrid rush of people gathered here to celebrate the New Year. Each participating in the hands of the carnival with all 12 grapes, bell rings, it quickly swallowed in the hands of the 12 grapes. It is said that it would allow his 12 months in the coming year are good luck. For the tourists the opportunity to Madrid in the New Year, do not miss this opportunity to take a look here.
Prado Museum
Although the traffic congestion for the Prado Avenue (Paseo del Prado), but the Prado Museum is very serene quiet. In the era of Carlos III, was first here as a natural science museum by the architects Fan Derby chaired Liya Nu Aiba built, but because of the French War of Independence, and other factors, putting off indefinitely the completion of the project. Then Isabel and King Fernando VII Debra Gan Sa Princess Art Museum decided to build here. In 1819, the royal collection of fine art in numerous public art gallery opening.
Buildings belonging to the neo-classical style, revealed in the simplicity of its extraordinary taste. Painting as a museum in the world and be called the Prado Museum, its collection of works, paintings alone more than 8000, if slowly one by one appreciation of these works, at least for a whole day . Therefore, in order to effectively use the limited time, the best pre-selected by their appreciation to serious work in order for them to visit the center better. In the past into the art gallery, bookstore to buy in the Mandarin version of the guide can certainly save a lot of manual valuable time.
Plaza Mayor
Place the Reap III is the Philippines in 1619 presided over the construction of the unique style of the square Plaza. 128 m horizontal, vertical 94 meters from the 4-storey building surrounded. Place in the central Philippines is Reap III, the statue of a horse. After the completion of the long years of experience 3rd fire, re-construction until after the completion of the formation in 1953 now looks like we have seen. In the past around the balcony of the household often extravagant royal ceremony, Bull, as well as all kinds of activities, and even the Inquisition implementation of the stake at the scene of the square, is now reverberating guitar with low-cost young people's loud and clear Singing.
By the time the sun sets in the library door Ailuo Si Qi, (Arco de Cuchilleros) below the library, Ailuo Si Qi (Cuchilleros) and Main Street, San Miguel (San Miguel) on the street, many of the small restaurant will be drinking Singing loudly and few people packed the Manmandangdang. This is a very unique atmosphere, it should be faster to see.
7. 有關馬來西亞旅遊景點的英文版介紹
Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur is Malaysia's capital, is national politics, theeconomical, cultural and the transportation center, is located themalay peninsula the mid-west, the area 244 square kilometers, thepopulation approximately 1.5 million, is the Malaysian biggest city,also is this country only surpasses 1 million population the cities,the native likes calling it is "K? L ". Kuala Lumpur's in Malaya speech meaning is "the muddy river mouth",opens the port in 19th century the leaf, at that time was Chinesepeople leaf Germany leads to reclaim wasteland the team, was coming upalong the Pakistan fresh river mines the tin ore, afterwards heregraally formed the rural fair. In 1880 England took over control this place, graally developed intothe big city. Now the Kuala Lumpur Israeli and Palestine fresh riverfor, west the half is the governmental agency, the park, the banklocus, east the half is the trade and the residential district. Kuala Lumpur has the modernized city infrastructure artisticly, thecity's appearance is neat, the high-rise construction stands in greatnumbers, simultaneously also has the many kinds of styles the ancientconstruction and the big luxuriant bush jungle, the modernizedatmosphere and the traditional landscape coexists, causes this Malayafamous city alone elegant demeanour.
Royal palace The royal palace is located south of the train station, forhead of state's residence, the golden color dome construction has therich Arabic style, many tourists watch its beautiful outwardappearance and the photography in this accept as a memento. Congress building The Congress building was 18 building store heights grandbuildings, after the Malaysian independence completes, fused themodern architecture style and the traditional culture flavor. In thetourist enters the visit to want first to obtain the parties concernedthe authorization. National mosque The Southeast Asia area biggest mosque, is located the capitaltown center. Total area 5.5 hectares. In 1957 proposed theconstruction by first elected Premier Lachman. The construction formand the Mecca three big mosques are similar. Prayed the hall may hold8,000 people, the roof is composed by 49 big small circles arches. Themost great-circle arches the diameter 45 meters, assumes 18 emissionsstars shape, represents national 13 states and the Islamism fivebases. The height 73 meters spires for the fire , Italy maycompare for the Islamism with the science. After the temple has intersthe Islamism "the national hero" the mausoleum, only has is appointedVice-Premier Fang Neng which premier or in office died to die to this.Every time brings forth Friday morning, some many reverent believersreach this point the pray. Enters the mosque visit to have to take offshoes in, woman also must put on in the entrance only then mayenter.
檳 城
Black wind tunnel Is located the Kuala Lumpur northern suburbs. Several junglescomplement, in the cliff thousand peaks halfway up themountainside, some 20 about limestone limestone cave. Light holereaches as high as 50 ~ 60 meters, the width 70 ~ 80 meters, thesunlight injects in the hole from the hole top hole, therefore. Thedark hole length 366 meters, in the hole gloomily pass crisply, thetrail steep is curving, is perching the thousands bat and the snake,concurrently has a minute hole innumerably, the average person isunable to step in the hole bottom. In the light hole and the dark holehas the innumerable as if people and each kind of birds and beasts, makes one praise to the heavens. Nearby thelight hole in a limestone cave has a Hin temple, was considered isMalaysia's Hin Holy Land. plateau Is located is apart from the Kuala Lumpur northern suburbsapproximately 50 kilometers place, the elevation 1,722 meters, are theMalaysian domestic cool mountainous region vacation paradises. On themountain has the electrically operated amusement facility, theswimming pool, the indoor stadium, the bowling hall and so on, but ismost noticeable or supposes in the big hotel gamblingestablishment, this is the Malaysian only legitimate gamblingestablishment, has "southern coastal provinces archipelago Montecarlo" the name. Penang Also called "the Georgia city" or "Georgetown", is located the east northmost part, is the Malaysian biggestinternational free commercial harbour and the national second bigcity. Penang fills the colorful religion and the culturalcharacteristic, the state established museum, the art center, theBuddhist temple and the mosque proliferate the entire island, hadreflected many nationalities has developed this beautiful islandstogether since 18th century the bright history. Penang vegetationgreen, scenery beautiful, the guesthouse hotel constructs eachcharacteristic, the flavor snack is bountiful. Here commodity many isthe ty-free goods, the price quite is inexpensive.
又叫中國山,位於Jalan Temenggung街尾,是明代三寶太監鄭和的軍隊駐扎地,也是明朝公主下嫁馬六甲時的居所。山上的三寶山廟供奉著鄭和的戎裝塑像。廟右側的三寶井,是馬六甲最古老的水井,相傳是1409年鄭和率軍到此為尋找飲用水而挖掘的。
Betel nut mountain Also the name rises Chishan, is the Penang topography most highplace, about the elevation 830 meters. Under the mountain has themountaineering cable car, mounts the summit, not only may the bird'seye view Penang panoram, but also may watch the arrival toward betweenthe Malacca channel various types ships. On the summit is equippedwith goes sightseeing, the leisure facility, is Penang important goessightseeing the scenic spot. Malacca Malacca is located the malay peninsula the southeast seashore,is apart from the Kuala Lumpur approximately 166 kilometers, is aMalaysian most ancient city, holds the Malacca channel the pharynx andlarynx, is controlling between the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean'schannel, the strategic status is extremely important. Malacca is ahistorical glorious city, the natural condition superior, thehistorical vestige is multitudinous, many vestiges also are colonizehistorical the miniature. Sao Paulo church Is located on the town center Sao Paulo mountain, in 1521completed, was Portugese the God church which most early establishedin Malacca. Malacca museum Is located east the urban district, the Malacca river bank,constructed from 1641 to 1660, was one of Southeast Asia ancientHolland type buildings. Originally for Dutch governor's residence,because its wall, wooden gate for are red, the native called it is"the red room". In the hall collects has Malaysian, Portugese, Dutchand England's historical relics. Nearby the red room had constructs in1912 Malacca club, was the Gothic style construction, now is theindependent exhibition memorial hall. Three Paoshan Also calls China the mountain, is located Jalan the Temenggungstreet tail, is the the Ming Dynasty three treasures court eunuchZheng He's army is stationed, when is Ming Dynasty princess marriesbelow station Malacca the residence. On the mountain three Paoshantemple is consecrating Zheng He's military garb cast. Right flank thetemple three treasures well, is the Malacca most ancient water well,handed down is in 1409 Zheng He commands the army reaches this pointfor seeks the tap water to excavate.
這里環境優美,有美麗的沙灘、奇特的溶洞、青翠的森林、壯觀的瀑布以及種類繁多的野生動植物。 蘭卡威主要旅遊景點和旅遊項目有:七井岩、丹絨魯、郭海濱、珍南海濱、中央海浴場、達帶及布勞海濱、孕婦湖、巨獅島野生生物保護區、蘭卡威水底世界、蘭卡威鮮魚場、蘭卡威魚籠、巨鷹廣場、水上樂園、首相珍藏館、巴雅島、傳奇公園、手工藝文化綜合中心等。
沙巴州首府,又名為哥打京那巴魯(Kota Kinabalu ),是前往沙巴各地的首要通道,居民約30萬,曾在二次大戰時遭日軍猛烈轟炸而四處起火,因此被稱為「亞庇」(馬來語中火的意思)。而今天的亞庇在州政府的用心經營之下,已呈現了一片欣欣向榮的景象,辦公大樓、購物中心如雨後春筍般地興起。市區內有許多值得觀光的地方,如:沙巴州立博物館、清真寺、沙巴最高的建築物一沙巴基金會大廈等。
Blue card prestige The blue card prestige is located west the Peninsular Malaysianorth shore outside, pulls the harbor 30 kilometers from themelon, is away from the harbor 51 kilometers. It is composed by99 tropics islands, the main island is called the blue card prestige. Here environment is exquisite, has the beautiful sand beach, theunusual limestone cave, the verdant forest, the magnificent waterfallas well as type many wild animals and plants. The blue card prestigemain scenic site and the traveling project includes: Seven wellscrags, Dan fabric Lu, south the Guo seashore, the treasure theseashore, the central sea bathing place, reach the belt and theseashore, the pregnant woman lake, under water the great lion islandwild biology protectorate, the blue card prestige the world, the bluecard prestige fresh fish field, the blue card prestige fish cage, thegreat hawk square, the aquatic paradise, prime minister collects thehall, the Pakistan elegant island, the legendary park, the handicraftculture comprehensive center and so on. Sha Ba Sand Pakistan is located world third big islands Borneonorthmost part, the area amounts to 72,,500 square kilometers, isMalaysia's second big continent. West near south China sea, east near and syli sea.Year to year like the summer, the entire annual precipitation is in152 centimeters to 305 centimeters between, rainy season is the 1lmonth to February. Because develops comparatively late west, thereforedoes not have Malaysia to prosper. But within the boundaries has therich lumber, the crops and each kind of mineral resources, and hasmany rough primitive natural beautiful scenes. Sha Ba race and thelanguage are extremely complex, in the middle of 1.5 million manypopulation, has included 30 kind of above nationality and the tribe,uses 80 many kinds of different dialects. Sha Bazhou the capital, also names for the elder brother hitsBeijing that Pakistan Lu (Kota Kinabalu), is goes to Sha Bage theplace the most important channel, the inhabitant approximately300,000, once when Second World War suffers the Japanese forcesviolent bombing but to cook meals in all directions, therefore iscalled (in Malay fire meaning). But today in underState authority's attentively management, has presented a piece ofprosperous scene, the office block, the shopping center like mushroomgrowth has emerged. In the urban district has the place which many isworth going sightseeing, for example: Sand Pakistan state establishedmuseum, mosque, Sha Bazui a high building sand Pakistan foundationbuilding and so on.
位於京那巴魯公園(Kinabalu Park)內,海拔4,l0l公尺,是東南亞第一高峰,又稱「中國寡婦山」。相傳在古時候,兩位打漁的中國兄弟不慎遇到台風而漂流至沙巴,兄弟倆便在當地落地生根、娶妻生子。無奈兄弟倆都很懷念故鄉,便協議由哥哥先回故鄉探親之後再帶大家回中國。怎知哥哥卻一去不返,大嫂便每天站在山上翹首盼望,直到老死。後人為了紀念這偉大的愛情故事,便把此山命名為「中國寡婦山」。神山形成已有150萬年的歷史,至今地殼的造山運動仍不斷地在進行著,因此我們可說它是一座活的砂岩山脈。此山雖高,但由於構造的關系,是一座十分容易攀登的高山。山內的公園,展示著許多豐富的植物,如橡樹、杜鵑花、豬籠草及萊佛士亞花(全世界最大的花),真是個活生生的大自然教室。不過想要攀登此山的遊客,必須要辦理入山許可證,並訂好旅館及交通工具,禦寒衣物也要多帶一些,以防氣溫驟變。
God mountain Is located the Beijing that Pakistan Lu park (Kinabalu Park)in, the elevation 4, l0l meter, is the Southeast Asia first peak,calls "the Chinese widow mountain". Hands down at the ancient time,two hit the fishing Chinese brothers carelessly meet the typhoon towander to sand Pakistan, brothers then air plant in the locality, tofind a wife give birth to a boy. But brothers all very much fondlyremember the hometown, then the agreement first returns to hometownvisiting relatives after elder brother again leads everybody to returnto China. How knows elder brother actually to be gone forever,sister-in-law then every day stands on the mountain raises the headthe hope, until passes away. The posterity for commemorate this greatlove story, then names this mountain as "the Chinese widow mountain".The god mountain forms had 1.5 million years history, until now theearth's crust orogenesis still unceasingly was carrying on, thereforewe might say it was a live sandstone sierra. This Shan Suigao, but asa result of the structure relations, is the mountain which isextremely easy to climb. In the mountain park, was demonstrating manyrich plants, like the oak tree, the Indian azalea, the pig cage grassand the Lai Buddha gentleman Asia flower (the world biggest flower),really is the living nature classroom. But wants the tourist whichclimbs this mountain, must have to handle into the mountain permit,and subscribes the hotel and the transportation vehicle, theprotection against the cold clothing also must bring some, guardsagainst the temperature sudden change. East paternal aunt graceful country park Is located the elder brother to hit the Beijing that Lu opensea 3 to 8 kilometers place, altogether is composed by 5 beautifulislands, around islands link around coral reef level and sandbar. Theriotous coral reef level, in addition only the beautiful sand beachand the deep blue sea water, constituted this concurrentlyentertainment and the ecation al value sea park, attracts theinnumerable tourists to come to watch.
8. 英文版西班牙簡介喲!
At the center of the Iberian Peninsula on the Meseta plateau Madrid, the capital of Spain, 400 years of history, is the Spanish political, economic and cultural center. Spain concentrated around the culture, a culture of Spain in Madrid cultural essence. Since King Philip II of Spain in the 16th century the city now, the fate of the Madrid henceforth be changed. Spain became the most important city status began to rise, and the other leading cities, Madrid in a short period of time is rapidly becoming Europe's top arts center also attributed to this. In the center of Madrid, the Sun Gate, street radial disperse, all directions are many scenic spots, people have no alternative. in the Netherlands Antilles than to square with the Plaza or on the road to the palace, filled with art, behind the Royal Palace (Palacio Real) a vast collection of valuable paintings Prado Museum (Paseo del Pradio) Unique in form of Castile Plaza, the Spanish people feel the most unique art and cultural style. In Madrid, the city has become a walking enjoyment, tireless, walk in the sunlight, stroll along the grass, if hungry, you can order a seafood meal, and accompanied by delicious Sherri liquor. If the pin is available only to, it can also sit in the shade of coffee Lane. Madrid arts are everywhere, perhaps alone in a corner of the road waiting for you.
9. 用英文介紹英國的王宮
10. 西班牙馬德里皇宮的西語介紹
西班牙馬德里皇宮的西語介紹 後邊是中文的翻譯
Esto es el tercer palacio imperial grande europeo, es solamente inferior al palacio imperial del palacio y de Viena de Versalles.Las construcciones en el th medio de Ross tres del tarro del dé octavo siglo, son el vestigio representativo de la cultura de la dinastía ideal de Pohl, su grado magnífico lujoso, se pueden llamar en las filas imperiales del palacio de los varios países europeos entre el mejor.En el mural interno del bordado de la pared y el techo que dibujan todos mantiene, preserva con frecuencia la situación para ser absolutamente bueno.Las construcciones imperiales españolas del palacio en Sa agraciado en la chepa del banco izquierdo del río de las mentiras, está en el mundo preserva totalmente por otra parte uno de los palacios más finos. El palacio imperial construido en 1738, después de 26 años entonces acabados solamente.Presenta la estructura cuadrada de la forma, cada longitud de la cara 180 metros, el aspecto exterior tiene el Louvre para construir América, la decoración interna es Italia - como, sin igual lujoso del palacio entero.Dentro de tiene los utensilios innumerables de la casa del dinero y el dibujo llano del tesoro, el chinaware, las pieles, el pared-colgar, el instrumento musical y la otra cosa imperial de la familia.Ahora el palacio imperial español se ha guardado apagado para el museo, alimenta especialmente a turista a la visita. El palacio imperial enfrente de es el cuadrado español, su comité central está estando parado encima de amo renombrado de la literatura de España del tiempo del renacimiento 「Pasillo · Autor de Quixote」 - - monumento de Cervantes.El monumento debajo es pasillo · Quixote monta un caballo con el criado cantó Qiu que hace un ídolo.Hace un ídolo detrás de la fuente eruptiva como la nota, paloma altísima.
馬德里皇宮是歐洲第三大皇宮,僅次於凡爾賽宮及維也納的皇宮。建於十八世紀中葉加爾羅斯三世,是波爾夢王朝代表性的文化遺跡,其豪華壯麗程度,在歐洲各國皇宮中堪稱數一數二。內牆上的刺綉壁畫及天花板的繪畫都經常維修,保存情況相當好。西班牙皇宮建在曼薩萊斯河左岸的山崗上,它是世界上保存最完整而且最精美的宮殿之一。 皇宮建於1738年,26年後才完工。它呈正方形結構,每邊長180米,外觀具有盧浮宮的建築美,內部裝潢是義大利式的,整個宮殿豪華絕倫。裡面藏有無數的金銀器皿和珍寶級的繪畫、瓷器、皮貨、壁毯、樂器及其他皇室用品。現在西班牙皇宮已被辟為博物院,專供遊人參觀。 皇宮的對面是西班牙廣場,它的正中央起立著文藝復興時期著名的西班牙文學大師、《堂·吉訶德》作者——塞萬提斯的紀念碑。紀念碑的下面是堂·吉訶德騎著馬和僕人桑丘的塑像。塑像的後面噴泉如注、白鴿飛翔。