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發布時間: 2021-01-28 18:56:51

⑴ 長沙的景點介紹,有詳細的嗎


⑵ 長沙主要景點有哪些

  • 橘子洲第1名

  • 長沙市嶽麓區橘子洲頭2號

  • 嶽麓山第2名

  • 長沙市登高路58號

  • AAAAA級景區

  • 湖南省專博物館屬第3名

  • 長沙市開福區東風路50號

  • AAAA級景區

  • 嶽麓書院第4名

  • 長沙市嶽麓區麓山路(湖南大學內)

  • 石燕湖第5名

  • 長沙市長沙縣跳馬鄉石門村

  • AAAA級景區

⑶ 關於湖南的英語介紹

Hunan is a province of China, located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and south of Lake Dongting (hence the name Hunan, meaning "south of the lake"). Hunan is sometimes called Xiang for short, after the Xiang River which runs through the province.

Hunan borders Hubei in the north, Jiangxi to the east, Guangdong to the south, Guangxi to the southwest, Guizhou to the west, and Chongqing to the northwest. The capital is Changsha.

Hunan entered the written history of China around 350 BC, when under the kings of the Zhou dynasty it became part of the State of Chu. Until then Hunan was a land of primeval forests, occupied by the ancestors of the modern Miao, Tujia, Dong and Yao peoples, but starting at this time and for hundreds of years thereafter it was a magnet for migration of Han Chinese from the north, who cleared most of the forests and began farming rice in the valleys and plains. To this day, many of the small villages in Hunan are named after the Han families which originally settled there. Migration from the north was especially prevalent ring the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties Periods, when nomadic invaders overran the north.

During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period, Hunan was home to its own independent regime, Ma Chu.

Hunan, was, together with Hubei, a part of the province of Huguang till the Qing dynasty.

Hunan became an important communications center from its position on the Yangzi River (Changjiang) and on the Imperial Highway constructed between northern and southern China. Its land proced grain so abundantly that it fed many parts of China with its surpluses. The population continued to climb until, by the nineteenth century, Hunan was overcrowded and prone to peasant uprisings.

The Taiping Rebellion which began to the south in Guangxi Province in 1850 spread into Hunan and then further eastward along the Yangzi River valley, but ultimately it was a Hunanese army under Zeng Guofan which marched to Nanjing and put down the uprising in 1864.

Hunan was relatively quiet until 1910 when there were uprisings against the crumbling Qing dynasty, which were followed by the Communist's Autumn Harvest Uprising of 1927 led by Hunanese native Mao Zedong, which established a short-lived Hunan soviet in 1927. The Communists maintained a guerilla army in the mountains along the Hunan-Jiangxi border until 1934, when under pressure from the Nationalist (Kuomintang, KMT) forces they began the famous Long March to bases in Shaanxi Province. After the departure of the Communists, the KMT army fought against the Japanese in the second Sino-Japanese war, defending the capital Changsha until it fell in 1944, when Japan launched Operation Ichigo to control the railroad from Wuchang to Guangzhou (Yuehan Railway). Hunan was relatively unscathed by the civil war that followed the defeat of the Japanese in 1945, and in 1949 the Communists returned once more as the Nationalists retreated southward.

Being Mao Zedong's home province, Hunan supported the Cultural Revolution of 1966-1976, and was slower than most provinces in adopting the reforms implemented by Deng Xiaoping in the years that followed Mao's death in 1976.

Former Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji is also Hunanese.

Hunan Province is located on the south bank of the Yangtze River (Changjiang, 長江), about half way along its length. Shanghai lies 1000 km away, Beijing 1200 km away, and Guangzhou 500 km away.

Hunan is situated between 109°-114° east longitude and 20°-30° north latitude. The east, south and west sides of the province are surrounded by mountains and hills, such as the Wuling Mountains to the northwest, the Xuefeng Mountains to the west, the Nanling Mountains to the south, and the Luoxiao Mountains to the east. The mountains and hills occupy more than 80% of the area and the plain comprises less than 20% of the whole province.

The Xiangjiang, the Zijiang, the Yuanjiang and the Lishui Rivers converge on the Yangtze River at Lake Dongting (Dongting Hu, 洞庭湖) in the north of Hunan. The center and northern parts are somewhat low and a U-shaped basin, open in the north and with Lake Dongting as its center. Most of Hunan Province lies in the basins of four major tributaries of the Yangtze River.

Lake Dongting is the largest lake in the province and the second largest freshwater lake of China. Due to the reclamation of land for agriculture, Lake Dongting has been subdivided into many smaller lakes, though there is now a trend to reverse some of the reclamation, which had damaged wetland habitats surrounding the lake.

Hunan's climate is subtropical, with mild winters and plenty of precipitation. January temperatures average 3 to 8°C while July temperatures average around 27 to 30°C. Average annual precipitation is 1200 to 1700 mm.

Hunan's traditional crop is rice. The Lake Dongting area is an important center of ramie proction, and Hunan is also an important center of tea cultivation.

The Lengshuijiang area is noted for its stibnite mines, and is one of the major centers of antimony extraction in China.

Its nominal GDP for 2004 was 561.2 billion yuan (US$69.62 billion). In 2004, its per capita GDP was 8,423 yuan (US$1,040).

⑷ 長沙有那些著名旅遊景點

文化古跡:嶽麓書院、馬王堆漢墓、開福寺、古麓山寺、雲麓宮、天心閣、北津城遺址、長沙窯遺址、走馬樓簡牘、白沙古井、禹王碑、陶公廟、瀏陽文廟。 風景區:嶽麓山、橘子洲、世界之窗、湘江風光帶、植物園以及山鷹潭度假村和石燕湖度假村,大圍山國家森林公園、道吾山風景區、灰湯溫泉和黑麋峰景區。 紀念地:城區有烈士公園、清水塘中共湘區委員會舊址、船山學社、新民學會舊址、湖南第一師范、賈誼故宅、李富春故居、愛晚亭、黃興墓、蔡鍔墓;雷鋒紀念館、紀念館,焦達峰墓、 曾國藩墓、左宗棠墓、文家市秋收起義紀念館、譚嗣同故居及紀念館。

⑸ 求一篇關於長沙景點的介紹,最好是以對話的形式,可以詳細地只介紹一個景點


⑹ 長沙有哪些景區分別是什麼英語單詞


⑺ 長沙有那些著名旅遊景點



二,參觀嶽麓書院(湖南大學)、中南大學、 河西大學城,一下午可以看個夠!
三,摩天輪亞洲第一, 賀龍體育館附近那座巨大的摩天輪,爬上去觀長沙夜景。

⑻ 求一段關於向別人介紹長沙景點的英語對話

ive, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.

⑼ 長沙世界之窗景點介紹

已發展演變成為一個融世界各國建築奇觀、五洲風情歌舞表演、大型器械游樂、先鋒時尚活動、影視拍攝基地於一體的綜合性大型主題公園。無論就其規模,還是影響力,堪稱中南地區之最。 長沙世界之窗將世界各國的今古奇觀、歷史遺跡、風光名勝、建築民居、各種形式的藝術傑作以及風土人情和歌舞表演匯集於一園。景區內100多個景點建築採用不同比例,為遊客創造出一個多層次、高品位、有韻味的游覽空間。這里有異域風格建築與現代商業文化交融的國際商業街,有世界名勝古跡與人類經典建築薈萃的文明山及文明河,有「惟楚有材」百人群雕與鱗次而立吊腳樓交相輝映的湘江谷,有美國西部風光與印地安文化盡現的歡樂谷,有典雅的歐式建築與美麗愛情故事聯姻的愛情谷,有絢麗多彩、風姿各異的亞洲諸國文化相互浸潤的神秘谷,有童趣盎然的娛樂城堡與妙趣橫生的超大比例玩具組合而成的兒童樂園……,

⑽ 一篇向外國友人介紹長沙風景名勝的中考英語作文,60字左右

Normally I have fun and a good time. During the work days I study in the classes, and ring the weekends, I play with my friends happily.
But sometimes I will feel blue and really worried about this or that, for example, the result of an examination, or whether an event owned by me will go on smoothly.
My family never made me feel uncomfortable or crazy. They only cared about my condition and majority of the time they cared too much (if you know what i mean).
Hard time in life will put our relationship's foundation to the test. We must be realistic in life, but do not loose faith in the person we love. Every chapter in life as an end, this will too. I regret time, ecation, and faith in God will help those foundations in our relationships hold firm till the storm is over.

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