① 介紹巴黎的英語作文
France, the French republic, is located in known as Western Europe. Gross domestic proct in the world, the capital Paris is 6 French political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the Louvre museum and Notre Dame DE Paris with global reputation, was known as the champs-elysees in the world the most beautiful street, its the ground and underground traffic extend in all directions, very convenient traffic, 13 million people every day. Paris-the Eiffel Tower building signs like a steel giant towers overhead quiet on the river Seine. In France's largest port and the second largest city marseille, you can visit DaZhongMa in the novel "the JiDuShan earl" in describing the prison--strange eve castle. The southwest city with a long history, the bordeaux wine making wine is well-known in the world. Special grade "bordeaux wine red wine" listed as a world "queen" in one hundred, a bottle of wine can be sold on the international market more than 30000 dollars. In the Mediterranean shore of cannes, is a beautiful scenery and pleasant weather, the small town here every year's cannes film festival, held very busy, issued by the JinZongLvJiang is recognized as one of cinema's top honors. French fashion in the world fame, chooses the material is rich, is excellent, the design is bold, making great skill, make its have been lead the world fashion. There are 2000 home in Paris boutiques, bosses slogan is: "fashion not to sell the second thing". And in the streets, can hardly see the two women dressed in identical clothing. The French nature forthright and sincere, romantic, like nature. If you want to travel, France is a must, for good place!
② 巴黎各個景點的英語要怎麼說
1、巴士底獄廣場:Place de la Bastille
2、雨果故居:Maison de Victor Hugo
3、孚日廣場:Place Des Vosges
4、蓬皮杜:Centre Georges Pompidou
5、聖心堂:Basilique Sacre Coeur
7、愛牆:Mural of Je T'aime
8、紅磨坊:Boulevard de Clichy
10、老佛爺:Galeries Lafayette Haussmann
11、凡爾賽:Chateau de Versailles
12、巴黎聖母院:Notre Damede paris
13、盧浮宮:Musee Du Louvre
14、藝術橋:Pont des Arts
15、杜樂麗花園:Jardin des Tuileries
16、協和廣場:Place de la Concorde
17、香榭麗舍大街:Avenue des Champs- lysées
18、凱旋門:Arc de triomphe de l' toile
19、埃菲爾鐵塔:Tour Eiffel
1、埃菲爾鐵塔:埃菲爾鐵塔建於1889年,為了紀念法國大革命100周年。站在三樓,可以看到戰神廣場(le Champ de Mars)、 夏約宮(le Palais de Chaillot)、香榭麗舍大街(les Champs-Elysées)、凱旋門(l'Arc de triomphe)。
4、巴黎聖母院是一座哥特式風格的教堂,教堂最古老的雕像(1165—1175)則位於右邊拱門,描述的是聖安娜的故事,以及大主教許里(Bishop Sully)為路易七世受洗的情形。左邊是聖母門,描繪聖母受難復活、被聖者和天使圍繞的情形。
③ 用英語介紹巴黎(要有中英對照)
Paris is the capital France. is continental Europe's largest city, is also one of the world's most prosperous cities Paris is France's largest instrial and commercial cityParis is a historic city of the world, there are plenty of attractions, the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, the Elysee Palace, the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre, the Place de la Concorde, Notre Dame de Paris, the Georges Pompidou Center, and other cultural and arts,UNESCO, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and other international organizations, the headquarters are located in Paris(法國首都巴黎 (Paris) 是歐洲大陸上最大的城市,也是世界上最繁華的都市之一,巴黎是法國最大的工商業城市,巴黎是一座世界歷史名城,名勝古跡比比皆是,埃菲爾鐵塔、凱旋門、愛麗舍宮、凡爾賽宮、盧浮宮、協和廣場、巴黎聖母院、喬治·蓬皮杜全國文化藝術中心等,聯合國教科文組織、經濟合作與發展組織等國際組織的總部均設在巴黎) 自己挑著用吧o(∩_∩)o...
④ 巴黎景點中英文
1,埃菲爾鐵塔,the Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower, built in 1889, stands on the champs DE Mars in Paris, France, on the south bank of the Seine.
It was the tallest building in the world at that time.
The Eiffel Tower takes its name from the famous architect and structural engineer gustave Eiffel, who designed it.
2,巴黎聖母院大教堂,Notre-Dame de Paris
Notre Dame cathedral is a gothic Christian church building on the Seine and the island of the sieti.
The cathedral of the Catholic archdiocese of Paris.
Its status and historical value are unparalleled, and it is one of the most brilliant buildings in history.
3,塞納河,Seine River
The Seine, the largest river in northern France, is 776.6 kilometers long.
The total basin area, including tributaries, is 78,700 square kilometers.
It is one of Europe's great historic rivers.
Its drainage network carries most of France's inland waterway traffic.
4,盧浮宮,The Louvre
The Louvre museum is located on the north bank of the Seine river in the center of Paris, France.
It is the first of the four major museums in the world.
Originally built in 1204, it was the royal palace of France, where 50 French Kings and queens lived.
It is one of the most precious buildings of the French Renaissance.
It is famous for its rich collection of classical paintings and sculptures.
5,協和廣場,Place DE la Concorde
Place DE la Concorde is located in the center of Paris, north of the Seine, is the most famous square in France.
It was built by king Louis xv in the 18th century.
It was built to show the world his imperial power and was called the place Louis xv.
⑤ 有關巴黎名勝的簡介(英文)、
⑥ 巴黎有那些著名景點,最好附有英文,急急急
La Sainte Chapelle 教堂
建於Cite島上裁判所的中央庭園,是一二四六年至一二四八年時期所建的哥特式教堂,內里有金碧輝煌的彩畫玻璃。此教堂用了三十三個多月時間造成,由 Pierre de Montreuil 所設計。
愛菲爾鐵塔當初是為了萬國博覽會而建,自1887年到1931年紐約帝國大廈落成前,保持了45年世界最高建築物的地位。愛菲爾鐵塔高320 公尺,建築設計最著名的是防範強風吹襲的對稱鋼筋設計,兼具使用和美觀,鐵塔共分為3層,登頂收費依樓層而定。搭快速升降梯直達274公尺高的頂層,就可以盡覽巴黎美景。白天視野佳時可遠眺72公里遠。黃昏時前往,可同時欣賞白天與夜晚不同景色交替,特別是燈火通明的凱旋門方向,令人目光不忍稍移。
以可觀的雕刻及美麗的彩畫玻璃而著名的Chartres,坐巴黎鐵路約五十五分鍾就到達。除了參觀大教堂(Cathedrale)以外,也可用一天在Chartres 地方,悠閑地自由漫步舊市街的地方。在大教堂從邊旁約二百公尺的地方。Eure河岸的道路,有中世紀一樣的氣氛。
Le Pantheon
十八及十九世紀的建築物,是名人 Rousseau,Voltaire,Hugq,Emile Zola,Jean Jaures,Jean Moulin等墓地。
L'arcde Triomphe 凱旋門
Le Palais de Chaillot
於一九三七年建造,原用作展覽場地。此建築分為兩翼:paris翼有電影圖書館"Henri Langlois"、電影博物館、國家公眾劇場"Theatre National Populaire"及法國名勝古跡博物館。另一邊為Passy翼內有海軍博物館及人類博物館(Musee de I'Homme)。
La grande Arche 新凱旋門
La Place de la concorde 協和廣場
Montmartre 蒙瑪特
L'Eglise de la Madeleine
十八至十九世紀希臘式的教堂 La Place des Vosges 巴黎最古老的廣場,四周有漂亮的拱廊建築包圍著,廣場的一個角落有雨果於一八三二年至一八四八年期間住過的房子,現而改為博物館供參觀》
Notre Dame Paeis 巴黎聖母院大教堂
建於十二至十四世紀(一一六三年至一三四五年)由Maurice de Sully 所設計,從聖母院塔上可欣賞到塞納河上的風光及龐皮度中心。星期天晚上聖母院內不時有風琴演出。
L'opera Bastille Le Quartier Marais
浮在塞納河上島的對面右岸上的地區就是廣場乃在此地區。這里有十六至十八世紀時期的宮廷或大府邸。每年夏季都會在庭院內舉辦演奏會、戲劇等活動。 從龐比度中心至廣場是一段不錯的漫步路線。
La. Bastille (colonne de Juillet) 七月紀念碑
此紀念碑位於巴司的廣場是紀念一八三零年七月革命的犧牲者。 交通:乘搭地鐵站下車。 La Colonne Vendome 此紀念碑是用於一八零五年在所奪得的1,200支大炮的銅所鑄成。
Georges Pompidou 龐比度中心
國家現代藝術博物館,經過兩年休葺。於2000年1月1日重開。藏有由後印象派至現在的藝術作品,由Marais向西行一段路,就到達CertreBeaubourg,哪兒有極為摩登的建築物與中世紀的浪漫氣息互爭短長。 龐比度中心比鄰幽雅華麗的哥特式Saint Merri教堂,雖然Certre Pompidou的建築形式尚是在激烈的爭議中,但卻無可否認,此建築物是遊客必到之處,成為今日法國遊客人次最多的名勝。
La Conciergerie
Paris Street Scene
The Image
This photograph was created in Paris ring my most recent visit to my hometown in December2003-January 2004. This street is located right accross the river from Notre Dame. I liked the soft light -the photograph was taken late in the day- and the attractiveness of the scene. This street seemed as if lost in time, as if it had not changed for 100's of years. The image is soft, with just a hint of color. There is enough color to show it is not black and white but not so much that it is overwhelming. I wanted a soft, pastel quality in this image. The smoothness of tones and the low contrast level are very pleasing. There are details throughout the image, both in shadow and highight area. The actual print looks much better than what the web can show you.
The Print
This image is offered in studio size (8x10 print size, 11x14 mat size). Each photograph is signed indivially by myself under the print and on the mat.
This photographs is printed on Epson Premium Glossy Photo paper with Ultrachrome High Gloss archival inks and with the Gloss Enhancer. There is no bronzing whatsoever.
This photograph is available framed and unframed. The frame is a handmade maple burl inlayed frame. The moulding is truly magnificent and does emphasize the beauty of the image. The photographs I took of the framed and matted piece show very closely how beautiful this presentation is. However, this piece looks much better in reality than a web photograph can show! You just won't believe your eyes when you receive it.
To keep with the Alain Briot Print Print of the Month Collection spirit I am offering you a unique price on both the matted and the matted and framed version of Paris Street Scene.
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Shipping is included in the Print of the Month price. US orders are shipped via US Priority Mail insured and trackable. International and overseas orders are shipped via US Airmail insured. Your package is normally shipped the day after we receive your order.
Each package is professionally packed and insured for its full value by us. We guarantee that you will receive your matted or framed photograph in perfect condition. If you receive your photograph damaged simply contact us and then return the damaged photograph to us. We will ship you a new piece right away upon receipt of your return piece at no extra cost.
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⑦ 巴黎聖母院景點介紹 英文
In thinking of Gothic architecture, our thoughts always ascend. For that which embodies Gothic style most is lofty; Rose windows of stained glass, ornately crafted spires, and the guardians of grand cathedrals, the Gargoyles. Each is distinctly Gothic, and all distinctly Notre Dame de Paris.
⑧ 高分求巴黎幾個著名景點的英語介紹。
Eiffel Tower, wrought-iron tower in Paris, a landmark and an early example of wrought-iron construction on a gigantic scale. It was designed and built by the French civil engineer Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel for the Paris World's Fair of 1889.
Commissioned in 1806 by Napoleon, shortly after his victory at Austerlitz, it was not finished until 1836. There are four huge relief sculptures at the bases of the four pillars. These commemorate The Triumph of 1810 (Cortot); Resistance , and Peace (both by Etex); and The Departure of the Volunteers, more commonly known by the name La Marseillaise (Rude).
Early in the 13th century had already been built into the evening, intermittent see has been built by several century. It is one of the minority one of several important museums. It has 300,000 collections, many of the world's sole
《 Notre Dame cathedral》 is one known far and wide romantic faction strength which Victor Hugo writes . I take advantage of this summer vacation free time, read this great work.
⑨ 巴黎的英文簡介
Paris is the capital city of France. It is situated on the River Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region ("Ré parisienne"). Paris has an estimated population of 2,153,600 within city limit (2005 est.).The Paris urban area has a population of 9.93 million;a vast commuter belt around the same completes the Paris "aire urne" (roughly: "metropolitan area") that, with its population of 11.5 million,is one of the most populated areas of its kind in Europe.
Paris' location at a crossroads between land and river trade routes in lands of abundant agriculture had made it one of France's principal cities by the 10th century, rich with royal palaces, wealthy abbeys and a cathedral; by the 12th century Paris had become one of Europe's foremost centres of learning and the arts. Today, Paris is a major influence in politics, fashion, business, arts and science. The city serves as an important hub of intercontinental transportation and is home to universities, sport events, opera companies and museums of international renown, making it an attraction for over 30 million foreign visitors per year.
The Paris region (Île-de-France) is France's foremost centre of economic activity. With
⑩ 巴黎 英文介紹
Most of the times french people are very friendly and they are direct too, they are accustomed to say the things like they are, direct to the point, if you sometime get annoyed by this, you will later realize that french people are friendly and polite if you get more in touch with them.
These days french people takes much importance to the appearance of people, it seems to be that the fashion had influenced them all, they look to others and likes to be looked at, it's a good point since the restaurants and all recreation places are the most of times clean and well decorated. They like the fashion and the good cuisine.
Paris is the capital city of France. Situated on the banks of the river Seine in north-central France. The City of Paris is one of the most populated metropolitan areas in Europe.
The city, which is renowned for its defining neo-classical architecture, hosts many museums and galleries and has an active nightlife. The most recognisable symbol of Paris is the 324 metre Eiffel Tower on the banks of the Seine. Dubbed "the City of Light" since the 19th century, Paris has a reputation as a "romantic" city. It is the most visited city in the world, with more than 30 million visitors per year
Paris is the capital city of France.
It is situated on the River Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region ("Région parisienne"). Paris has an estimated population of 2,153,600 within city limit (2005 est.).[2] The Paris urban area has a population of 9.93 million [3] and a commuter belt around the same completes the Paris "aire urne" (roughly: "metropolitan area") that, with its population of 12 million,[4] is one of the most populated areas of its kind in Europe.[5] An important settlement for more than two millennia, Paris is today one of the world's leading business and cultural centres, and its influence in politics, ecation, entertainment, media, fashion and the arts all contribute to its status as one of the major global cities.
Social intercourse custom
Pay attention to the pomp of the dress and the renewal of the style.Women's seeing disguise and hairdressing is life of essential.Time idea is strong, the work plan is strong, carrying out the principle of"lady the first".Go to shake hands a gift habitually, have person's SHI WEN3 SHOU3's gift of[with] social identity certainly.Young girl often sit with crossed knees a gift.The men and women's, of the woman and of the man, also gets into the habit of kissing a cheek.Don't wish others to interfere with private matters in the social intercourse.The bad impression presents the perfume and first time to meet and then give presents toward the women.
Believe in taboo
Mostly believe in Catholic.Hate"13" with"Friday".Hate the yellow and dark yellowish green color.Hate the peacock and stork.See the thing that the chrysanthemum,azalea and walnut etc.s is bad omens.Like the art and the amusement activity.
Food characteristics
The Frenchman will eat, also paying attention to eat.The French vegetables becomes popular world.The Frenchman likes to eat the snail and the frog leg, the most valuable vegetables is a goose liver.Like to drink.The characteristics of the French vegetables is fresh and delicate.The Frenchman also likes Chinese vegetables very much.
France is a nation that speaks the civilization manner.It is the tradition that the Frenchman be pround of to women's civility manner.The Frenchman meets to say "hello", the most familiar way nothing is better than in shake hands.However shake hands a is hold time and shouldn't lead long, two is have no necessity to grasp a somebody else's hand to put out strength a rock.BE a woman generally to stretch hand first toward the man, the elder stretches hand first toward the young.The superior gets down class to stretch hand first.
France is the first generally accepted mean by kiss affection of nation.The Frenchman kisses to have strict boundary:They at see arrive long separation heavy to meet of friends and relatives,colleague, stick the face or cheek, the elder then kisses a forehead to the small generation, only Be loving with of the lovers, just kiss or kiss.
The dining habit
The Frenchman sees cooking is an art, the French vegetables is a definite breeze world also.In France on first three meals usually is so arrangement of.Breakfast:bread,coffee,hot chocolate; Lunch:the lunch is a the most important meal of the Frenchman, generally at about 1:00 P.M., the dinner is then after 9:00.
The positive meal of Frenchman's social intercourse wants to keep on generally for more than two hours, start being an appetizer first, then is the fish or spaghetti, just is a main course again, the main course return supplementary and many fresh vegetable,salad,cream cheese, fruit, sometimes still have the dessert heart, the after meal coffee is an essential to have also.
Paris (France)
Arc de Triomphe
The discovery of the City of Light and the experience of making it your own is and always has been the most compelling reason to visit. If you're a first-timer, everything in Paris, of course, will be new to you. If you've been away for a while, expect changes: Taxi drivers may no longer correct your French but address you in English--and that's tantamount to(同等的,相當於) a revolution. More Parisians(巴黎人) have a rudimentary(基本的,初步的)knowledge of English, and the country, at least at first glance, seems less hysterically(歇斯底里地,極端地)xenophobic(對外國人無理仇視的,排外的) than in past years. Part of this derives from Parisians' interest in music, videos, and films from foreign countries, and part is caused by France's growing awareness of its role within a united Europe.
Yet France has never been more concerned about the loss of its identity, as it continues to attract an increasing number of immigrants from its former colonies. Many have expressed concern that the country will lose the battle to keep its language strong, distinct, and unalterated(無攙雜的,純正的)by foreign (particularly American) slang or catchwords (le weekend, for example).
Touring the Seine River by boat
Though Paris is in flux (巨變)culturally and socially, it lures travelers for the same reasons it always has.
Both the capital of the nation and of the historic Ile de France region, Paris is located in northern central France, 265km (165mi) south-west of Brussels, 295km (185mi) south-west of Luxembourg and 510km (315mi) west of Stuttgart. The city centre - known as Intra-Muros, or within the walls - is bisected by the River Seine. The area north of the river, the Rive Droite (Right Bank), includes the tree-lined Avenue des Champs-élysées, running west to the Arc de Triomphe. East of the avenue is the massive Musée Louvre, the Centre Georges Pompidou and a lively district of museums, shops, markets and restaurants. Immediately south of the Pompidou Centre on the Ile de la Cité is the world-famous Notre Dame. The area south of the river, the Rive Gauche (Left Bank), is home to the city's most prominent landmark, the Eiffel Tower.