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發布時間: 2021-01-26 16:34:20

『壹』 閬中有什麼好玩的地方哪些景點必去



『貳』 四川閬中古城的介紹 英文版

Langzhong city has a very long history. It was once the capital of Ba Zi kingdom. Ba nationality lived very closely with Han nationality since many years ago, through exchange between them, a very unique folk-custom was formed, which was also an important part of historical culture of Langzhong city. The folk-custom culture of Langzhong is very characteristic; include the orthodox folk genre light opera, shadow play and paper-cut. All of them are important parts of Chinese folk arts. There are more than two hundred historical sites in the city. Some of them, such as Zhangfei Temple, Yongan Temple and Wulong Temple, have been listed as important cultural relic sites under state-level protection by the central government. Others are under province-level protection by the Sichuan Provincial Government. There are also more than thirty historical courtyards located in the downtown, living in them will definitely leave you a pleasant memory.

Bayu Dancing-a cherished part of traditional culture of Ba nationality
Bayu Dancing is a kind of group fighting dancing, formed by ancient Ba nationality ring their tribe war and struggle with beast of prey. At the end of Shang dynasty(lasted from 1600BC to 1046BC), Jifa(also known as Zhou Wenwang)is the leader of a big tribe, who launched the Muye Battle against the king of Shang dynasty. The Longben Army, which was composed mainly of Ba nationality peoples, was very fierce ring the battle. They not only singing folk songs but also playing folk dance while fighting with the enemy. The soldiers of Shang dynasty were so frightened by their high morale that they didn't want fight any more. With the help of Longben Army, Jifa won the war at last. At the end of Qin dynasty(lasted from 221 BC to 207 BC),Fanmu led seven Ba nationality tribes to help Liu Bang(who was the first emperor of Han Dynasty) attack the army of Qin dynasty. Bayu Dancing also played an important role in the battle field. According to the Annals of Ba, which was part of the Annals of Huayang Kingdom, there is a river called Yu in Langzhong area, many people lived near the river. These people were very brave,they acted as the vanguard of the army of Han dynasty and defeat the enemy several times. They love dancing very much and their dance entered the stage of the imperial palace.

The main musical instruments for the Bayu Dancing are drum and gong. This kind of drum is also called as the Ba Elephant Drum. Among the Ba nationality, some tribes worshipped snake, some tribes worshipped elephant, so the story about "snake eat elephant" came down from generation to generation. It is very probably that Ba Elephant Drum has some relationship with the totem worship of Ba tribes. Later on, the Ba Elephant Drum was also called as "Eight Immortal Drum", because Zhang Daoling once cultivated himself according to the religious doctrine of Taoism in Yuntai Mountain. There are eight immortals in Taoism, so Ba Elephant Drum, which name sounded very like "eight immortals"in Chinese, got a new name of "Eight Immortal Drum". During the folk performance, women can also playing the Bayu Dancing. While dancing, men leave their arm uncovered, women bundle their hair with a band, all of them wearing masks while dancing with the accompaniment of drum and gong. According to the ancient annals, the leader holds a long-handle hide drum, beating it with a whip. Other people followed him, with bow or spear or shield in their hands. They jumping and crying while embattle tidily. It can be divided into several parts, such as greet immortals, wait for fight, combat, drive away the devil and celebrate the victory. Ba people use this kind of dancing art to hold their tribes together and invigorate their fighting spirit. They help each other and treat each other very friendly at peaceful times, while mobilize every member of their tribes into fight to protect their hometown at wartime.

Bayu Dancing is very popular in Langzhong City. During the spring festival, not only in downtown of Langzhon, but also in villages and towns of Baita Mountainous area and Jinping Mountainous area, there are Bayu Dance performance and playing of the Eight Immortal Drum. Many ancient literators wrote articles on these local folk culture traditions. At the end of Qing Dynasty, the famous scholar Wu Mi also described the Bayu Dancing in his poems. Recently, the Bayu dancing has regained its former vigor and energy after it has been recovered by experts. In 1991, ring the Silk Art Performing Festival of Nan Chong City, domestic and foreign guests appreciate the Bayu Dancing very much. The China Central Television also broadcasted the Bayu Dancing ring the festival.

North Sichuan Light Opera
North Sichuan Light Opera is also called "Guyuesheng". It is a folk dancing and singing opera popularized in north part of Sichuan province. It has a long history, originated from the end of Ming dynasty. North Sichuan Light Opera is one of the "three flowers of north Sichuan opera", the other two are North Sichuan Great Puppet Show and North Sichuan Shadow Play.

Langzhong is the hometown of North Sichuan Light Opera. When harvesting season arrives, actors hang the big red lantern in farm fields or courtyards. There are propitious words write on the lanterns, such as "wish a good harvest of grain." or "longevity for the people and harvest for the crop." When peasants see the bright lantern and hear the sound of drum, gong and Chinese violin, they know there is a performance will be hold. The North Sichuan Light Opera is very humorous and lively.

The content of North Sichuan Light Opera has a close relation with folklore and living of poor people. Most of them are comedy, few are tragedy. All of them have a joyful spirit. The pattern of the North Sichuan Light Opera is not fixed; it has absorbed many different art forms into it, such as Bayu Dancing, kid show, monkey opera, puppet show, shadow show and ghost dancing. The romance, realism, exaggeration, humor and folk-custom have combined into the North Sichuan Light Opera harmoniously.

There are many high-level troupes in townships of Langzhong City. In 1984, at the Sichuan provincial non-professional trouper's contest, the light opera of welcome Qingjiamu to get on the palanquin won the excellent play book award, the light opera of festival of town god won the excellent performance award. In 1987, the troupe of North Sichuan Light Opera were invited to act at Beijing, they are warmly welcomed by their audience. They are also invited to give a special performance for the national leaders at Zhongnanhai(central headquarters for the Communist Party of China and the Central People's Government of China).In 1989 they act as delegation of Sichuan opera and took part in the Shanghai cultural exchange performance. The audience praised the North Sichuan Light Opera as "unsophisticated sounds of nature, heritage of ancient times and origin of all Chinese opera".

『叄』 閬中古城的來歷!







閬中位於四川盆地北部,嘉陵江中游。介於東經105°41′~106°24′,北緯31°22′~31°51′之間。 東靠巴中市、儀隴縣,南連南部縣,西鄰劍閣縣,北接蒼溪縣。國土面積1878平方公里。




『肆』 閬中古城資料

閬中——歷史文化厚重。周朝時,閬中為巴子國國都,公元前314年置縣,迄今2300多年 閬中古城(22張)。歷代均在此設立郡、州、府、道治所,並一直是川東北政治、經濟、文化、軍事中心。在漫長的歷史長河中,以風水、科舉為主的天文、三國、宗教等文化在閬中衍生繁榮,和諧發展。 閬中——旅遊資源豐富。有張飛廟、永安寺、五龍廟、滕王閣佛塔等4處全國文物保護單位,有清代四川貢院、華光樓、巴巴寺等15處省級文物保護單位,僅地面文物就有200餘處;閬中生態幽雅,風光綺麗,城南嘉陵江風光自古就有「嘉陵第一江山」之美譽,詩聖杜甫更有「閬中城南天下稀」的千古贊嘆;國家AAAA級旅遊景區閬中古城融山、水、城為一體,燦爛的歷史人文與優美的自然風光交相輝映。 閬中——風水景觀獨特。閬中奇特的風水格局在全國歷史文化名城中具有唯一性。古城山鎖四周,水繞三面,契合中國傳統的風水格局,至善至美,自然天成,是當今保存最完好的一座「風水古城」。風水寶地孕育出伏羲之母華胥、西漢天文學家落下閎、尹陳二氏兄弟狀元等本籍俊彥;還吸引了杜甫、懷馬光、陸游等文人墨客流連其間,滕王元嬰、張飛等王公重臣鎮守其境,袁天罡、李淳風等名人大師寓居其地。 閬中——中國春節源頭。西漢天文學家、歷算學家閬中人落下閎編制《太初歷》,把正月定為歲首,確定正月初一為新年的第一天,從此有了現在的「春節」,落下閎被尊稱為「中國春節老人」,閬中也成為中國春節的源頭。閬中春節文化氛圍濃厚,整個春節從前一年的臘月初八一直持續到新年的二月二,「臘八粥」、「燃天煜」、「搶銀(寅)水」、「亮花鞋」、「燒火舞龍」、「游百病」等民俗流傳至今,獨具特色。2009年,閬中被評為「中國春節文化之鄉」。 閬中——基礎設施完善。國道212線和省道302線輻射全市;嘉陵江上連廣元,下接重慶;高坪機場、廣元機場毗鄰相連;在建中的蘭(州)渝(重慶)鐵路、南(充)廣(元)高速公路穿境而過。有星級賓館8家、古民居客棧100餘家、社會賓館200家、A級購物佔2家。全市已發展旅行社12家,導游和講解員150名,餐館名店50家,數十家旅遊產品經銷點,另有特色小吃、特色旅遊商品各10餘種。[

『伍』 四川閬中古城旅遊介紹


『陸』 閬中是古城,有多少景點

大佛寺、錦屏山、藤王閣、花果山、華館樓、狀元坊(古城是最好的景點,華館回樓、狀元坊就在古城裡)答 國家級文物景點有:漢桓侯祠(俗稱張飛廟)、永安寺(位於閬中水觀鎮)、五龍廟文昌閣(閬中河樓鄉)

『柒』 閬中古城旅遊攻略


『捌』 閬中古城周邊景點


五龍廟位於閬中河樓鄉白虎村五龍山麓。始建於唐代,元至正三年(1343年)重修。佔地4畝,建築面積100平方米。原有山門、戲樓、左右廂房及文昌閣等,「文革」 被毀,現僅存元代文化遺址文昌閣,屬全木結構,其建築風格為布筒瓦覆蓋的單檐歇山式屋頂,面闊3間,檐柱側腳明顯,前檐下施六鋪作斗拱出雙挑:第一挑瓜子拱雕呈翼型,第二挑華拱左右各出斜拱,極為別致。[9]


滕王閣在閬中城北的玉台山,同南昌滕王閣一樣,是唐高祖李淵第22子滕王元嬰建造。滕王於公元679年由壽州調隆州(閬中),嫌「衙役卑陋」,便在城中建「隆苑」(玄宗 時改「閬苑」)又在玉台山建玉台觀和滕王 亭,供其游樂,杜甫有《滕王亭子二首》。滕王閣下台基上有唐代佛一座。塔身為上大下小長圓球體,正中開一船龕,內刻一佛結跏跌坐 於蓮台。上裝塔剎,有石雕8力士舉剎身。剎身為六方柱,各方有佛一座。[12]



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