① 用英文說為什麼夢想中的度假勝地是普羅旺斯
France is a romantic country which I have been looking forward to for many years. In my memory,when I was young,I often open a book which is filled with beautiful scenery in France.
Eiffel Tower, the Louvre,Seine and so on,these famous places are always in my mind.Therefore,I have never stopped my determined to travel to the country.I believe that one day l will achieve my dream.I also hope I can live there in the future.
以上純屬個人原創,希望可以幫內到你容 !
② 海南島是一個非常有趣的度假勝地用英語怎樣表示
「 Hainan Island is a very enjoyable holiday resort."
"有趣的」比起用interesting, enjoyable更合適。表示能給人以愉悅,樂趣。
③ 「海南風景秀美,是旅遊度假勝地」怎麼用英文翻譯
Hainan is a tourist holiday resort that is famous for its beautiful scenery.
④ 海南島是一個非常有趣的度假勝地.用英語說是什麼
hainan island is a very interesting place for vacation.
⑤ 泰國旅遊景點英文介紹
1,曼谷泰國大王宮(Grand palace, Bangkok, Thailand)
Bangkok Thailand's grand palace, also known as the Palace Museum, is the palace of the king of Thailand's Bangkok dynasty king I to king viii.
The grand palace covers a total area of 218,400 square meters and is located in the center of the capital Bangkok.
Nestled beside the chao phraya river, it is the most spectacular collection of ancient buildings in Bangkok.
2,玉佛寺(The jade Buddha temple)
Jade Buddha temple is located in the northeast corner of Bangkok grand palace.
It is the most famous buddhist temple in Thailand and one of the three national treasures of Thailand.
The jade Buddha temple, built in 1784, is part of the grand palace of Thailand.
3,普吉島(Island of phuket)
Phuket, the "pearl" of the andaman sea and the largest island in Thailand, is a typical tourist resort in southeast Asia.
Pattaya, famous for its sunshine, sand beach and seafood, is known as the "Oriental Hawaii" and is a world famous new seaside resort.
phi island is about 20 kilometers southeast of phuket, Thailand.
It is a sister island of two main islands, the big pipi in the north and the small pipi in the south.
⑥ 一個非常有趣的度假勝地英語用go
喔 對了 現在我報讀的ABC天丅口語的導師和我們說過,就是想將英語學好是很容易的 堅持要擁有一個恰當的研習環境跟進修口語對象,最關鍵就是外教水平,口語標准才行,不間斷經常口語溝通,1&1針對性教學才能有最.好.的學習成果 課後需要復習聽取課後錄音反饋 把所學知識融會貫通。如果真的沒人幫忙的情況,最好能上 VOA或滬江取得課外教材學習,多說、多練、多問、多聽、多讀,迅速的英語水平會進步許多,整體效果是絕對達成目標的..1天氣涼爽 有美麗的沙灘,清澈的海水 可以打沙灘排球,游泳,釣魚
⑦ 英語翻譯最奢華的度假勝地
The most luxurious resort
⑧ 位於山東省東部,以藍色的大海和美麗的海灘而聞名的是度假勝地 英語怎麼說
Is located in the eastern part of Shandong Province, known for its blue sea and beautiful beaches.
⑨ 度假的好地方用英語怎麼說
最簡捷說法:resorts 度假勝地
⑩ 表弟想去風山度假勝地度假的英文作文怎麼寫,要電子格式的,在線等,挺急的