A. 關於旅遊景點的英語口語交際二人對話!
Located in Nanping County, Aba Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Jiuzhaigou Ravine stretches 80 kilometers in one direction and takes up an area of more than 60,000 hectares. The area consists of six scenic spots——Changhai, Jianyan, Nuorilang, Shuzheng, Zharu and Heihai. It becomes a world renowned scenic spot because of its diversity in natural scenery which includes snowy peaks, double waterfalls, colorful forests and green sea. Furthermore, Tibetan customs are another attraction. It was listed as a world heritage site in 1992.
Ravine boasts a number of unique features. The mountains, lakes, natural primeval forest, beautiful flowers all make Jiuzhaigou a fairyland. Mountains ranging 1,980 to about 3,100 meters in height are covered by a variety of trees and plants such as green conifers, luxuriant broadleaf trees and colorful rare flowers and grasses. Scenes change according to the season and the area is particularly colorful in autumn when the wind makes kilometers of tree belt along the lake unlate like a sea wave. Waterfalls, lakes, springs, rivers and shoals add to color and the green trees, red leaves, snowy peaks and blue skies are reflected from lakes and rivers. Trees grow in the water and flowers blossom in the middle of lakes.
The Shuzheng Scenic Spot is one of the central point of Jiuzhaigou's landscape. With 40 lakes which extend five kilometers along a valley, the spot covers an area of three square kilometers. The lakes vary in color according to their depths, resies and scenery around them. Among which, Reed Lake is an ideal habitat of birds; Spark Lake appears to move while the jade-like Rhinoceros Lake is a good place for rowing, swimming and rafting. There are also the Shuzheng Waterfalls which have a backdrop of trees.
Nuorilang Scenic Area extends from the Nuorilang Waterfalls to Zhuhai, an area of three square kilometers. The 320-meter-wide Pearl Beach Waterfall and the Five-Color Lake which has a richly colored underwater landscape.
The Sword-Shaped Rock Scenic Area consists of Goose Lake, Suspended Springs, Sword Rock, snow-covered Mountains and primeval forests. Sometimes you can see giant pandas. There is also the 17.8-kilometer Zechawa Ravine, the longest and highest in Jiuzhaigou. At the end of it is the eight-kilometer-long Changhai Lake, the largest in the area. In Haizi there is a Five-Color Pond, the brightest lake in Jiuzhaigou.
B. 關於旅遊景點的英語口語交際二人對話!
C. 急需旅遊景點交際英語口語句子
. Great minds think alike. (英雄所見略同,這句做第一句最合適不過了,不過最好翻譯成英雄和美女所見略同,嘿嘿)
2. Get going!(趕快動身吧,用在開始行動時)
3. We've got to hit the road.(我們要趕快了,和上一句用法相同,hit the road表現出緊急,很形象)
4. I can't place his/her face.(碰見帥哥或者美眉跟你打招呼而你記不起來是誰,這時可以用這個句子)
5. Once bitten, twice shy.(一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩)
6. Look at the big picture.(以大局為重,在發生分歧之時可以用這句話來讓每個人都三思)
7. I'm exhausted.(筋疲力盡)
8. I've got my second wind.(短暫休息後精力得以恢復,此時可用這個句子,意思是我的體力恢復了)
9. My stomach is growling.(這句意思是我的肚子呱呱叫了,很餓)
10. Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.(既然很餓,那就飢不擇食了)
11. …is now in season.(正是吃……的好季節,比如西瓜、草莓、蘋果、桃子什麼的)
12. Let's grab a bite to eat.(讓我們趕緊吃點東西吧,一般指時間很緊)
13. This food is out of the world.(此食只應天上有,人間哪得幾回吃)
14. What a bummer!(太掃興了,原以為會來很多美女,結果卻坐了一車帥哥,這時可以偷偷用一下這句話)
15. First things first. (要緊的事情先做,很多場合可以用到)
16. It's just my cup of tea.(正合偶的口味,指人,事等等)
17. Does … suit your taste?(……合你的口味嗎)
18. Do as I said.(老驢對新驢說:照我說的做,有的時候搶匪也愛用這句,嘿嘿)
19. Let's roll up our sleeves.(大家一起干吧,捲起袖子不就是要大幹一場嗎)
20. Put it in my hands.(對於一個懶惰的,笨笨的,象偶一樣的新驢有的時候也可以幫幫忙嘛,比如盛飯這樣的小事偶就可以說:交給偶好了)
21. It's a short-cut.(這是條近路)
22. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.(偶將為你祈禱,比如爬山過河的時候)
23. One boy is a boy; two boys half boy; three boys no boy.
24. Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.(不要杞人憂天,嘿嘿,偶最喜歡的一句話)
25. Did you get the picture?(你明白了沒有?老驢給新驢講解完畢後可以用這句話)
26. Be back in 30 minutes!(還是為領隊GG准備的,一定要在三十分鍾內回來)
27. One more hour to go.(新驢走啊走,看不到頭,問老驢還要走多遠,老驢可以用此句)
28. Time is running out.(沒時間了。)
29. To the best of my knowledge…(就偶所知,老驢傳授經驗的開場白)
30. As far as I know, …(同上)
31. Don't let me down.(別讓偶失望,新驢問老驢問題時可以用,老驢讓新驢實踐時可以用,你餓了半天問別人要吃的時候也可以用,嘻嘻)
32. You'll get it soon.(老驢說:你也很快會的)
33. Pick up the pace.(快點)
34. You are really something.(新驢對老驢的贊美:你真了不起)
35. You are something else.(同上)
36. How did you manage to do that?(你是怎樣做到的?新驢對老驢的景仰)
37. I can't believe my eyes.(簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛,還有這樣美麗的地方,或者還有這樣美麗的新驢MM,嘿嘿)
38. It was really neat!(太棒了)
39. I'm dying for a coke.(我真想喝杯可樂,想死了。當然你也可以把coke換成wife,bf,cigarette什麼的)
40. Wine in, truth out.(尤其是在可以喝酒的時候,可以用到,酒後吐真言)
41. I can't carry a tune.(偶五音不全,不過請大家慎用,因為你五音不全就意味著也許你要跳舞給大家看)
42. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.(你在這里做到了在一切地方就都能做到)
43. My hands are sweaty.(我很緊張,手心都出汗了,比如讓你第一次攀岩,或者是當眾表演節目)
44. I've got a butterfly in my stomach.(同上,與漢語心頭小鹿撞異曲同工)
45. No way.(沒門)
46. It's a piece of cake. / It's a snap.(小菜一碟)
47. Go for it.(試一試)
48. … is driving me up a wall.(偶快被逼瘋了,比如蚊子和野外的驕陽,寒風等等)
49. Anything you say.(偶聽你的。很乖巧的一句話,新驢必背)
50. I'm already locked into something else.(說了這么多結果你有別的事沒法去了?沒關系,這句就給你的,我另有別的事要做了)