1. 美國旅遊廣告曲 2015款
背景音樂:《Land of Dreams》--Roseanne Cash
2. pptv廣告美國旅遊歌曲是什麼歌
歌名 Land of Dreams 演唱者 Los Lobos 我找了好久。。。。。同名歌太多了,一遍一遍試聽才找到的~~~~
3. pptv廣告美國旅遊歌曲是什麼歌 就是一位外國女性彈著吉他,還有一大群人跳著舞那個廣告
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4. 美國國家旅遊局的廣告歌曲
Land of Dreams 給分我吧
5. 優酷放的美國國家旅遊局廣告歌曲
《Land of Dreams》Rosanne Cash 請採納
6. 美國國家旅遊局,英文廣告歌叫什麼名字
那首歌叫《land of dreams》。
歌名:《land of dreams》
演唱:Los Lobos,Bebel Gilberto,Rosanne Cash
所屬專輯:《Land of Dreams (with Los Lobos & Bebel Gilberto)》
I heard you calling from the start
A river runs through both our hearts
A thousand shades of something new
I cannot wait to play for you
So play your songs and make them real
There's a place for all we feel
And it's closer than it seems
Come and find your land of dreams
Land of dreams land of dreams
Come and find your land of dreams
And it's closer than it seems
Come and find your land of dreams
The world is smaller in our eyes
The city streets and moonlit skies
The shining waves and evergreens
I will give you everything
Well you can hear the bells and strings
Just wait until you make them ring
And it's closer than it seems
Come and find your land of dreams
Land of dreams land of dreams
Come and find your land of dreams
And it's closer than it seems
Come and find your land of dreams
Land of dreams land of dreams
Come and find your land of dreams
And it's closer than it seems
Come and find your land of dreams
7. 旅遊衛視 美國 廣告背景音樂
8. 現在pptv放的旅遊美國的宣傳片中的歌曲
Land of Dreams
演唱者Los Lobos,Bebel Gilberto,Rosanne Cash
9. pptv中有一個廣告,美國從「心」發現的旅遊廣告,有一個外國女人彈吉他的那首歌叫什麼
10. 搜狐視頻的廣告曲 一個去美國旅遊的廣告 USA 從心開始 一個老女人唱的 求歌名 100財富值
《land of dreams》
歌手:rosanne cash