『壹』 美國東海岸 和 西海岸 各有哪些城市(請詳細說下 謝謝)
1、波特蘭。波特蘭(Portland)是一座位於美國俄勒岡州的城市,並由姆爾特諾默縣下轄。 該城市臨近威拉米特河匯入哥倫比亞河的河口,屬於美國西部地區。
3、紐黑文。紐黑文市(英語:City of New Haven),又稱紐海文市,為美國康涅狄格州的第二大城,位於紐黑文縣境內,紐黑文港上,長島海灣北岸。根據2000年的人口普查,紐黑文市的人口為12萬3626人。
4、紐約。紐約市(City of New York,簡稱NYC),位於美國紐約州東南部大西洋沿岸,是美國第一大城市及第一大港口,世界第四大城市。
『貳』 需求用英語寫的描繪世界各地旅遊景觀的 或旅遊聖地的特色的文章 最好帶著翻譯 越多越好 謝謝
Russia is a big country, the biggest in the world by area. It stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic. If you want to tour Russia, you have two big challenges. The first is infrastructure, and the second is time. Infrastructure is being upgraded quickly, but time is still a problem. Russia is so big! Tourism to Russia is becoming quite popular. There are many natural areas in Russia. The Trans Siberian Railway goes through or near many of them like Lake Baikal. There are many old cultural sites like the State Hermitage Museum and the Russian Museum St. Petersburg. There are also many 「Red」 tourist sites like Red Square and the Kremlin in Moscow.
Traveling to the Western US is a treat as the Great Plains slowly rises as you go west into the Rocky Mountains. These go very high. In Denver Colorado you may see some real cowboys. There are more mountains and great skiing as you go west to the Cascade Mountains in the north up to Idaho and Seattle, Washington. The Sierra Nevada leads to the Grand Canyon in Arizona, and Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas in Nevada. California has the Central Valley agricultural area, and San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Spain is becoming a very popular travel destination because of its beauty, history, architecture, and food. Spain is in the southwest of Europe, bordered by Portugal on the west, and the Pyrenees Mountains in the east. These divide Spain from France, and are home to the Basques, who speak a language like no other on earth. Madrid is the capital in the center of the country. Valencia and Barcelona are on the Mediterranean Sea coast. Cadiz, Malaga, and Granada are across the Straights of Gibraltar from Africa, so they have Moslem influence. Granada has the Alhambra castle.
Australia is far south of Asia. It is a huge area with not that many people. Most of Australia』s large cities like Sydney and Perth are near the coast. These cities, and the Great Barrier Reef, are the best for tourism on the coast. Australia has many unique animals, including kangaroos, koala bears, and wild camels. Much of the center is dry and even desert. This area is often called the Outback. The Aboriginal people have lived in Australia over 50,000 years and mostly live in the Outback. Ayer』s Rock is at the center of the country.
If you travel to Greece you will see beautiful weather, ancient cities like Athens, and wonderful islands around the blue Mediterranean Sea. In Athens you may see Greece』s most famous site, the Acropolis. Going to the islands you may see Crete, Corfu, Mykonos, and Rhodes. Greek history is the history of their islands. There are many island groups in Greece with hundreds of islands. The Greek mainland includes Athens, but also beautiful cities like Sparta, which had some of the ancient world』s toughest soldiers.
『叄』 求關於介紹美國加州歷史的英語文章
California is located in the western United States, the American economy the most developed, the most populous state. South of Mexico, west to the Pacific. Nickname (s) golden state. An area of 41.1 square kilometers.
Basic overview
[1] [2] California (State of California/CA), often referred to as "for California, California is the United States
The state of California
A state in the Pacific coast, west on the area of the country's third largest state, is the first big states across the United States population. California, whether in geography, topography, property, or very diverse demographics. Early e to The gold rush, California has an alias called Golden State (The Golden State), The postal abbreviation CA, is also still have English nickname called Cali.
An area of 42.4 square kilometers. A population of 38041430 people (2010) [3], the urban population accounted for 91.3%, mainly concentrated in the Pacific region, 50% of whom live in Los Angeles and San Francisco (San Francisco). Owns the country more than 50% of the Chinese and Mexican americans (?
Related to the history
Elizabeth period in Britain, the famous pirate Sir Francis drake occupied the land owned by the new Spain and northern Mexico. It also became a British colony. Although the British colonies in the 17th century had been "from sea to sea", but the British to land west of the north American and don't have much interest. Graally to the end of the 18th century, the Spanish missionaries started in the west belongs to the northern California set up extensive land settlements. After independence from Spain in Mexico, these missionaries settlements became the property of the Mexican government. But soon abandoned.
The Spanish empire in the northwest territories was named the "province of California". After the mexican-american war in 1847, the territory by beauty ?
『肆』 我准備去美國旅遊,想學習一些日常生活交流的英語,請幫忙推薦。
The Big Apple:來到美國,說到吃,肯定很多人的第一個反應是The Big Apple,不過千萬別誤會,這可是你吃不了的蘋果,它其實是紐約市的「昵稱」。如果你旅遊的目的地是The Big Apple,那我們可要說Congratulations(恭喜)了,那可是個美食之都。
Hero:首先,你該到飯店去點一份hero。別擔心,服務生不會當你是「吃英雄」的瘋子。Hero是紐約人管大個兒義大利潛水艇三明治的叫法。當然,如果你一下子吃了十個Heroes,可能別人就會說話了:「Look at that strange gal!She』s really out in left field!」這里,out in left field 專門用來形容那些古怪或者是莫名其妙的人。
Surf n』Turf:當然,美食並不只是在紐約才有,如果你有興趣,不妨到「天使之城」洛杉磯逛一圈,Surf n』Turf就是一種在洛杉磯非常普及的美食,其中主食是海鮮及牛排,可能會比較貴,但還有很多叫「dives」的便宜餐廳,你可以以合理的價格買到這種美食。
Taco Stand:Taco Stand是另一種在洛杉磯及附近的加州城市都很常見的美食,tacos來自於拉丁美洲,但在美國加州也非常的流行。「stand」是一種街邊小攤,你可以在那兒買到一些速食。一般這要比McDonalds(麥當勞)或是Burger King(漢堡王)那樣的速食連鎖店要便宜,但是食物要可口的多哦!
Franks:在美國的街頭,你經常會碰到一些Street vendors(街頭小販)高嚷著「Franks」,這時候你可千萬別以為他們在尋找名叫Frank的人,Franks在這里是「熱狗」的意思。這些小販就正在Selling Hot dogs(賣熱狗)。
「Bro」、「Dude」、「Brother」、「Amigo」:在美國,所有這些詞都是用來稱呼男性朋友的常用詞。和人打招呼,你可以說「What』s up,bro?」
Do me a solid:出門在外,問路是少不了的功課。如果你在問路的時候還是用「Would you please do me a favor……」開頭,未免顯得老土。你應該說:「Hey can you do me a solid?」,可別小看這樣個小小的調整,只是改了一個詞,你就顯得非常「1湖」了!
「The 10」、「The 5」、「The 101」:美國有大批的高速公路,如果你有朋友在那裡,他可能會開車帶你到處逛逛。如果這時你們向當地人問路的話,他們會以以上方式告訴你高速公路的方向。比如「To get to the Hollywood sign,you need to get on the Ten and……」(要去好萊塢方向的話,你得先上10號高速公路,然後……)
$10 cover:如果你還想體會下美國的夜生活,你可能會在酒吧門口看到這樣一行字「$10 cover」,這時候,你可千萬別浪費時間猜它的意思,趕快掏出10美元吧,否則你可無法進去。
Hail a cab:體驗過美國的夜生活,從酒吧出來時候已經很晚了。這時候可能你的朋友會建議你:「Hey,you should hail a cab.」這時你可千萬別心疼錢了,人家是讓你趕快叫部計程車回旅店呢。養好精神,第二天才能繼續快樂「西遊」哦。
1.作為遊客,無論你的英語多麼地道,總可能有一些0商想打你的主意。這里再教你一招:如果你認為有人在捉弄或是欺騙你的話,你就可以這么說:「Don』t jerk my chain!」意思是別想欺騙我!學會了這句話,你的「西遊」之路上麻煩就會少很多了。
2.吃了這么多的美食,玩了這么多地方,讓人感覺這樣逍遙的旅行有些不真實了,這時你可以來一句「I』m keeping it real」,在任何城市中,你說這句話可都是對這個城市一個極高的評價。
『伍』 求一篇美國洛杉磯旅行日記英文
Nathan, Christina, & Lialawent to visit Christina's family over the weekend and left us with their secondcar. So yesterday we three took a field trip to Los Angeles.
Ourfirst stop was a guided tour through Warner Bros Studio. The tour included aride through many of the streets that represented several towns from variousshows; and then walks through the town center, a house, the car museum,clothing museum, prop warehouse, and Studio 25 where an audience can watch thetaping of Warner Bros current TV show, "The Big Bang Theory." Thevarious streets had store fronts that could be changed to represent manydifferent towns based on what props were added to the streets, windows, etc.Doors were without doorknobs so that they could become a different city in adifferent time period. The cars we saw included the "batmobile"...the car from "Great Gatsby"...Harry Potter's car...andmore. Likewise, the clothing museum included clothing from these same showsplus. Justice especially liked the clothing from the Harry Potter movies. Theprop warehouse had props from stuffed squirrels to million dollar chandeliers.Shows rent the props for a hefty price depending on the prop. One rental feewas $1,250 per week for a statue. We enjoyed the Central Perk set fromF*R*I*E*N*D*S as you can see by the attached picture. Warner Bros Studio hasits own fire department and open spaces are transformed through use of thegreen screen as crowd control becomes a problem off property. Jack & I hadour picture taken in front of a green screen where we acted scared. When weviewed the final proct we were getting sprayed with steam from a train in aHarry Potter movie.
Secondon our agenda was the California Science Museum. We enjoyed displays from basiccells to outer space missions. One plant display taught us about photosynthesiswhile a 50-foot woman, named Tess, taught us about homeostasis. Another displayshowed a live heart surgery, which Justice couldn't watch...and she says shewants to be a vet! Video of astronauts going through their daily routines inouter space was very entertaining. Long hair doesn't seem to do well in outerspace! Too many displays for us to get to them all.
As weleft the Science Museum we drove by the Los Angeles Coliseum where Jack oncewent for a very special Super Bowl game. It was Super Bowl VII where theDolphins beat the Redskins 14-7; the perfect end to Miami's perfect season! Amuch better Super Bowl than this year's lopsided game. The coliseum wasoriginally built for the Olympics and you can see in the attached picture twoheadless Olympian statutes. We've no clue as to why they are headless!
219字-關於Getty 博物館的
Well we decided to skip the "Tour the Star's Homes", the Rodeo Drive Shopping, and the walk of fame in Hollywood. Instead we headed to the Getty Centre.
The Getty centre is an amazing place. The Centre sits atop a hill connected to the entrance at the bottom of the hill by a three-car, cable-pulled hovertrain funicular.
The Museum features pre-20th-century European paintings, drawings, illuminated manuscripts, sculpture, and decorative arts; and 19th- and 20th-century American, Asian, and European photographs.In addition, the Museum』s collection includes outdoor sculpture displayed on terraces and in gardens and the large Central Garden. Among the artworks on display are Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Monet, Cezanne and the list goes on.
The buildings themselves are quite amazing, as are the gardens that surround them. Entrance to the centre is free. Also free are the audio guides and also all the tours if you choose to them. The tours include an architecture tour, garden tour, as well as the tours of the artworks. The views from the centre are also great. Unfortunetly it was quite a smoggy day and the views not so good, but usually you can see over all of LA and out to the Pacific Ocean.
Well I guess you can see we were pretty impressed. Spent the day there and could have stayed longer.
『陸』 游美國有感 英文 兩篇 一篇麻煩寫好萊塢環球影城 一篇寫哈佛、麻省 最好有中文翻譯 好的追加40分
Hollywood is a symbol of Los Angeles and is known around the world as the centre for entertainment, nightlife and theatre. It attracts millions of tourists from the around the world each year. Hollywood is a neighborhood in Los Angeles, California - situated west-northwest of Downtown Los Angeles.[2] Due to its fame and cultural identity as the historical center of movie studios and movie stars. The nicknames StarStruck Town and Tinseltown refer to Hollywood and its movie instry. Today, much of the movie instry has dispersed into surrounding areas such as the Westside neighborhood,[4] but significant auxiliary instries, such as editing, effects, props, post-proction and lighting companies remain in Hollywood, as does the backlot of Paramount Pictures.
Harvard University is a private Ivy League university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Established in 1636 by the colonial Massachusetts legislature, Harvard is the first corporation chartered in the United States and oldest institution of higher learning in the United States.
The university comprises ten separate academic units with campuses throughout the Boston metropolitan area. Harvard's 210-acre main campus is centered on Harvard Yard in Cambridge, approximately 3.4 miles (5.5 km) northwest of downtown Boston. The business school and athletics facilities like Harvard Stadium are located across the Charles River in Allston and the medical, dental, and public health schools are located in Longwood.
『柒』 美國加州
① 美國加利福尼亞州太平洋岸城市。在洛杉磯西北約130公里,具有洛杉磯衛星城市性質。人口7.4萬,大市區29.8萬(1980)。1782年西班牙人在此建要塞,曾為天主教傳教中心。氣候溫暖,亞熱帶植物繁茂,美國開拓時代白壁紅瓦建築樣式的街道,使城市別具風貌。著名的游覽地和海濱療養地。加利福尼亞大學的聖巴巴拉分校設此。
② 宏都拉斯西北部城市,聖巴巴拉省首府。在烏盧阿河畔,北距聖佩德羅蘇拉60公里。人口2.6萬(1983)。始建於1761年。周圍牲畜,甘蔗等農牧產品的集散中心。產大理石。有巴拿馬草帽、服裝、傢具等工業。公路通聖佩德羅蘇拉,有飛機場。
美國加利福尼亞州的聖塔芭芭拉市, 也稱聖巴巴拉或聖塔巴巴拉 (Santa Barbara),北緯34°25′33〃,西經119°42′51〃,地處洛杉磯北150公里處, 背靠聖塔耶茲山脈,面臨太平洋,總面積107.3平方公里(陸地面積49.2平方公里,水上面積58.1平方公里),人口89,548(2006年), 是聖塔巴巴拉郡的郡府所在地。聖塔巴巴拉市東西連著 4個衛星城,分別是格力塔、蒙提西托、撒麥蘭德和卡皮提拉。聖塔巴巴拉的年均氣溫22攝氏度,年降雨量460毫米。
12000年或許 35000年前聖塔巴巴拉就有人類活動的跡象。公元前8000年,楚瑪詩族人在此繁衍生息。1542年,歐洲人胡安.凱布里尤踏足此地。1604年,西班牙探險家塞巴斯蒂安.維澤凱諾命名該地為聖塔巴巴拉。
1925年的大地震毀壞了聖塔巴巴拉市中心的大部分建築,同時也使這個城市有了重新建設的機會。聖塔巴巴拉的建築以西班牙、墨西哥式為主,矮層樓房、紅項白牆,市中心的街道成"#"字形,建築群成方塊形。山坡、海邊的居民生活區中,房前是草坪,房後是花園,人在綠中,房在林中,是名副其實的花園城市。聖塔巴巴拉的市民十分重視綠化,克服了缺水的困難,利用30英里外的山中湖水大搞植樹造林,綠化城市,種植了近百種樹木42000多棵,建造了47個公園,公園面積達1541英畝。該市在美國全國的中小城市綠化競賽中獲得了「林中之城」的稱號。該市氣候溫和、空氣清新、沙灘綿軟、海水碧清、樹木成林、鮮花飄香,生活環境良好、社會秩序安定、娛樂設施齊全,被譽為"太平洋岸邊的樂園",被評為美國西部十個最安全的居住區之一,不少富賈巨商、政界要員和社會名流來此定居、度假、旅遊。1953年, 約翰. 肯尼迪總統在此度過了蜜月;1981━1989年,聖塔巴巴拉西北部山中里根的別墅一度成為舉世矚目的焦點,里根總統在他這"西部的白宮"里接待了戈爾巴喬夫和伊麗莎白女王二世;1992年柯林頓在他當選總統後不久也來到電影製造商哈里.湯姆遜的海邊別墅里度假......。每逢節日、周末,大批遊客從洛杉磯和聖塔耶茲山脈東部的沙漠城市中沿101和154高速公路驅車來此度假。聖塔巴巴拉機場是加州最繁忙的機場之一。1996年,進出聖塔巴巴拉機場的乘客達25萬人次。
聖塔巴巴拉擁有歷史博物館、藝術博物館、藝術畫廊、自然社會博物館、歷史名人手跡博物館、海岸鐵路博物館、5個大型劇院和 4個藏書超過十萬種的書店。加利福尼亞大學聖塔.巴巴拉學院設理論研究、海洋科學、環境研究、物理、貿易等學科,是世界上最好的研究學院之一。聖市市立學院已與山東大學結好,威斯蒙特學院和國際音樂學院在當地的教育事業中佔有舉足輕重的地位。
除聖誕節、新年等美國的法定節日外,聖塔巴巴拉還有她自己的節日。每年三月份為期一周的國際電影節,會吸引世界各地的大批遊客來觀賞當年出品的最優秀電影;7月份為期十天的體育節期間,舉辦海上救護、沖浪、游泳、快艇等項目的比賽; 8月份紀念西班牙宗教的弗亞斯塔節期間,由彩車隊、馬隊、舞蹈隊、樂器隊等組成的遊行隊伍熱鬧、壯觀。聖塔巴巴拉的人民是由歐、亞、非洲和中、南美洲各國的移民及其後裔匯集而成,因此聖市也有中國、法國、義大利、希臘、墨西哥、德國等國家的民族節日,每逢這些節日,各社團都會在歐克公園內舉辦各類活動,有民族風味小吃、表演、手工藝品展示等。
該市的經濟收入一半來自旅遊服務業,其次是工業、農業、貿易、零售等。工業有海洋石油、飛機修理、電腦軟體等。E━系統公司、德可公司、電磁應用公司和聖塔巴巴拉電腦軟體研究中心已成為該市高科技工業和軍工工業的支柱。該市生產的電腦軟體、電磁記錄頭和手術室里應用的機器手已成為國際市場暢銷產品。該市以及她的衛星城市中共有18000個公司,其中 85%的公司雇員少於10人,以服務、開發生產為主。此外還有電影製造廠和30多個葡萄種植園及葡萄酒加工廠。1994年約有15萬遊客來到這些葡萄酒加工廠品酒,消費超過600萬美元。1997年該市財政收入近七千萬美元,其中63%來自稅收。
『捌』 美國加州包括哪幾個城市
洛杉磯(Los Angeles)
聖路易斯(San Luis Obispo)
聖塔巴巴拉(Santa Barbara)
比華利山莊(Beverley Hills)
大熊湖Big Bear City
科斯塔梅薩(Costa Mesa)
長灘(Long Beach)
Marina del Rey
蒙特利公園(Monterey Park)
帕洛阿爾托(Palo Alto)
聖貝納迪諾(San Bernardino)
聖費爾南多谷(San Fernando Valley)
聖加夫列夫爾(San Gabriel)
聖安那(Santa Ana)
聖莫尼卡(Santa Monica)
舊金山(San Francisco)
紅木城(Redwood City)
聖荷西(San José)
塔霍湖(Lake Tahoe)
聖地牙哥(San Diego)
帕洛阿爾托(Palo Alto)
聖克拉拉(Santa Crala)
1、洛杉磯(Los Angeles)
位於美國加利福尼亞州西南部,是美國第二大城市,也是美國西部最大的城市,常被稱為「天使之城」(City of Angels)。
加利福尼亞州(State of California)是美國西部太平洋沿岸的一個州,州政府位於薩克拉門托。北接俄勒岡州,東界內華達州和亞利桑那州,南鄰墨西哥,西瀕太平洋。面積411013km²,它的名稱取自西班牙傳說中一個小島的名稱。
州花:金罌粟(Golden Poppy)。
州鳥:加州鶉 (California Valley Quail)。
州樹:加州紅木(California Redwood)。
州座右銘:「我已找到它」 (I have found it)。
『玖』 美國各大旅遊景點 中英文 要著名的
1、夏威夷(Hawaii State)
2、紐約(New York City)
紐約市(New York City,簡稱NYC),位於美國紐約州東南部大西洋沿岸,是美國第一大城市及第一大港口,紐約都市圈為世界上最大的城市圈之一,與英國倫敦、中國香港並稱為「紐倫港」(Nylonkong)。紐約與倫敦並列為全世界最頂級的國際大都市。2018年11月,紐約被GaWC評為Alpha++級世界一線城市。
3、拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas)
拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas) 是美國內華達州最大的城市,克拉克縣的縣治,也是座享有極高國際聲譽的城市。
4、洛杉磯(Los Angeles)
5、尼亞加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls)
尼亞加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls)位於加拿大安大略省和美國紐約州的交界處,瀑布源頭為尼亞加拉河,主瀑布位於加拿大境內,是瀑布的最佳觀賞地;在美國境內瀑布由月亮島隔開,觀賞的是瀑布側面。