① 求一個外國人到中國旅遊,一個中國人給他介紹的對話 英文的 英語課要用 謝謝!!
Welcome to China first! And then let me show you where we are !(然後講出你回們的位置答) Then,you know why we come here in the first place? Yeah,you the best,this is the most beautiful spot in our city! We have a number of ***people,and we proced ***best! If you want more entertainments,I command you ***! So we take the bus to ***,meanwhile ,talk to him! After,you tired,go home! You speak let's go eating....that's all!
② 老外到中國旅遊,讓你介紹一下中國的景點,英語作文
③ 外國人來中國,兩周左右,請設計一條旅遊路線!
1,她(他)是哪國人? 年齡?性別?職業?興趣
"從來沒有來過中國,想全面了解中國文化和風情" ???
可以從北京開始 北京4天-上海3天-西安3天-西藏6天
④ 安排外國人在中國的旅遊路線
⑤ 為外國人到中國旅行安排行程英語作文
pratterstern(下車的站好像是比較大的一個火車電車汽車站?)--stephansplatz(地鐵U1線過去)--dompfare st.stephan(史蒂芬大教堂,很漂亮很壯觀,但是夜晚看著很驚悚)--godenkatafel(順著路往前面走就能看到很多很多教堂)--ehemalige kurmeliter kirche(某教堂)--(2路電車)BURGRING(車站名)--Mozar museum(下車就可以看到莫扎特博物館前面有雕像)--albrtina museum(博物館)--statsopern museum(實際上這一片是博物館區)--Karl splatz(車站裡面又一個音樂廁所。。。0.7歐元一次)--karnter ring(歌劇院很漂亮~)--(往前一直走)wien museum(維也納博物館)--(斜對面)musik verien(貌似這就是大家所稱道的金色大廳了實際上。。。很小)--(電車D路)Karlskirche(卡爾大教堂很美但是外面在動工我們被趕了出來。。。天知道我們怎麼進去的)--(隔壁)technische universitat wien(維也納技術大學)--(進附近的地鐵D號線)burgtheater(某劇院)
⑥ 急求用簡單的英文介紹中國,說服老外來中國旅遊的文章!!
China is a vast land, rich in tourism resources. It comes out in front in the world in scenic spots and historical sites, spectacular landscapes, and colorful and varied national customs. At present, there are two major tour routes in China: One is the 「S」-shaped traditional tour route, containing famous political and cultural cities such as Beijing, Xi』, Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou; the other one is the crescent-shaped tour route containing coastal open regions, such as the Liaodong and Shandong peninsulas and the Yangtze and Pearl river deltas. Following the 「S」-shaped tour route, tourists may climb the Badaling Great Wall and visit the Imperial Palace and Temple of Heaven in Beijing, and view the terracotta warriors and horses excavated from the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, the Stele Forest and the Great Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi』an, wander along the bustling Bund and Nanjing Road and through the Pudong New Zone in Shanghai, enjoy Suzhou』s gardens and the sights of the West Lake in Hangzhou. Following the crescent-shaped tour route, visitors may get some idea of the enormous changes which have taken place in the open coastal cities since the initiation of reform and opening to the outside world, and appreciate the charming seaside areas in north and south China. Moreover, the coastal towns all have holiday villages and various recreation facilities.
In 2000, China is sponsoring the 「New Millennium-China 2000」 The program consists of dozens of tourism celebrations and festivals, such as the Ice and Snow Festival, Lantern Festival, and Pingyao Ancient.
City Cultural Festival. Nine specially chosen tourism routes along the Yangtze River, Yellow River and
Three Gorges are expected to attract more foreign tourists. Meanwhile, China is starting large-scale promotion activities in the domestic tourism market, so as to make the Chiense people get to know their own country』s tourism resources better. During the China Century Tour activities, China is
promoting 「China』s World Heritage—World-Level Tourist Attractions in the 21st Century」 as China』s competitive procts in the international tourism market.
Chinese music, dance and opera, and the culture and customs of ethnic minorities are treasure stores of tourism resources. Coming to China, tourists appreciate folk art, including uniquely charming Peking Opera performances and comic dialogues, and also learn about ethnic customs such as the Dai Water Sprinkling Festival, Yi Torch Festival, Bai March Street, Zhuang Singing Festival and Mongolian Nadam Fair. Besides, tasting Chinese cuisine is an absolutely necessary part of touring in China. The Beijing Roast Duck of the Quanjude Restaurant, Mongolian boiled mutton, Guangdong』s roasted piglet, Hangzhou』s West Lake vinegar fish, Sichuan』s spicy beancurd and a variety of local-flavor snacks are only some of China』s culinary delights.
⑦ 有沒有什麼英文書是寫外國人到中國旅遊的經驗的
⑧ 外國人來中國旅遊最常選擇的旅遊路線
D1:乘飛機或火車前往北京,接機或火車後自由活動或導游視接團情況具體安排,入住酒店。 D2:游覽天安門廣場,紀念堂(政策性關閉則觀外景),故宮,北海,車游皇城根遺址公園、阜景文化街,尋宗問祖-歷代帝王廟(自費60),觀看降旗儀式,逛王府井步行街,品東華門風味小吃(晚餐自理)。 D3:游覽「萬園之首」-頤和園,圓明園遺址(自費60),參觀藏醫葯 文化,鼓樓(拜財神),水晶玉殿,車覽中華世紀壇及中央電視塔外景;晚觀京城雜技表演(自費60)。 D4:參觀玉器城,明朝帝王十三陵之首陵-長陵,長城滑道(自費60)登八達嶺長城,遠眺十三陵水庫,博覽城,車覽亞運村外景和2008奧運會址。 D5:天壇公園(大門票),紀曉嵐故居-閱微草堂外景,土特產超市-免費品嘗北京果脯,送機或火車返回,結束行程 服務標准: 1 贈送:天安門集體彩照、烤鴨酒水風味餐、菖蒲河公園、皇城根遺址 2:飛機民航正班/火車新空特快硬卧蘇州直達北京; 3:准三星酒店雙標房; 4:餐圍桌 15元/人正,北京供四早五正餐 5:景點首道門票 6:空調旅遊車 7:地方陪同導游服務 8:旅行社責任保險http://sxlv.5d6d.com/thread-4-1-1.html
全程三個購物,購物隨客意,含機場接送 特價:2470元/人 [size=+0] D1:蘇州/崑山集合,乘車往機場,無錫/上海飛昆明、游覽有金碧交輝之稱「金馬碧雞坊、忠愛坊」,東西寺塔,入住酒店。 【昆明】 D2:游覽世界地質公園石林(阿詩碼、劍峰池),觀賞喀斯特地貌,下午汽車往大理。 【大理】 D3:洱海源(自理118元/人),崇聖寺三塔,蝴蝶泉,下午抵麗江,游華民族的瑰寶之稱—大研古鎮,四方街,欣賞小橋流水人家。 【麗江】D4:游覽玉龍雪山風景區——雲杉坪(自理),甘海子,白水河、夜遊束河古鎮。 【麗江】 D5:早餐後返大理,游覽大理文獻名邦的大理古城,洋人街,下午返昆明。 【昆明】 D6:自由活動,可自願去鮮花市場,昆明/無錫/上海,專車接回蘇州/崑山,全程旅遊結束。 標 准: 1、已含大理風光一日游107、麗江古維費40、雪山進山費80 2、機票、機場建設費、空調旅遊車 3、用餐5早8正 4、景點大門票 5、三星酒店雙人標准間 6、地接導游服務 7、旅行社責任保險
線路四:海南特色海景五日游(最好的海景行程) 2250元/人 2250.00 元 1 12天18小時
線路三: 海南陽光旅程四星純玩五日游 2160元/人 2160.00 元 1 12天18小時
線路二: 海南海島純玩五日游 1960元/人 1960.00 元 1 12天18小時
線路一: 海南--精品溫泉【純玩】雙飛5日游 特價:1900元/人 1900.00 元 1 12天18小時
櫃台商品 現價 數量 剩餘時間
線路F:成都、都江堰 青城山 樂山 峨眉山雙飛五日游 2580.00 元 1 8天18小時
線路E:成都、海螺溝冰川溫泉雙飛五天 2400.00 元 1 8天18小時
線路D:成都、九寨溝、牟尼溝、峨嵋、樂山四飛七日游 3950.00 元 1 8天18小時
線路C:成都、九寨溝、牟尼溝、峨嵋、樂山雙飛七日游 2500.00 元 1 8天18小時
線路B:成都、九寨溝、牟尼溝四飛五日游 3550.00 元 1 8天18小時
線路A:成都、九寨溝、牟尼溝雙飛五日游 2250.00 元 1 8天18小時