① 湖北普陽文化開發建設股份有限公司怎麼樣
② 湖北新晉4A景區有哪些
③ 湖北有哪些風景名勝古跡要詳細的!
荊州市 荊州古城歷史文化旅遊區 洪湖藍田生態旅遊風景區 荊州博物館 漳河 荊州碑苑 荊州關公館 荊州盆景園 萬壽園 神農架林區 巴東神農溪旅遊區 神農架紅坪景區 神農架神農頂風景區 神農架天燕原始生態旅遊區襄樊市 隆中風景區 谷城縣南河小三峽 谷城縣薤山旅遊度假區 米公祠 南漳縣水鏡庄 米芾紀念館襄樊錦綉園高新農業觀光園 襄樊棗陽青龍山熊河風景區 湯池峽溫泉度假區 五道峽 南河風景區白水寺 襄樊南漳香水河風景區 襄樊襄王府綠影壁 宜城張自忠將軍紀念館十堰市 武當山 房縣野人洞(谷)旅遊區 黃龍電廠工業生態旅遊區 月亮湖山莊旅遊區 九華山 桃花湖房縣神農峽景區 伏龍山 牛頭山 十堰市人民公園 四方山植物園 隨州市 隨州高貴三潭風景區 隨州炎帝神農烈山 隨州曾侯乙墓恩市施土家族苗族自治州 恩施市梭布埡風景區 恩施土司城 恩施州龍麟宮景區 黃岡市 東坡赤壁風景區 浠水縣三角山旅遊風景區 大別山薄刀峰風景區 薊春李時珍紀念館 浠水聞一多紀念館 黃石市 雷山風景區 青龍山公園 東方山 荊門市 荊門市龍泉公園 京山天河度假村 荊門市博物館 王莽洞風景區 荊門京山大洪山鴛鴦溪 仙桃市 仙桃市沔城風景名勝區 咸寧市 湖北赤壁中華水滸城 赤壁旅遊區 潛山國家森林公園 通山縣闖王陵景區 澄水洞 太乙洞 星星竹海玄素洞孝感市 湯池溫泉旅遊景區 孝感大悟鄂豫邊區烈士陵園 董永公園
④ 在黃岡有哪些景區值得一去呢
⑤ 李時珍第十七代傳人
李國勇 1969年重陽之日生於中醫世家,五歲起隨父學醫,七歲起隨父懸壺濟世,歷經近四十多年的研學求證,將佛、道、醫、儒、武的哲學、醫學思維融會貫通。
李國勇著書並出版的《本醫綱目》, 是集醫學之大成的系列著作,已經面世的《本醫綱目之望診篇》,是中國傳統醫學的本源宗旨,書中融中西醫學智慧,把相學、經絡及解剖圖示等相互印證,通過望形色、望經絡、望藏象,層次遞進,達到望人知病、望病知因、望因知法的至高醫學境界。
2001年李國勇因研製「李氏化石散」 (對治癒癌症有效率達99 %),被21世紀自然醫學大會組織委員會授予「自然醫學傑出人才」稱號。其所研製的四種中成葯:李氏百補散、李氏養生丹、李氏醒神丹、李氏化石散,獲得聯合國世界和平基金會頒發的21世紀自然醫學優秀成果獎。
Li Guoyong, is the seventeenth generation of famous Chinese Sage of Medicine in Ming Dynasty ---Li Shizhen, the author of Compendium of Materia Medica (《本草綱目》) a great book of traditional Chinese medicine in China. Li Guoyong is chief of the sect of the twenty-second generation of Li's medicine and a famous contemporary TCM master.
Li Guoyong was born on the day of Chongyang in 1969 in a family of traditional Chinese medicine. He studied medicine with his father at the age of five and practiced and helped people with his father at the age of seven. After nearly 40 years of research, professional TCM experience and verification, he integrated the philosophical and medical thinking of Buddhism, Taoism, TCM, Confucianism and Martial arts perfectly together.
Li Guoyong integrates traditional Chinese and Western medicine in acupuncture, massage, Qigong and various folk therapies to create a Six-dimensional Holographic Diagnosis Therapy. He uses Yin and Yang, four pillars, five elements and eight diagrams to measure indivial space-time and life and health trajectory. He uses holographic dialectical demonstration to treat nine major systemic diseases of the human body, and establishes a unique diagnosis and treatment plan and treatment method for specialized personnel, specialized disease, specialized prescription.
So far, Li Guoyong has successfully cured tens of thousands of patients and critically ill patients in China and interrogated patients in 40 countries and more than 30 heads of state and dignitaries, including former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.
《The Outline of Traditional Chinese Medicine 》《本醫綱目》
Li Guoyong's The Outline of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a series of works which collect the great achievements of medicine. The Inspection of the Outline of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which has been published, is the original purpose of traditional Chinese medicine. It combines the wisdom of Chinese and Western medicine and corroborates the Physiognomy, meridian and anatomical illustration, and achieves the goal of knowing the cause of disease and disease by looking at the shape, meridian, visible image and progressive levels,consequently, to reach the supreme medical realm of inspecting people to know their disease, the cause of disease and the medical regulations.
As a sister book of the Li family's Compendium of Materia Medica, The Outline of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a compulsory course in diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine for Li's descendants. It sums up the perspective of visitation and the methods of practice, and advocates that all doctors can reach the highest level of "seeing, hearing, asking and touching" by inspecting and practicing.
In 2001, Li Guoyong was awarded the title of "Outstanding Talents of Natural Medicine" by the Organizing Committee of the 21st Century Natural Medicine Congress for his research and development of "Li Shi Stone Dissolving Powder" (99% of the effective rate for curing cancer).
Four kinds of Chinese patent medicines have been developed: Li's Baibu Tonic Powerder, Li's Yangsheng Dan, Li's Xingshen Dan and Li Shi Stone Dissolving Powder.
He was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award of Natural Medicine in the 21st Century by the United Nations World Peace Foundation.
As Chairman of the Board of Directors of Li Shizhen International Chinese Medicine Instry Management Group and President of Li Shizhen College of Cultural Heritage of the Chinese Academy of Culture and Art, Li Guoyong has actively devoted himself to the public welfare undertakings of Chinese medicine culture. He is planning and operating Chinese medicine instry bases and instrial parks in several provinces and regions in China. He is determined to popularize Chinese medicine culture both domestically and internationally and to make the world in benefits of health and happiness.