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❶ 求:旅遊業品牌發展戰略的英文資料

First, the development of the tourism brand strategy

Brand-driven business is tourism enterprises to truly realize the value of the assets, brand strategy is a scientific management system. Mainly includes the following components:

1, for the correct positioning of the tourism market

This is a city or region of the core values of tourism image. To build a city or regional tourism image of the tourist center of the issue of brand building, which requires integration of the tourism image of factors, a comprehensive tourism information to the image displayed, showing the face of tourism consumers, so that the target audience of urban or tourist areas have a clear the impression that stimulate their awareness, the desire to participate.

2, shaping the meaning of brand

Fifty years ago, the value of tourism enterprises by nearly 80% of tangible assets such as plant, equipment and inventory and so on. Today, tourism enterprises for nearly 50% of the value of a decision by the intangible assets. These usually do not directly appear in the accounts, the relatively difficult measurement. However, these assets, the most important is the brand of tourism enterprises.

Shape the quality and content of the brand, improve customer loyalty is one of many tourist enterprises trends. Food and beverage market in order to break through the existing business model of the "bottleneck" and change consumer hotel "luxurious style, but very expensive business deserted" the view of the Xiamen Jinyan Hotel in the food and beverage operations, bold innovation, and make full use of Xiamen Airlines Hotel , Quanzhou Aviation Hotel, Wuyishan Zhuang restaurant chain advantages of centralized purchasing, and Xiamen, through 23 large-scale fishing vessels to establish cooperation alliances, as well as rely on the Xiamen Airlines flight advantages, expand the vision of the procurement as well as outside the country, as far as possible, rece the food and beverage procurement cost and establish a high-end hotel concept of the civilian population of the consumer. In ensuring high-quality food under the premise of the hotel continue to introce new dishes to meet the needs of people of different levels of consumer demand, a growing business is booming, catering turnover ranking the top hotels in Xiamen. At this point, that is often said the "soft power." For "soft power" the more adequate understanding of the "soft power" a higher level of attention, a city or region's tourism procts and services will be needed for people. Brand can be said is a "soft power" of the Dacheng, is "soft power" as an important performance. Today, tourism is not the consumer robots, they have not just simply take out travel procts, but in the choice of a concept and attitudes.

3, based on the quality of system management, brand management standardization, and scientific proceres.

At present, China has introced a number of tourism enterprises ISO9000 international standards, established a quality management system, and some also adopted the ISO9000 quality system certification, so that scientific brand management, and international standards. China is already 28 to implement the World Heritage ISO14000 international environmental management standards, and six have been through this environmental management system. However, it should be emphasized that the introction of ISO9000 international standards, it is only for tourism enterprises to create the conditions to participate in international competition, but by no means a magic weapon for the formation of a competitive advantage. Quality management system can be copied, but the concept of brand can not be copied, can not be copied, only the concept of tourism enterprises in order to truly create a competitive advantage.

4, through the network operations, to achieve brand expansion.

Tourism businesses are tourism services are intangible procts, the proction process is the consumption process, visitors can not purchase procts that immediately come into contact with. Relative brand instrial procts, it is soft, and the need for consumers to enjoy services in the course of feelings. Therefore, a travel agency or hotel can attract more tourists, but also to visitors to its brand influence. Moreover, the tourism proct of its proction and consumption at the same time, the decision to promote the tourism brand can not be like any other brand of instrial enterprises, through the flow of procts to achieve, and only by consumers - to achieve the flow of tourists, thus for tourism enterprises, network operators must pass in order to achieve an effective expansion of the brand.

Second, brands with the future development of tourism

Brand and the future of tourism showed the following characteristics:

First, is the only way to participate in international competition.

Spain Tourist Office in China on behalf of Arthur羅克拉韋爾said: "Europe's' China fever 'is an indisputable fact, many travel agencies in Spain, said the Chinese tour groups to the sale of bread to sell as fast as like. "However, the desire for quick profits brought about by a number of issues, such as an increase in theft cases, travel agencies, agreed to randomly change the lines, attack on the tourists sit idly by and so on, have begun to appear. Chinese tourists to travel on the local travel agents complained repeatedly, some smaller travel agencies in order to earn quick money disregard the interests of home visitors, tourists and tour guides resulting contradictions and conflicts between. These discordant phenomenon that in a competitive era of economic globalization, the need to create an international brand, it will help tourism enterprises in international markets surging in the right navigation, on the other side towards success.

Secondly, the established market position, create a number of travel brands and rece the impact of market competition.

To develop tourism enterprises in international markets should only have a global brand, from the surface, the answer is obvious, it should be in the affirmative. How to build a global brand in China this? Shanghai Ogilvy & Mather advertising Zhang, senior planning officer said: "Brand advertising is not the only means of establishing a strong brand can bring to consumers the memory of a moment, while the value of this memory is impossible to measure, more and more enterprises will be the focus of attention is the quality of clients rather than the number of customers. "

Over the years, Guangxi, Yunnan, Inner Mongolia, Fujian, Zhejiang, Huangshan, Wuyishan scenic tourist city and so have introced a wide range of tourism procts, to create their own brand of tourism. Northwest Yunnan in China, there is a with the United States comparable to the Grand Canyon of the East Grand Canyon - Grand Canyon River. Nu Autonomous County of Gongshan Dulong territory and give full play to advantages of resources to the organic integration of tourism and culture, want to create "Three-River Pearl," "River Grand Canyon" world-class tourism brand. In 2006, announced to build the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to possession of Princess Wencheng legend, the myth of the Kunlun Mountains, Tea Horse Road, the theme of anecdotes唐蕃古道"Seven brand" the project. Fujian also focus on creating Gulangyu music culture, political culture vessel Fuzhou, Wuyishan World Heritage, Putian Meizhou Mazu belief, Quanzhou Maritime Silk Road, Zhangzhou Tianfu Tea, seven土樓Yongding tourism brand.

Third, the franchise brand and the close combination of the search for "famous brand" shock effect.

China Franchise Association Franchising is defined as "the concession will be of its own trademarks, trade names, procts, patents and proprietary technology, business model, such as in accordance with the terms of the contract, the franchisor under a unified business model to engage in business activities to pay the appropriate license fee. "This franchise is characterized, it will a unique commodity, trade marks, patents and business model a set of combination of complex intellectual property rights.




















❷ 如何做好旅遊品牌的策劃以及營銷


❸ 旅行社怎麼做品牌營銷

比如說,現在的旅遊廣告滿天飛,許多都是某某國旅、某某中旅,其實就是地名加國旅或中旅。對國旅總社或中旅總社這樣的大社而言,無形中加大了品牌風險,因為只要有一家國旅或中旅出了事,消費者就會對整個國旅系統或中旅系統不信任;對某某國旅或某某中旅來說,長期以來自己對品牌作的投資都將成為別人的資產,說到底就是沒有自己的品牌。 品牌的實質到底是什麼品牌是產品和服務與消費者各種關系的總和。它首先是某種標志、符號;其次,是消費者使用某種產品的體驗和感受。每個品牌的背後都有一種產品或服務支撐它,但同時品牌又必須超越這種產品或服務,而相對獨立存在。不同的國家、不同的文化,對品牌的理解也有所不同,比如日本就把品牌理解成誠信的、可靠的東西。品牌要歷經兩次驚險的跳躍,一次是從產品名變為商品名,另一次是通過不斷傳播積累使牌子成為資產,品牌的終極形態是無形資產。 對旅遊業而言,旅遊是經驗商品,是生產和消費都同步的不可逆商品,旅遊的實質是服務,服務是建立在人與人關系的基礎上的有償勞動。旅遊是人們從A到B的整個經歷過程,旅遊服務至始至終都存在於這個過程中。 品牌的實質是關系,是產品及其名稱與消費者發生的各種關系的總和,品牌的價值是建築在消費者對品牌的綜合體驗感受評價上的,品牌不僅僅是一個名稱,它更是在滿足市場需求過程中升華出來的一種資產。 旅遊與品牌說到底都是在做關系的文章,旅遊服務其實是與品牌建設相通的,旅遊要做的就是統籌資源並把一切細節做好,品牌真正要做的也就是細節,把每一個標志、每一句口號、每一種色彩、甚至每一處細小的字間距都做得恰到好處,分毫不差。 旅遊品牌的創造,除了做好基本的旅遊服務以外,更要使整個服務具有品牌的感覺和效果,品牌建設就是要在消費者心中烙上事先策劃好的品牌形象、認知和態度變化,並使之長期不變形,習慣成自然,形成品牌忠誠。旅行社需要專業的品牌營銷策劃旅行社其實都想做品牌、做營銷,但許多都不知道怎麼做,這就需要專業的旅遊營銷策劃公司。深度旅遊策劃管理公司就是一家這樣的旅遊品牌營銷策劃公司。 深度旅遊策劃管理公司憑借豐富的營銷策劃經驗和旅遊從業經驗,專門摸索了一套針對旅遊的實戰營銷理論深度旅遊營銷,理論的核心是在品牌戰略指導下系統解決旅遊整合營銷的方法。這種營銷模式是建立在旅遊營銷的特性之上,以品牌戰略為核心,系統化地將旅遊線路產品和品牌放到各種旅遊資源背景、旅遊企業現實背景和旅遊行業迅猛發展的背景中去通盤思考,充分把握細分市場目標群的特定需求,並將品牌內涵徹底貫徹到整合營銷傳播的每一個環節、層面,同時考慮旅行社、旅遊景點、交通運輸、住宿等機構的網路聯動和傳播效率的最大化,使品牌精髓一層一層有機地滲透到各機構和消費者心中。 一起放眼新景界 旅行社究竟該怎樣走品牌發展道路?深圳國旅同樣也面臨著品牌泛化的問題,在這種背景下,經過對市場的周密調查和分析,針對行業自身的特點和存在的問題,深圳國旅決定推出新景界品牌戰略,在激烈、低層次且無序的競爭環境下,導入品牌戰略,走出一條自己的路來。根據目標客戶的需求,走價值旅遊路線,倡導人性化和個性化的旅遊。深圳國旅實施的新景界品牌戰略在目前激烈的價格競爭中無疑是給行業吹來一股撲面的清風。 新景界源於新境界,她帶給消費者的是和以往到此一游、走馬觀花完全不同的經歷和感受,是每一次都有新發現的、一生難忘的旅遊體驗,是人性化、個性化的旅遊,是旅行社業一道全新的風景線。 新景界的品牌定位為新時代,人性化的專業旅遊,其內涵為:以新的服務理念、服務模式和嶄新的形象展現在社會面前,提供高品質和富有特色的產品和服務,既是傳統意義上的旅遊服務企業,又是新型旅遊文化的創造者、開拓者和傳播者,更是現代生活方式的創造者:它強調人性的自由、自在、自我,強調對生態環境和特色文化的保護,強調人與自然的和諧新境界,強調生活的質量和品位,推崇積極向上的生活態度;它既充分尊重人,更強調大自然生態環境,注重人和自然的溝通,激發人的靈性和潛力,從心創造有意義的人生體驗。 所謂人性化,就是以人為本,處處從顧客的需求出發,一切為顧客著想,並將具體行動落實於各個服務細節。千名長者溫馨結伴港澳游案例成功之處就在於一點:整個的產品設計你是站在做子女的角度去想的,哪怕是口岸和交通工具的選擇。重要的是,遊客從細微之中看到你是一家值得信任的、處處為遊客著想的旅行社,這可以為你帶來不可估量的回報。長久的、堅持的理念以及相應的行動是品牌成功的必經之路。 在品牌理念的指導下,新景界細分市場並規劃了不同子品牌,推出的一系列產品均獲得了成功,如尋源香格里拉、千名長者溫馨結伴遊港澳、深圳情侶,陽朔有約等品牌線路產品。 新景界在推廣策略上,全方位推出新旅遊概念、新形象推廣、新產品包裝、新服務體系、新促銷舉措;所有的媒體宣傳、公關活動都圍繞新字展開,一改旅行社在人們心目中無新意、無特色、無差異、無保障的陳舊印象,塑造國旅新景界的嶄新品牌形象。 其推廣口號是:一樣的旅遊,不一樣的新景界! 深圳國旅實施新品牌戰略,並非一蹴而就,而是有策略、有步驟地從深圳國旅新景界,到國旅新景界,再過渡到新景界,並通過整合品牌營銷的一系列手段,一步一步走向健康良性發展的道路。 綜上所述,品牌戰略將是想在未來競爭中脫穎而出的旅行社的必由之路。

❹ 旅遊企業常用營銷戰略有哪些類型

倒是可以參考旅遊城市--多彩貴州 的營銷戰略

http://www.team-brand.cn/Case-545.html 這是天進品牌官網,就是多彩貴州成功背後的諸回葛亮,詳細介紹了多彩貴州的答營銷戰略

❺ 怎樣打造旅遊文化品牌


❻ 旅遊產業如何打造成功的地方文化品牌


❼ 旅遊品牌營銷最核心的是什麼


❽ 旅遊業,品牌戰略,服務業經濟,品牌建設用英語怎麼講哦

Tourism Instry旅遊業;
Brand Strategy 品牌戰略;
Service Economy服務業經濟;
Service-led Economy 以服務業為主內導的經濟;
Brand Building品牌建設
^^ 歡迎採納

❾ 環境國際旅行社有限公司的環境國旅的品牌戰略


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