㈠ 求旅遊英語導游機場接機的情景對話,要20句
A:Hi, are you Catherine?
B:Yes, Jason, right? Nice to meet you. Welcome to Taiwan.
A:Thanks, good to meet you, too.
B:You had a long flight, you must be tired.
A:Yes, and the food was horrible!
B:Oh, sorry to hear that. But, don worry! Taiwan has plenty of great things to eat. First, lets get you to the hotel.
A:Great! How will we be getting there?
B:My car is in the parking lot, lets go this way. Let me help you with your bags.
A:Good evening, sir. Are you Mr Jim Stewart from the States?
B:Ah, yes, that's right.
A:Glad to meet you, Mr Stewart. I'm the guide from Pacific Tour Agency. My name is Zhang Hua.
B:Hello, I was just looking for the guide.
A:I'm always at your service, sir. By the way, did you have a pleasant trip?
B:Not bad. But I've made too many flights these days. I could hardly remember how many take-offs and landings I've been through these three days. I think we all feel a bit tired.
A:Well, shall we go to the hotel right now? I've already made a reservation for you.
B:Wonderful. I'm eager to take a sauna as soon as possible.
A:So we must get you to the hotel as soon as possible. I hope to see you refreshed and revitalized tomorrow morning, as we are going to visit the Great Wall.
B:I am sure we will. Actually, we are looking forward to seeing the great wonder.
A:Come this way, please. The coach is waiting outside.
B:Fine, let's go.
㈡ 旅遊英語情景對話
㈢ 旅遊英語情景對話
STUART: I'm glad I brought my jacket on this trip.史都爾:還好這趟行程我有帶夾克來。: Yes, I didn't know Washington, DC got so cold in winter.雪倫:是啊,我不知道華盛頓特區的冬天這么冷。STUART: What would you like to do today?史都爾:今天想做什麼?SHARON: I really think we should take a tour of the White House.雪倫:我真的覺得應該去參觀白宮。STUART: I thought we could go to some of the museums.史都爾:我覺得可以去參觀博物館。Don't you want to see the museums?你不想去嗎?SHARON: Of course. But today I feel like seeing the White House.雪倫:當然想啊,但是今天我想去白宮。 We should see it first, because it's the most famous historical building here.我們應該先去那裡,因為它是這里最有名的歷史建築。STUART: I don't agree. I think the Capitol building is the most famous.史都爾:我不這么認為,美國國會大廈才是最有名的。But okay. If you want to see the White House, we'll go see it.不過沒關系,如果你想去白宮,那就去吧。I'm just afraid it will be boring.我只是怕會很無聊。SHARON: Boring? How can it be boring? It sounds very interesting to me.雪倫:無聊?怎麼會呢?我覺得很有趣啊。STUART: But it's the White House. The president and his family live there.史都爾:白宮是總統和他的家人住的地方。They won't let us see most of it. Probably we can only see a couple of rooms.他們很多地方不會讓人參觀的,或許只能參觀幾間展覽室而已。SHARON: No, that's not true.雪倫:不是這樣。The White House is very big. And there are a lot of historical exhibits there.白宮很大,有很多歷史文物。The tour will take us through many different rooms. I read about it in the guide.導遊人員會帶我們參觀各個展覽室,旅遊指南上有說到。STUART: Hmm. If that's true, then the security there must be very good.史都爾:如果是這樣,那麼保安工作要做得非常好才行。Because it's strange to think they will let people walk around in the White House.因為隨便讓人在白宮走動是很奇怪的。SHARON: I'm sure the security is very tight.雪倫:我相信保安工作一定很嚴謹,Probably they will make us walk through metal detectors like at the airport.可能像機場那樣必須通過偵測器。STUART: So I can't take my gun then.史都爾:那麼我就不能帶槍啰!SHARON: Don't always joke like that! You don't have a gun.雪倫:別老是開這種玩笑,你根本沒有槍。STUA 我推薦一個口譯教材韓剛口譯入門學習法。
㈣ 導游和遊客英語情景對話,需要帶景點的。
遊客:Where shall we go at first? 我們首先要去哪?
導游:In general, many people go to Yunnan Nationalities Villages at first while they come to Yunnan in the first time. 一般大多數人第一次來雲南的時候會選擇去雲南民族村.
遊客:Why? 為什麼呢?
導游:Because there are 26 kinds of minority peoples live there, and the arts and handicrafts of minority peoples are a splendid legacy. 因為那裡有26種少數民族居住.並且少數民族的工藝美術異彩紛呈.
遊客:I think that will be interesting. 我想那會非常有趣.
導游:And you can buy some souven
㈤ 請一個有關旅遊的英語情景對話(中文也行)
A:Hello! B:Hi! A:How was your vacation? B:It was great! A:Where did you go on vacation? B:I went to Tokyo with my family. A:Really?Wow!What did you do there? B:Well,we went to a lot of museums. A:Oh,how were they? B:They were really interesting. But they werealso very crowded. A:Did you go shopping? B:Yeah,I did. A:How were the stores? B:Oh,they were very expensive. A:And how were the people?Did you meet any japanese people? B:Yeah,the people were really friendly.My parents have some Japanese friends, and we had dinner at there house. A:How was the food? B:It was delicious. I love Japanese food! A:Really? You have a good time. B:Yes. I have a good time. 這個行嗎??? 可能有些錯誤 你自己改一下吧
㈥ 旅遊顧問的情景對話--用英語!!
㈦ 以旅遊為話題的情景對話五個人
A: It's wonderful that I have ten days holiday. I want to start a trip, but I don't koow where to go.
B:That's a long holiday,you can relax yourself happily.Well,last month my friend Li came to Harbin for a trip.When he came back,he told me many interesting things about Harbin, such as the people there are friendly,the foods there are chip and tasted,the most important thing is that you will not spent much but can still enjoy yourself in the natural snowy days.Actually,after this talk with him, my little daughter hope to go there at once.
㈧ 速求三分鍾陌生人情景對話,話題_家庭,旅遊,朋友…
㈨ 需要一個關於旅行的三分鍾英語情景對話(有要求如下),謝謝!